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Intermediate Band Course Syllabus
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Intermediate Band Course Syllabus

Building:  Sterling Jr. High School

Course Title: Intermediate Band

Teacher: Dillon Alas

Email:                        Phone:  (509) 888-2567

Course Description: This music performance course continues to improve students’ abilities on various wind-band instruments. Students also continue to learn more advanced music theory and ensemble playing skills. All students will perform at various events throughout the school year.

Materials: Instrument, Music, Pencil

Grading:  Students achieve their grade in a standards based grading system.  Grades are maintained within the Eastmont School District Student Information System.  The secure student information system including the gradebook for this course, are accessible to students and parents 24/7/365 through the student and parent portal via our website at

Grades are based on the following percentages and points for GPA calculations:

4.0 = 93-100 A

3.3 = 87-89 B+

2.3 = 77-79 C+

1.3 = 67-69 D+

3.7 = 90-92   A-

3.0 = 83-86 B

2.0 = 73-76 C

1.0= 60-66  D

2.7 = 80-82 B-

1.7 = 70-72 C-

0 = 50-59      F

Students are graded using the following system:


Musical Skills (How well you can play your instrument) -

Technique, Fundamentals, Rhythms, Scales, The 3 T’s: Tone, Tune, Time

This will be assessed with live playing tests and daily check-ins


Musical Knowledge (Your knowledge of music beyond playing it) -

Rhythm and Note Identification, Reading Ability, Vocab/Terminology

This will be assessed with written quizzes and daily check-ins


Musical Performances -

Concerts, Festivals, Parades, Assemblies

This will be assessed based on concert preparedness and attendance

Accommodations and/or modifications:  Appropriate accommodations and/or modifications will be provided for students with documented disabilities.  Accommodations and modifications are types of adaptations that are made to the environment, curriculum, instruction, or assessment practices in order for students with disabilities to be successful learners and actively participate with other students in the general education classroom or in school-wide activities. Specific accommodations and modifications are determined by the student’s Section 504 team or Individual Education Program team.  If a student with a documented disability is eligible to receive accommodations and/or modifications their special education case manager will contact me within the first two weeks of class and provide me with explicit directions and/or resources to implementing the accommodations and/or modifications that are included on the student’s Section 504 plan or Individual Education Program.  Communication with me is essential to the successful completion of course expectations and the implementation of accommodations and/or modifications.

Attendance, Behavior, and Performance Expectations:  Student success is dependent upon respecting and following the rules of conduct outlined in Board Policy and described in the student handbook.  Specific Band class expectations are outlined in the Student Bands Student Handbook.

Printed Documents:  Print copies of digital documents are available.  Please contact the main office for printed copies of documents that are referenced and published on the website.

Handbook: For further detailed information regarding the Sterling Band program, see the Sterling Bands Student Handbook.