Mrs. Dubberly’s Classroom Newsletter 2023-2024 School Year | ||
May-16th-Athletic Ceremony May 20th- -8th Grade Yearbook Signing Party -6th/7th Honors Night May 21st- -6th/7th Grade Year book signing Party -8th Grade Picnic May 22nd-Splash Bash-For those who earned it May 23rd-8th Grade Promotion May 24th-Last Day of School Hat Days: Each Friday-Pay $1.00 to wear your favorite hat. School Fundraiser: None at this time | Announcements: Reminder…Tennis Shoes are REQUIRED for PE. Grades will reflect this. · Absences: If your child is out, please send a written parent note or doctor’s excuse. After 5 written parent excuses, excuses will be counted unexcused, unless a doctor's excuse is on file. · Teacher/Parent communication Notebook: Your child will have a communication sheet that will be sent home daily in a binder along with homework and other important school information. Please check notebooks daily. Also, work that we have completed for the week will be sent home on Fridays for you to keep. . Please be sure to go over these with your child. Social Media Rules for Teens/Tweens (Copy and paste link) | |
Lunch Menu: | Please join our classroom community on ClassDojo. I’m using ClassDojo to connect with families, share classroom moments, and much more. Please join to stay connected! | |
Please make sure your child reads their AR book nightly. They need to return the books to school each day, so they will have the opportunity to take an AR test and check out new books. In order for your child to reach his/her AR goal for the 9 weeks, they need to maintain an 85% average and earn the points needed for their goal. Tests are taken on Mondays and Fridays. Please encourage your child to do their very best on AR. Lexile Parent Guide (I will be sending home Lexile scores) (Copy and paste link) | 7:40-9:20-Math 9:20-11:00-Activities (PE, ESOL, Computers....etc.) 11:00-11:10-Break 11:10-12:50-ELA 12:50-1:20-Lunch 1:20-2:10-Science 2:10-3:00-Social Studies | |
School Calendar 2023-2024 Copy and paste link file:///C:/Users/jdubberly/Desktop/2023-2024%20calendar%20approved%20at%2001232023%20meeting.pdf Schools are taking all precautionary measures to ensure students are in a clean and safe environment. Schools are being disinfected each night and our ALL CLEAN staff are disinfecting throughout the day. We understand that attendance is of the utmost importance, but when a child is ill it is best that he/she remain at home and follow health care provider’s recommendations about returning to school and other related activities. Please encourage your child to always do the following:
We do have signs posted throughout the buildings with reminders regarding proper hygiene. | Websites:
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· Read AR book daily-Test will be taken twice a week. Books returns are on Monday & Fridays this year. · Check the homework folder-Each student has individual homework nightly. *Study vocabulary & spelling words daily-Will be tested each Friday
Extra: Math: ELA: Science: Social Studies: | Class Supply List 2023-2024
Supplies Needed: (Supplies are provided by the school again this year)
Wish List:
*Please label all personal items*
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Each school day, we offer students a free breakfast! Please have your child arrive in a timely manner if they plan to eat each day! | ||
Teacher: Mrs. Dubberly & Paraprofessionals: Mrs. Simmons & Ms. Duke Email: S.T.M.S Phone #-912-654-1467 Planning Time: 9:20-11:00 | ||