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ULC School Literacy Plan 2023-2024.docx
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Local Literacy Plan


Upper Little Caillou Elementary

Trisha Melancon



Section 1a: Literacy Vision and Mission Statement

Guiding Questions:

  1. What is your school/system’s focus and mindset around literacy?
  2. What is your primary, overarching goal and expected or intended outcomes for your school(s) around literacy?
  3. Is your vision and mission statement inclusive of all leaders, teachers, students, and families?

Literacy Vision

All  students will be reading on grade level by the end of 3rd grade.

Literacy Mission Statement

Students will have improved literacy outcomes through high-quality instruction and interactions by an effective teacher who is supported by leaders and families.

Section 1b: Goals

Guiding Questions:

  1. What are your overall literacy goals?
  2. Are you creating SMART goals for grade bands, subgroups, diverse learners, and teachers?
  • How are you measuring the performance of birth through grade 12?
  • What subgroups are most in need of literacy intervention?
  • How are you addressing the literacy and language needs of diverse learners?
  • How do you plan to measure teacher performance based on your literacy goals?

Goal 1 (Student-Focused)

Every student who struggles to read receives research-based literacy interventions.

Goal 2 (Teacher-Focused)

Every teacher uses literacy assessment data to monitor students’ progress and inform instruction.

Goal 3 (Program-Focused)

School uses a high-quality curriculum to teach students the foundations of reading and language and literacy.

Section 1c: Literacy Team

Guiding Questions:

  1. Who will serve on the school/system literacy team?
  2. What is the role of each member?
  3. What is your plan for conducting regular meetings, including location, time, availability, and topics?
  4. How are you monitoring the effectiveness of the plan?



Trisha Melancon


Crystal Theriot

Assistant Principal

Felecia Spiers

Instructional Coach

K - 3 teachers

Grade level teachers

Meeting Schedules

Date & Type of Meeting (Plan Review, Data Analysis, etc.)

Frequency of Meetings (Weekly, Monthly, etc.)


August 2023

Beginning of year benchmarking/reviewing of scores/create individual student literacy plans

August 2023 - May 2024


PLCs focused around student data/progress monitoring data/revise action plans

December 2023

Middle of year benchmarking/reviewing of scores/revising individual student literacy plans

April 2024

End of year benchmarking/reviewing of scores/revising individual student literacy plans

Section 2: Explicit Instruction, Interventions, and Extensions

Guiding Questions:

  1. For each specific plan and activity around literacy, what is/are your:
  • action steps?
  • timeline?
  • person(s) responsible?
  • resources?
  • alignment to literacy goal(s)?
  • evidence of success?
  1. When implementing literacy curriculum and assessments, how are you ensuring:
  • alignment to current research on foundations of reading and language and literacy?
  • cultural responsiveness?
  • connections across content areas?
  1. When utilizing literacy screeners, what are your plans for:
  • deciding which components will be measured in each grade band or subgroup?
  • how often screeners are administered?
  • progress monitoring?
  • screening and supporting students in upper grades effectively?
  1. When planning for and providing literacy interventions for struggling readers and writers, are you including specifications for:
  • students with dyslexia?
  • the EL population?
  • special education students?
  • cultural and dialectical sensitivity?

The action plan table on the next page can be used to plan out specific action steps related to literacy goals.

Action Plan


Action Steps

Person(s) Responsible


Evidence of Success

June 1 - June 30

Review prior year data to establish school system goals.

Data manager and Academics team

Literacy screeners; LEAP scores

Students and subgroups demonstrate growth in year-to-year data.

