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AWSP News for April 11, 2018
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AWSP News for April 11, 2018

Hello and welcome to another episode of AWSP’s News You Can Use.

Happy National Assistant Principals Week! That’s right, it’s a big week for celebrating all the amazing assistant principals out there. I had incredible assistant principals who made our administrative team rock. Without them, I was nothing. So, if you are a principal watching this right now, it’s not too late to do something to make them feel special. Go big for your APs. We’ll be checking Twitter to see your APs featured with the #APweek18 hashtag.

If you are an assistant principal watching this and there hasn’t been a party for you yet, maybe send your principal an anonymous email telling them to head over to our Facebook page. From there, they can let us know what they most appreciate about their AP, which...well, that would be you. We’re giving away some Amazon gift cards for great submissions. Our kids deserve and need great APs. Your role is crucial. Thanks for making a difference in the lives of kids in our state.

Speaking of making a difference in kids’ lives, FINAO held their first Educator Advisory Board last month. The board’s members include revolutionary educators & thought leaders from across Washington. They help shape the direction of FINAO  to ensure the platform is addressing educator & student needs. They’ve got great new features to look forward to.

Welcome to the rapid fire section of the news. The deadline for nominations for the Governor’s Arts & Heritage Awards is July 9th. They’ve got several new categories and more chances to win.

Can’t make our May 23rd Equity Conference with WASA and WSSDA? Maybe the April 28th Teaching Equity Conference is in the cards in its place. Heck, do both if you can.

Do you know a principal who uses technology to be an even more effective school leader? Well, let’s give them the recognition they deserve AND put Washington on the map as a state with really cool principals leading with technology. Nominate a colleague by April 30th for the Digital Principal of the Year Awards.

Check out Principal Matters for more on the Arts Awards, the Teaching Equity Conference, and the Digital Principal of the Year.

We are excited to announce a brand new section of AWSP News called, “Tips from Dr. Roz.” We believe in the importance of monitoring the health of our principals. If you are not taking care of yourself, then you can’t be your best “self” for those in your building. And with’s Dr. Roz…

Thanks Scott, we could all use some reminders about our mental health. Now that it’s lighter later, I try to take a walk each night after dinner and I leave my cell phone at home.

On a related note, I do want to let you all know that On May 8, 2018, there’s a mental health summit on UW’s Seattle campus. Registration is free and there’s one session specifically targeted to building the capacity of school leadership in mental health. See Principal Matters for a link to register.

On May 8, 2018, leaders in education, health care, and business will come together to discuss innovative ways to transform mental health care in Washington State. Attendees will get updates, learn about new projects, and attend panel sessions. One of the sessions is specifically targeted to building the capacity of school leadership with regards to mental health. Registration is free and the conference will be held on the UW Seattle campus.

Thanks Roz. See you next time!

Speaking of great tips, here’s one from Dan Besett at Wilson High School.  Dan made “You Inspire Me” medallions and presents them to students who inspire him. They aren’t given out freely, only going to students going above and beyond in the spirit of giving. The students receiving these medallions feel a tremendous sense of pride and a lifelong connection to their school. Want to know more? Shoot an email to Jeannette Chantler, their office coordinator, and she’ll provide some more details. Thanks to Lifetouch for sharing this great story and to Wilson continue to inspire us.

You know who else inspires us? Principal Charlotte Stingley from Stevens Middle School in Pasco. She inspires us becomes of who inspires her. Confused? Don’t be. Grab a tissue as we revisit one of our favorite AWSP News moments.

Well that’s it from all of us here at AWSP. Keep up the great work for kids and we’ll see you next time!