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Bilingual e- Book: New vision of education / Nueva vision de la educacion
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Bilingual e- Book:

" New vision of education / Nueva visión de la educación"

Work Process / Proceso de trabajo :

Teachers participants write a few short articles about their vision of  education.  What is your vision for a better, quality and modern education?

Each teacher puts his  photo + a short presentation + the article on education


 Los docentes participantes escriben unos cortos artículos sobre su visión de la educación. ¿Cuál es Tu visión para una educación mejor, de calidad y moderna?

Cada docente pone su foto + una breve presentación +  el articulo sobre la educación


  Najoua SLATNIA is from Tunisia, is a teacher of spanish in the secondary school of Grombalia, Nabeul. Se’s an eTwinning ambassador, a trainer and a speaker at a national and international conferences. She was rewarded with 4 national etwinning prizes and an European Prize en 2018 (Spanish language). She is founder of several etwinning projects. She's passionate about cultures, innovation, education and Technology.


Najoua SLATNIA es de Túnez, es profesora de español en el instituto de Grombalia, Nabeul. Es embajadora eTwinning, formadora y conferencista en conferencias nacionales e internacionales. Ha sido galardonada con 4 premios nacionales de etwinning y un Premio Europeo en 2018 (Lengua Española). es fundadora de varios proyectos eTwinning. Es apasionada por las culturas, la innovación, la educación y la tecnología.

Vision of Najoua Slatnia

Lo más urgente ahora es tener una nueva visión de la educación. Creo que necesitamos dar a nuestros alumnos el tiempo y las oportunidades necesarias para pensar, reflexionar, dudar, criticar, descubrir y mostrar su inteligencia, talento y creatividad. Es necesario dejar de tratar al alumno como un elemento de almacenamiento de información, de forma robótica. Es hora de cambiar el sistema educativo actual de evaluación  y de llevar a cabo verdaderas reformas curriculares que se adapten a la modernidad de la sociedad y del mundo, independientemente de los intereses políticos y materiales.

Necesitamos una clase moderna, tolerante y abierta al mundo, una clase con condiciones favorables a nivel pedagógico y de uso de las TIC.

El respeto mutuo, el amor y la confianza entre el profesor y el alumno son elementos claves para un aprendizaje exitoso.

Como profesora, procuro no sólo formar académicamente a mis alumnos, sino también guiarles a nivel humano, psicológico y social. Veo que una clase sin emociones nunca logrará sus objetivos.

Siempre es importante orientar a nuestros alumnos y ayudarles a brillar y sobresalir e igualmente, necesitamos más motivación, libertad y respeto para que el profesor brille y resplandezca.



The most urgent thing now is to have a new vision of education. I believe we need to give our students the time and opportunity to think, reflect, doubt, criticize, discover and showcase their intelligence, talent, and creativity. It is necessary to stop treating the student as an element of information storage, in a robotic way. It is time to change the current educational system of evaluation and to carry out real curricular reforms that adapt to the modernity of society and the world, independently of political and material interests.

We need a modern, tolerant and open to the world class, a class with favourable conditions in terms of teaching and the use of ICT.

Mutual respect, love and trust between teacher and student are key elements for successful learning.

As a teacher, I try not only to train my students academically, but also to guide them on a human, psychological and social level. I see that a class without emotions will never achieve its goals.

It is always important to guide our students and help them to shine and excel, and equally, we need more motivation, freedom and respect for the teacher to shine and resplend.

Rogelio MARTINEZ DEL ORO, profesor de Latín en el IES Melchor de Macanaz en Hellín (España) y embajador de eTwinning desde la creación de esta figura; siempre apasionado de las lenguas clásicas, Europa y las TIC, he participado en numerosos proyectos tanto eTwinning como Erasmus+, habiendo recibido alrededor de 20 Sellos de Calidad, dos premios nacionales y uno europeo. El curso pasado, además de programar y conseguir un nuevo Erasmus+ para el centro (y ser el coordinador), recibí cinco sellos de calidad europeos en un mismo curso escolar por cinco proyectos realizados.

Siempre profesor de lenguas vivas como latín y griego clásico.

