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Wizard’s Bet Part I
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“So all you need to do now is agree to the following rules: Every day for a week you must have an orgasm with a man from vaginal sex, after which your body will feminize even further. You will retain most of your current consciousness throughout, but start off with little ability to control your body. As the week goes on, you’ll gain more and more control until the last day. That’s when you’ll be a hundred percent of the mind you are right now, with all your current thoughts and feelings.

You’re straight, right?” Wally asks with a goofy smile, clearly teasing as you ingest his offer.

“And when I have sex on that last day?” You ask with confidence, having already won some of these wizard contests with Wally.

“If I cum inside your pussy next week, I’ll grant you three wishes of your choosing…” Wally trails off with a wicked smile, making you shiver in disgust at the mention of him cumming inside you.

Wally has the ability to do a lot of good for the world with his powers, but refuses to use them for anyone but himself. Occasionally he lets you, his roommate, play games to potentially get the littlest bit of access, but those are usually for his benefit anyway. You do love when he offers you these contests though, cuz they’re fun and he usually gives you things nobody else can.

If you win. There’s always a catch, always a way for Wally to come out with a big prize at the end. Last time you lost you had to spend the day as his dog, and you definitely don’t wanna recall what happened at the dog park that afternoon.

“I know you’re a sick bastard Wally, so what’s the catch?”

Wally laughs at your comment, “If you somehow manage to go a full day without being penetrated and pumped full of cum, you’ll keep the body you’re in and take on its life.”

“Agreed.” You say, knowing that this would trigger the magic.

Instantly your penis gets sucked up, and you feel it grow inside you as you shrink down. Your breathing picks up as your view gets lower, and you feel your nose pull back as your jaw and skull reshape. Hair flows down your back as lengthening eyelashes flutter, and you feel your lips plump up as something begins to bother your esophagus. You try to ignore it as your nipples get tender beneath your shirt, but you’re forced to breathe through your nose when your throat gets blocked completely.

Something slowly works its way up your neck as your shirt and pants warp into bra and panties, and you see delicately manicured hands reach into your mouth as you begin to convulse. Your eyes open wide as you feel something hit your polished fingers, and your eyes open wide in surprise as you realize what it is. You shudder euphorically as you quickly pull it out, a supersized replica of your old penis forcing your plump lips into an O shape as the veiny shaft massages the ridges of your throat.  Your body begins to suck as the tip hits the back of your tongue, not wanting to let the giant dildo out of your mouth.

You inhale deeply when it finally comes out, and try to breathe a sigh of relief. Instead your body plops itself on the bed.

“I could tell you’re confused, and maybe even trying to ask questions…” Wally laughs, “You don’t remember I said you would start off with no control? You only gain control back from someone coming inside you, and that will only happen once a day. After the first time you’ll stay the same, no matter how many guys fuck you that day. Penetration will always feminize your body though, as I think you’re about to find out…”

You understand every word as Wally lectures you, and you wanna protest that you didn’t understand the parameters of the contest. Instead your body asks permission to take off its panties, and Wally happily gives it. Next thing you know, the tip of that giant dildo is splitting your folds. Your body smiles as a rush of arousal makes your eyes roll back, and a deep feminine moan rings in your ears.

Instantly your voice begins to sweeten, and you feel your lips pucker as your face becomes sexier. It only takes a couple of thrusts before you orgasm, and the dildo only comes out after you’ve came several times. You feel relief for a brief moment, but know your body wants more. This is confirmed when your slippery fingers hold your quivering folds open, allowing the giant folds to easily penetrate your pussy once more.

Your body climaxes again, and repeats the same process of pulling the dildo out before putting it back in. This happens several times before you’re just physically too exhausted to thrust and bring yourself to orgasm. At this point your voice would turn anyone on, and your butt is shaped into a perfect bubble.

Wally magically dresses you as you check your body out, making you whimper as a rough cotton tee shirt lands on your tender nipples. Your thighs jiggle as tight shorts wrap around them, and you feel your lips form a camel toe in the sheer fabric.

“Tell me you don’t feel sexy…” Wally grins, his pants tenting up as your petite body bounces in place.

“Like, I just wanna cuddle with you, Daddy…” Your body coos, leaning in unaware as Wally pierces your flat belly button.

“I know what you’re up to, babe. You just want me to lay down with you, then you’re gonna rub up against me and…” Wally trails off as you giggle like someone that just got caught, “I’m gonna hold out on anything crazy til tomorrow, I only want you gaining control while I’m inside you.”

Wally kisses your forehead before going to his room and locking the door, leaving you horny and alone with a giant dildo. Your body gets to work on the dildo, but you still feel it’s longing for the real thing. Your consciousness quickly gets too tired, leaving your body on autopilot for the rest of the night.

