Behavior Agreement Student Conduct Expectations
- Students are expected to behave respectfully to all adults and other students at all times. This includes but is not limited to politics, social issues and religion.
- Students are expected to keep their hands and feet to themselves, with no hitting, wrestling, or otherwise unwanted physical contact. Students are to have no physical contact with each other i.e. hand holding, arms around each other, etc.
- Students are not permitted to keep a teacher from teaching or a student from learning.
- Teasing, bullying or threatening other students in any way are grounds for dismissal.
- Rude, disrespectful, disruptive or destructive behavior is grounds for dismissal. No outward displays of anger or aggression including but not limited to: punching, yelling or throwing objects, will be allowed. Swearing, mean and foul language is not permitted.
- Use of or discussion of smoking, drugs, alcohol, firearms, illegal activity, or possession of any illegal substance are grounds for immediate expulsion from the program.
- No talk or paraphernalia about the occult, witchcraft, wizardry or similar will be allowed on campus.
- No talk of or alluding to sexual orientation or gender dysphoria.
- Clothing that draws excessive attention to the student and away from our learning environment is not acceptable. Clothing must be modest; not excessively tight, low or revealing, no midriffs showing, no vulgar language or inappropriate designs, not excessively ripped or dirty. Undergarments must never show. Tight pants or leggings must be worn with a top that comes down to the top of the thigh. No tube tops, strapless tops, crop tops, spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder tops or form-fitting tops are allowed. Shorts, skirts, skorts and dresses must be fingertip length. We reserve the right to determine what is appropriate.
- Participation in classes, being on time, completing homework on time, contributing to discussions and bringing all required books and supplies to class is expected.
- Skipping classes and excessive tardiness will not be tolerated and could be cause for dismissal from the program.
- Cell phones, computers, tablets and other electronic devices must be securely put away at all times unless being used privately during study hall or under teacher supervision. No electronic devices are allowed to be out during lunchtime.
- Students are to use the restroom between classes and not leave class unless absolutely necessary. Eating, hanging out or hiding in the bathroom is not permitted.
- Students are to eat in the lunch area with other students. They should try to include others in their lunch area and games.
- Students may not leave the building, walk to local establishments during the class day, or leave campus with other students. Once a student's classes are complete, they may sign out and leave for the day. If a student has a gap in their schedule, they may only leave if they are with a parent, drive themselves to campus or are 18 years or older. Any other situations and special arrangements need to be discussed with and approved by the campus supervisors each semester.
- We ask that students help keep the building clean and help with setup and clean up as much as possible.
If you have any questions about these behavior expectations, please ask your Campus Supervisors. They are happy to help and encourage you. Homeschool Connections strives to make this a great program for your family. By following these rules, we will have a great semester!
I have reviewed these rules of behavior with each of my children. I understand that faculty and staff of Homeschool Connections have the right to end my child’s/children’s participation in Homeschool Connections Classes with no refund if deemed necessary due to failure to comply with any or all of these rules.
Copyright © 2021 by Homeschool Connections Educational Services, LLC. All rights reserved. This document or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.