La educación es como el fútbol: todos opinan, profanos y eruditos del tema, y pocas son las conclusiones válidas que finalmente se alcanzan. Ya son demasiados los años que no contamos con una estabilidad programática y a ello tenemos que añadir la siempre deficiente financiación de la educación pública. Es triste ver que son los maestros quienes de forma directa y basándose en su dedicación, vocación y profesionalidad consiguen los frutos que no se podrían conseguir si en nuestra base falta el apoyo institucional. Gracias al esfuerzo diario y encomiable del profesor de a pie podemos alcanzar buen puerto, a pesar de, y no gracias a, las administraciones. Necesitamos seguridad programática, más libertad de acción, más ludificación y digitalización, más recursos, menos burocracia y papeleo inútil y sin sentido, una verdader inspección, cercana, y un verdadero apoyo delas instituciones educativas. No es difícil, sólo se necesita voluntad política… nuestro objetivo lo merece: los futuros ciudadnos europeos que se forman en nuestras aulas.

Podemos cambiar métodos, “ingeniarnos” cada día y cada momento con los alumnos… pero son demasiados los retos y las obligaciones demasiadas veces inútiles. Esto puede provocar desazón, cansancio, hartazgo… a no ser  que se favorezca de verdad el trabajo en el aula.

Marta Sanz Manzanedo, profesora de español en el IIS Vespucci-Colombo de Livorno.

Actualmente me encuentro en excedencia haciendo un doctorado sobre la formación del profesorado en TIC, un tema apasionante ya que para conseguir una educación de calidad tenemos que cambiar la metodología de nuestras clases más allá de la clase magistral.

Etwinning y su planteamiento metodológico por proyectos al que se le unen las TICA (tecnologías de la información y comunicación para el aprendizaje) es una excelente herramienta para innovar en nuestras clases. Como docentes, tenemos que ser una guía para nuestros alumnos, un facilitador para que aprendan habilidades, a buscar y seleccionar información, a crear y trabajar en equipo.

Muchos de nuestros alumnos trabajarán en profesiones que todavía no existen, por eso, más allá de transmitirles meros contenidos tenemos que formarlos en como buscarlos, seleccionarlos y fomentar su cocreatividad de cualquier tipo.

Tenemos que ser capaces de plantar esa semilla que les despierte la curiosidad a buscar más, a crear y producir mejores productos digitales o no.

En este trabajo a menudo el profesor se encuentra solo y a veces desbordado por la gran cantidad de burocracia y tareas extra didácticas que se le suelen encomendar para que todo funcione y que normalmente son a coste 0. Esto produce una desmotivación ya que te deja poco tiempo para innovar y producir actividades motivadoras ya que la mayor parte del tiempo se va rellenando papeleo o en reuniones completamente inútiles pero previstas en el plan del centro.

Creo que se necesitaría pocas medidas para intentar mejorar la situación actual pero lo cierto es que pasan los años y todas las medidas suelen incrementar la burocracia sin producir mejoras en el plano didáctico.

Athina Garbola is a secondary English teacher in a private school in Greece called Arsakeio Tositseio High  School .  She has been involved in etwinning for ten years and she is interested in new technologies and pioneering methods of teaching English to her students .

“The New School prepares students to understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society, thus making the world a better and more just place.”

My vision for education is an        education        whose        ends        are         to        empower        kids         to        improve         their         own        world,         starting        when         they         are         students.

Łukasz Kamiński is an English teacher in a secondary school (Hotel and Culinary Schools) in Gdańsk, Poland. He is an eTwinning ambassador, a teacher trainer. He was rewarded with National and European Quality Labels. He is the coordinator of many eTwinning projects. He is passionate about travelling, reading and new technologies in teaching and learning.

My vision of education is a simple one – where teachers and students can devote their entire time to actual teaching and learning, instead of being engrossed in paperwork and exam practice. What I wish for is a situation, where teachers can prepare their lessons based on their students’ needs and abilities, not only on the curriculum and exam preparation. As a teacher, I wish I could get rid of all the red tape I am always involved in and devote all my attention to my students. I would like to be able to be a guide, a manager of the class, not just the leader or examiner. Also, students should have the opportunity to study at their own pace, in small groups rather than whole classes. I wish they could study in well-equipped classrooms, where all their needs are catered for. Education should be more flexible and allow teachers to adapt their curricula, leave more room to breathe. Last but not least, I wish that new education would give students all the skills and tools that they really need in life.