“What the hell!?” Wally laughs, waking up the next morning to you looking completely different and dressed in a bikini.

“Daddy? Omg I barely recog- recogniate? Memberemeber? O my words are so beeky deeky right now!” You giggle ecstatically, unable to contain your euphoria as Wally checks your body out.

“That’s like, totes right big man… I like, have such a bangin bod!” You laugh, backing up to show off.

“You like the size of your boobs?” Wally asks, a smirk on his face as you laugh at his question.

“I love them! They’re so big and soft, they hurt my back a teeny wittle bit, but that’s just cuz my waist is so teensy weensy!!” You giggle, delicately palming your toned obliques as they sway.

Wally doesn’t respond, instead just walking right up to your face and waiting. Your body instantly grinds your crotch into his, and you lean forward to kiss him. Wally then snaps, and your panties disappear. You gasp in arousal and surprise, biting your lip as Wally slides his cock into your wet pussy. Your head lowers as your mind reacts to real sex for the first time, flooding your mind with feminine hormones you never experienced.

Even your subconscious is lightly tainted by the overwhelming rush, making you curl your fingers and scratch Wally as he pumps you full of man. Wait… you just curled your fingers? You tighten your grip to confirm you have control of your fingers now, and even notice your tongue move in ways you want it.

You’re too caught up in the moment to stop passionately making out with Wally, and his deep penetration forces you to cling to him as the rest of your body acts like a pro sex machine. Wally lets your lips go, and breathes into your ear.

“I can control my mouth and tongue now, so I’m just gonna ask for you to reverse this contest!” You say between euphoric moans, your voice still the same cutesy school girl even if your dialect is different now.

“You think being polite will get you out of this??” Wally aggressively whispers into your ear, “Be the most polite woman imaginable!” Wally whispers as he thrusts, “And respect everything I say like you’re my servant!” He says with another thrust, “Your boobs are gonna quadruple in size, but don’t worry about your back. I’ll have your ass and hips become larger than you can believe, your nipples will have a bigger circumference than your boobs do right now!” Wally laughs maniacally, thrusting into your willing body effortlessly as you scream internally.

He stops for a brief moment, your pussy full to the brim as Wally’s cock bulges. He gives you a wink, and suddenly your vision goes dark. His hot cum shoots up inside you, making you scream his name as your body fills with fat and plumps up. Your voice turns into an angel’s as your chest bubbles, and your waist quickly grows wider than Wally’s as he starts to kiss you again.

He grabs your ass as it inflates, pulling you into him as he continues to blast his load into you. You feel your pussy tighten around his cock, making you both moan euphorically as you milk him for more cum. You feel all his cum become fat inside you, making your body pudgy and too bottom heavy to support.

You collapse into the bed from the immense weight behind you, and Wally holds on as you continue to kiss him. You don’t want your tongue to participate, but it feels too good not to. The last bits of cum dribble into your folds, and you feel your back arch as Wally plays with your chest over your bra. You feel fat from inside your womanhood compile in your chest, turning into perfect breasts as Wally shapes them like clay. He doesn’t stop till they’re the size of basketballs, ignoring your straining bra as it painfully struggles to contain your swelling boobs. That’s when he gets up and stands over you, smiling as your body quickly removes the restricting bra.

“Why would such a kind gentleman like yourself do such an unnecessary thing??” You ask, angry at Wally for forcing your big jiggling boobs into such a small bra.

He just laughs hysterically, picking up your bra and showing you the tag. “I made you a nudist for a few minutes, so it just feels really bad to have your bra on! I would never put you in pain, the bra obviously grew with your chest!”

“O my… 36HH?? That’s outrageous, master! And I apologize for being so forward, but please don’t make me grow any larger than this.” You politely request, unable to yell at Wally or demand he make you smaller.

“Will do, m’lady.”

“Do you… Would you take the time to perhaps… Dust my rafters?” You ask sheepishly, giving in to your body’s cravings as your thighs rub together.  

“I knew you’d want more…”

“When in Rome…” You reason, too ashamed to admit you’re internally desperate for that same feeling of fullness.

Wally spends the rest of the day fucking and sculpting your body, refining it into the perfect hourglass figure as you accept your fate. By the end of the day you can barely think straight, your body pumped full of cum and enough hormones to keep your heart racing through the night. Wally snickers as you adjust your bra, your mind too unfocused to even notice it should be a few sizes bigger.

“Let’s just hope tomorrow’s as much fun as today was…” Wally chuckles as he walks to his bedroom, locking the door behind him and leaving you alone with the dildo for another night.

Continued tomorrow!!