August 2023

Prepare and execute Fall Benchmarking

Admin Team + teachers

Literacy screeners

Student scores

Sept 2023

Create intervention groups based on skills


MClass database

Students grouped according to starting skill

Oct - Dec 2023

Plan and track students and interventions


MClass database/PLC notes

Students moving through tiers in intervention

Jan 2023

Prepare and execute Winter Benchmarking

Admin team + teachers

Literacy screeners

Student scores

Feb - Mar 2023

Adjust intervention groups, plan, track students and interventions


MClass database/PLC notes

Students grouped accordingly and moving through tiers in intervention

April 2023

Prepare and execute Spring Benchmarking

Admin team + teachers

Literacy screeners

Student scores

Section 3: Ongoing Professional Growth

Guiding Questions:

  1. On what are you basing your professional development needs? Are you considering:
  • teacher performance data
  • student performance data
  • observation cycles
  • teacher background knowledge and experience levels
  1. When planning opportunities for ongoing professional growth for leaders and teachers, are you including plans for:
  • ongoing training and support?
  • coaching?
  • various types of PD offerings?
  • by whom, when, and how PD will be provided?
  • PD specific to foundations of reading and language and literacy?
  • PD on high-quality interactions (such as CLASS® for birth-grade 2)?
  • monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of professional development?
  • tailoring opportunities to individual needs of teachers?

Potential PD Planning


(When can PD be scheduled throughout the school year?)


(What topics are most needed and should be covered and/or prioritized?)


(Who would benefit most from this PD? Consider also who can redeliver to other teachers/faculty.)

Aug 2023 - May 2024

PLC - specific to the needs of teachers/student data

Teachers + admin team

District Staff Development Days

Curriculum information

Teachers in those specific content areas

Section 4: Family Engagement Around Literacy

Guiding Questions:

  1. To improve family engagement around literacy, how are you:
  • including families in focus groups and other discussions with teachers, students, and leaders around:
  • specific programs to address the school’s mission?
  • families’ concerns about literacy achievement?
  • students’ attitudes toward reading and writing?
  • teachers’ beliefs about student literacy and learning?
  • providing ongoing support and communication to families?
  • considering diverse families and their specific needs or challenges in regards to communication, technology, transportation, etc.?
  • using communication methods that accommodate all families?
  1. How are you working directly with community partners to:
  • engage families and the community?
  • invest in the literacy of our youth?
  • improve access to resources?
  1. What resources and tools are you sharing with families and community partners to enhance literacy?



Accessibility Opportunities

Community Partners

Aug 2023- May 2024

Monthly Calendar

Website, sent home in communication folder


Dec 2023

Winter Family Fun Day

In-person opportunity @ school


Aug 2023

Open House

In-person opportunity @ school


Section 5: Alignment to other Initiatives

Guiding Questions:

  1. To successfully implement, communicate, and monitor this literacy plan, what are some other district or school initiatives and plans to which you should be sure to connect? Consider:
  • School Improvement Plan
  • Early childhood programs
  • Cross-curricular connections
  • Community programs
  • Alignment across schools within the system

Initiative Alignment

Other Programs/Initiatives

Connecting to Literacy

Plan to Monitor/Evidence of Success

School-wide plan

Tier 1 curriculum and supports

3 checkpoints throughout the school year to evaluate student data and make adjustments.

Section 6: Communicating the Plan

Guiding Questions:

  1. What are the implementation expectations for schools?
  • Will schools have school-based literacy teams?
  1. How will district-level personnel support schools in meeting those expectations?
  2. How will you communicate the plan to families and community members?
  3. How will you communicate the progress being made throughout the school year?
  4. How will you ensure ongoing monitoring and implementation of this plan at the school-level?
  • Will you hold quarterly meetings?
  • Will you report on progress monitoring of the plan components and goals?

Communication Plan

Stakeholder Group

Plan for Communicating


Families + Community

Facebook, JCall, Website

Oct 2023, Jan 2024, April 2024


Presentation + results

SDD in Aug, Oct, and Jan

Review the School System Literacy Roadmap for recommended timelines for action steps to promote literacy.

For additional guidance and resources, visit the Louisiana Literacy’s webpage, Literacy Library, or email                                                                   Updated A 2022