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Inclusive Education Policy
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Inclusive Education Policy


At RE Learn & Develop we recognise that every student is unique and that every student has different needs. Inclusive education at RE Learn & Develop means that the school accepts and supports that education is for all students and this education should be equal and accessible for all of our students. Students at RE Learn & Develop are supported holistically in their academic, emotional/social and physical development. We aim for every individual student to reach their full potential, through the promotion of multilingualism, adaptable and age-appropriate assessment and enabling and enhancing the opinions of each individual student.

Inclusion is supported through close collaboration between various individuals, stakeholders and departments including the RE Learn & Develop Board, School Director, Head of School, Coordinators, Inclusive Education Coordinator, Inclusive Education teachers, Language Acquisition Department, the school counsellor, guidance counsellor, school nurse, teachers, students, and mentors. By encompassing this, we practice that diversity includes all members of our community.

RE Learn & Develop seeks to provide an environment that facilitates possibilities for all students to learn and to become part of the school, local and global community. It is our belief that students who experience a sense of community and success in school will continue to strive for further success. Through a student centered approach, we see the importance of creating achievable goals for our students to work towards their potential and become independent and confident lifelong learners, even those with learning disabilities and diverse learning needs.

In an effort to implement this policy, the school:

Integration with other school policies

The policy should be used in conjunction with the following school policies:

Provisions To Ensure Inclusion


In agreement with the IB, Inclusion is about embracing the interests of all students individually and accepting each person for who they are and encouraging them to grow through their strengths. Through mutual respect, collaboration, support and problem solving, RE Learn & Develop aims to create an environment that is friendly and welcoming to all individuals (“The IB Guide to Inclusive Education”).

Individual Education Plans (IEP)

Individual Education Plans are documents that guide teachers, students and parents on how best to support the learning of the individual child. The document includes goals for the students progress, accommodations as well as strategies for learning success. It is a working document that is updated annually, or as needed. This document is written by the Inclusive Education teacher with collaboration from the student, teacher and with input from the parents.

The Inclusive Education team can support teachers in understanding how to implement the prescribed strategies suggested in the students’ IEPs. 

School level

The school provides:

Inside the Classroom

To ensure that at RE Learn & Develop we promote the IB’s principles of teaching and learning diversity (valuing prior knowledge, scaffolding, extending learning and affirming identity and building self-esteem), lesson design is framed through the universal design for learning (UDL).  

Teachers facilitate a teaching and learning culture that:

Outside the Classroom


Files are to be kept by the school nurse and are available only to those that require access, or in some instances with approval of the parents or guardian. The school nurse may not discuss the file information with those who are not directly involved with the student, nor discuss them in public.

Students and guardians get information about the confidentiality of the school counsellor and the nurse, which is strict. The only exception to breaking confidentiality is when students want to hurt themselves or others, or if someone is hurting the student in any way. When possible students are  informed  before breaking confidentiality. Confidentiality can always be broken if the student and/or guardians gives their consent to it. Students below the age of 12 need their guardians approval for recurring sessions with the school counsellor, and it is important to know that they have the same right to confidentiality after that.

Roles and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all staff members to make themselves aware of the contents of this policy and to apply it at all times.

School Board

The School Board provides adequate funding according to the school mission and philosophy, Swedish school law and the needs of the school community

Student Welfare Team (SWT)

The SWT at RE Learn & Develop includes the Head of School, Vice-Principals, Inclusive Education Coordinator, certified special education teachers (where necessary), school nurse, school counsellor and the career guidance counsellor.  The SWT meets once a week to discuss students who may be in need of support and determines actions on how to support students.  The SWT also works proactively to support students holistically.  Students are brought to the attention of SWT through the cause for concern process (see below).  Measures and actions taken by the SWT include recommendations for outside educational psychological testing and referral to external services.  The Head of School is responsible for making the final decision on how resources are allocated and ensures that all student learning needs are being met.

Cause for Concern Process

All teachers are responsible for supporting students’ needs by differentiating, scaffolding, affirming self-esteem and building on prior knowledge. There are occasions when teachers and students will need additional support, advice, and guidance from the Inclusive Education staff members. Below is the process for referring students to the Student Welfare Team.

Inclusive Education Coordinator

The core purpose of the Inclusive Education Coordinator is to organise and manage all aspects of the  Inclusive Education Programme in accordance with RE Learn & Develop mission statement and philosophy. This requires the Inclusive Education Coordinator to have a solid understanding of Special Needs in order to provide staff, students and parents with support and advice regarding accommodations and services.

As a member of the pedagogical team at RE Learn & Develop, the Inclusive Education Coordinator is expected to liaise with the other Vice Principals and Curriculum Coordinators within the school to ensure a coherent whole school programme exists.

The Inclusive Education Coordinator may be required to carry out additional tasks that are in line with the above job description, as required by the Head of School.

Inclusive Education Team

The Inclusive Education  Team is dedicated to helping students with their academic and learning needs.  The Inclusive Education  Team is led by the Inclusive Education Coordinator and consists of PYP and MYP/DP Inclusive Education teachers and student development coaches. The Inclusive Education  Team works with students in a variety of settings both inside and outside of the classroom. The Inclusive Education Team aims to support classroom teachers to find the best means to work with each individual student, and ensure that teachers in the school are aware of and trained in best practices to support all learners.

School Nurse

The school nurse is responsible for students in need of support from a medical perspective. The School nurse carries out health checks on students and supports the SWT with medical and developmental knowledge of children.

School Counsellor

The School counsellor primary role on the SWT is to provide preventive and promotive strategies and actions with the purpose of maintaining a positive psycho-social atmosphere and environment for all students and also to ensure that through dialogue, the counsellor can support students in reaching their goals. Outside of conducting professional dialogues and meetings with individual students, the counsellor also can undertake social and emotional training with groups, and in change and development projects within the school.

The school counsellor works primarily with social and emotional issues with individuals, within groups and on a school level. The work is mainly focused on proactive and preventative strategies. The school counsellor also implements school social investigations to support students' social and emotional health. Another task is to inform about resources outside the school system and when needed collaborate with external professionals. The school counsellor is available for consultation with staff members in individual cases.

Student Guidance Counsellor

The guidance counsellor primarily focuses on providing guidance for the MYP students. This includes counseling sessions with individual students and their families regarding their opportunities for gymnasium and the application process related to it. Within the SWT, the guidance counselor provides knowledge about educational opportunities to help the team identify the best strategies for working with different students.

Class Teacher (PYP) and Subject Teachers (MYP/DP)

Teachers responsible for the day-to-day management of all aspects of the school work, including the differentiation of work for all students, including those who are being supported by the Inclusion Support Team.   Teachers identify any learning issues and report them to the Student Welfare through the cause for concern referral process (see Student Welfare Team).  Teachers are responsible for implementing teaching programmes to optimise learning including the school inclusion policy.  Teachers are to review the special arrangements of assessment as determined by the individual educational plan (reader, scribe, extra time, etc.) and arrange for such arrangements to be carried out.  Teachers ensure inclusion through implementing appropriated, differentiated activities within the classroom, adjusts the programme in line with the individual educational plans and curriculum differentiation.

Student Development Coaches (SDC’s)

SDC’s facilitate safety, security  and learning for students inside and outside of the classroom by creating a positive learning environment where all students can make progress and succeed.  They manage student learning through effective support strategies and use a variety of methods and strategies to encourage students to become independent learners.  SDC’s assist with small and large group activities as well as individuals, as directed by the Teacher.  They Support pupils who do not have English as a mother tongue by modelling, stimulating and extending language through dialogue.  SDC’s collaborate and support implementation strategies advised by the Student Welfare Team for students with an IEP as well as raise academic and social concerns regarding individual students to the Class Teacher/ Mentor.  Some SDCs will have the specific role of supporting individual students with identified, documented needs

After School Time (Fritids)

Pedagogical activities conducted during Fritids time have a strong focus on relational and emotional development. Students are observed in their play interactions, encouraged to reflect on them and work on their social skills. Learning during Fritids hours is play-based, value and group oriented. Students agency is supported through motivating students to initiate their own student-led activities, developing their interests and sharing them with their friends. Students are supported through the relationship with the Fritids staff members and students as well as through helping students to build new relationships with their peers.


All stakeholders are expected to model inclusiveness.  Guardians have the responsibility to model this with their children.  Guardians should inform the school about their child’s support requirements and any other additional information to ensure the wellbeing of their children is supported.  When applicable, meeting  and collaborating with the staff at school, classroom teachers and administration on a regular basis to support learning is essential.   Guardians should follow recommendations and decisions determined through regular meetings and the plans (support, individual education, or academic action plans).


Students have the responsibility to follow our code of conduct to ensure that inclusivity is explicit in daily actions.  Students have the responsibility to be punctual and prepared for lessons and meetings.  Students should actively take responsibility for their learning by working to the best of their ability and advocating for themselves when they need help.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care at RE Learn & Develop aims to support students holistically in their social and emotional development as well as academic support. Throughout the school our students are supported so that their individual needs are catered for and that students embody the joy of learning in all aspects of their school lives.  Below outlines pastoral care in the individual programmes at RE Learn & Develop.

Primary Years Programme (PYP)

Support to students in the PYP with emotional and social learning is conducted often through circle time together with the class teachers. The foundation of supporting students is through the development of relationships between the class teachers and student development coaches with students. Explicit teaching of the IB learner profile also enhances the opportunities for students to reflect on their individual and groups strengths and weaknesses.

Additionally within the PYP, regular assemblies provide a time where various year groups can showcase what they have learned and allows for the children to express themselves in various ways. During some of the assemblies, learner profiles are highlighted, or various topics of importance are presented and explored.

Health talks with individual students with the school nurse also enables the students to discuss their health and well-being

Transdisciplinary units in PSPE and PE support the students physical and emotional learning.

Morning Meetings (Class Meetings): Classes meet in the morning or at the close of the day to come together as a community.

Class conferences - Student led conferences are held annually in the Spring term. This gives students a chance to reflect on their learning, their strengths and weaknesses and provides an opportunity for students to present this information to their guardians.

Year Level Meetings - Class teachers and specialists come together to brainstorm success strategies to support students of concern.

Lead Mentors (PYP 1-3 and PYP 4-6)

Middle Years Programme (MYP)

In the MYP,  each class group has two mentors who act as an advisor, monitoring their social, emotional, behavioural and academic well-being as well as teaching a proactive curriculum to develop these areas.  The areas of focus are: Beyond RE Learn & Develop, Academic, Social/Health and Service as Action.  

Mentors act as a liaison between the subject teachers and home, picking up on patterns of concern that can be filtered to the SWT, School Counsellor, School Nurse or Inclusive Education Team if deemed necessary.  Mentors offer advice and support to mentor students when needed.  The mentor team is further supported by lead mentors who meet weekly with the MYP/DP Vice Principal and MYP Coordinator.

Year Level Meetings take place with teachers four times a year to discuss students of concern and proactively support and plan for student development.  In addition to this, progress talks and student-led conferences take place in each term to ensure an open dialogue between home and school.

Diploma Programme (DP)

In the DP,  each class group has two mentors who act as an advisor, monitoring their social, emotional, behavioural and academic well-being.  Mentors act as a liaison between the subject teachers and home, picking up on patterns of concern that can be filtered to the SWT, School Counsellor, School Nurse or Inclusive Education Team if deemed necessary.  Mentors offer advice and support to mentor students when needed. 

Year Level Meetings take place with teachers monthly to discuss students of concern and proactively support and plan for student development.  In addition to this, progress talks and student-led conferences take place in each term to ensure an open dialogue between home and school.

Inclusive Education Procedures

General Information

The Inclusive Education Team assists students with  learning diversity.  Inclusive Education  assists the students in a variety of ways.  The Inclusive Education Team works closely with students and assists them with writing, editing skills, reading fluency and  comprehension, spelling, basic mathematics skills, critical thinking skills, reflection skills, study skills and organizational skills.  The Inclusive Education Team  strives to be a department where students feel comfortable asking questions and where they are able to feel success.  

Eligibility and Entry into the Inclusive Education Programme

Students who have a learning difficulty or a diagnosed learning disability may be eligible for support services. Students with a suspected difficulty are discussed in the Student Welfare Team as a result of the cause for concern process and if required are referred to the Inclusive Education team for further investigation and support. Please refer to the Student Welfare Team roles and responsibilities for further information of this process.

Inclusive Education Team will meet with parents of students with diagnosed disabilities who are newly admitted to RE Learn & Develop to decide a plan for support.

* For children under the age of six who are suspected of having a learning disability, a health concern, and attention deficit issue, a speech deficit, or a behavior problems parents are directed to call their assigned health care provider.. 

Diagnostic Testing for Learning Disabilities

Being assessed for learning disabilities, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, or the autism spectrum is a long and arduous process. It usually begins when a teacher has a concern about a student’s learning. An investigation begins within the school through observation, interviews, and onsite testing with various assessment tools. If the SWT suspects a need for further investigation, the principal must approve the referral for outside assessment which may lead to a finding of a learning disability. While waiting time by outside agencies can be significant, students will continue to receive support in school during this process.

RE Learn & Develop is not legally responsible for diagnostic testing for student learning disabilities, however diagnostic testing is not required for a student to receive support, if the Inclusive Education Team deem it necessary. RE Learn & Develop can assist in locating an educational psychologist who can give the basic tests needed in order to go to Logoped or (BUP).  

Types of Testing for Learning Disabilities

Although RE Learn & Develop does not perform diagnostic testing, we do use a variety of screeners and assessment tools to better understand the students’ areas of need. These include, but are not limited to:

Inclusive Education 

How students will be supported by the Inclusive Education teachers is specified in the IEP and are determined with consultation of the parent or guardian. They are implemented in the following models:

Testing Accommodations

In some cases, the IEP will prescribe that particular testing accommodations are made. If the IEP states that an accommodation should be made, it is the responsibility of the subject teacher administering the assessment to make arrangements for this. Inclusive Education Team will guide teachers and in some cases assist if the schedule allows. Examples of testing accommodations include but are not limited to:

Review of IEP

Inclusive Education teachers regularly review grades and comments along with the goals set in the IEP. These are discussed with the students along with strategies to address patterns that might be seen in areas of needs and strengths. If significant adjustments are deemed necessary, parents may be notified to discuss the changes.

Exiting the Inclusive Education Programme

Students will no longer receive Individual Education Plans when it has been determined by subject teachers, the Inclusive Education team, the student and the parents that the student will be able to maintain a satisfactory level of performance in the general education classes.

Transition from PYP to MYP

Grade 5 classroom teachers and PYP Inclusive Education teachers meet with MYP Inclusive Education teachers and the lead mentor of Grade 6 for a transition meeting before the start of the new academic year. Students who will require continued support in MYP will be immediately eligible for the services. Please refer to the RE Learn & Develop transition guide.

Transition from MYP to Further Education

Inclusive Education teachers  and the curriculum coordinators will meet the individual student receiving support and their family to discuss plans for future schooling. Often a career guidance counsellor will also be a part of the plans to assist students in determining future plans after completing MYP.

Review of Policy

The inclusion policy is reviewed biannually according to the infographic below.

Works Cited 

International Baccalaureate Organization, 2015. Candidates with Assessment Access Requirements (Middle Years Programme). Geneva

International Baccalaureate Organization, The IB guide to inclusive education: a resource for whole school development. IB Publishing

International Baccalaureate Organization, 2010. Learning diversity in the International Baccalaureate programmes: Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes. Cardiff

International Baccalaureate Organization, 2013. Meeting Student Learning Diversity in the Classroom. Geneva

International Baccalaureate Organization, 2014. MYP: From Principles into Practice. Geneva,

“What Is Inclusion?” The IB Community Blog, International Baccalaureate Organization, 26 Aug. 2016, Accessed 9 Sept. 2016.

Contacting us

If you would like to contact us to understand more about this Policy or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to this policy, you may send an email to or contact us using our website communication forum.

Created: 13 January 2020

Updated: 3 February 2021

Review Date: June 2024