 Natalia Tzitzi is an English teacher in a Primary School in Athens, Greece. She is an eTwinning Ambassador. She has been involved in eTwinning projects ever since this learning action started in Europe back in 2005. She has been awarded one European and three National eTwinning Awards. She is interested in volunteerism, she loves hanging out with friends and she is passionate about travelling and cinema.

“First of all, I believe that to achieve excellence as a teacher one needs to be able to love one’s students as much as one’s own children. Such love can act as one of the motivating factors for the teacher to seek lifelong learning. In other words, education, for me , is continuing and to be effective it requires both the ability to empathise with learners as well as the acquisition of knowledge and skills. In other words, to be  successful educators we need to be able to adapt to different teaching situations, shape our classes according to the needs of our learners, improve our techniques and methodologies in class but also be able to set the example of the “responsible citizen” which our students would care to follow.”

¿Quién soy?:

omparto mi trabajo:

El blog en el que c

Algunos de mis proyectos:

El blog para mis alumnos:


Más allá de modas y tendencias, en mi brújula de profesora , ¿a qué norte tiene que apuntar mi práctica docente para conseguir mi objetivo principal, que no es otro que mis alumnos sean mejores como estudiantes y como personas?

¿Cómo transformar los recursos didácticos en oro? (maravillosa alquimia de nuestra profesión)

Los seis magníficos

Tras larga reflexión, atenta a la evaluación de mis alumnos y a la mía propia, defino las grandes líneas inspiradoras ( cuidado, no son ingredientes, porque no hay recetas) de mi trabajo de profesora:

- Alimentar la motivación

- Brillar y hacer que brillen

- Vivir en clase emociones positivas

- Establecer una relación humana auténtica

- Transmitir la pasión (por el español y por el aprendizaje)

-  Aprender con proyectos (Erasmus + , Etwinning, Intercambios …)

No hay que descuidar el tejido humano. Un brillante profesor dotado de maravillosos recursos y de todas las competencias necesarias, lo será menos si lo humano adolece.

Los adolescentes nos enseñan esta ecuación: son sobre todo sensibles a lo que somos, luego a lo que hacemos y por último a lo que decimos.

Somos creadores de posibles, artesanos de lo humano.

Necesitamos crear y creer en los que hacemos.

Gordana Milačić is a teacher of Serbian language and literature at the Primary School "Sveti Sava" in Kragujevac (Serbia). She has been included in the eTwinning community since 2015 when Serbian teachers got the chance to access. She was the winner of the National and European Quality Marks. By including the team of teachers in the projects she worked, she managed to make her school an eTwinning school. She likes literature, music, theater and film.

Education is the most important segment of a society and the countries that understand that will have future.  The most important question of the education today is how to motivate young generations to study. I believe it's a global problem. We, the people who are engaged in the immediate work with the children, are aware that children become distanced from school and that they don't understand the basic school aims.

My opinion is that school of the future should maintain individuality, should devote more attention towards arts, nurture creativity, divergent thinking, education in the sense of civic, democratic profiling with readiness to take part in the society and develop it.

In the school of the future the most important aspects should be the capability of making students interested and the most important motivator for gathering knowledge should be love. What person loves, he knows it, as well. All the rest is empty talk. More arts, more culture, more rhetorics, more laughter as smile can show lots of self-aware issues. Creative spirit should be woken up in children, a spirit that is eager to widen and deepen the knowledge, create people who think and find the way to make every day  better as "art and culture are necessary for the people not to kill each other".

Dominique Leemans :

I don’t see myself as a teacher. I don’t educate them, I coach them.

The students we have in class now are very different from the ones I had when I started teaching 30 years ago. They are much more aware of what is happening around them and they have much more tools at their disposal than we had when we were being ‘educated’

Working with them is much more fun than it used to be. Internet changed the rules. We are no longer the only ones to know everything.

We have become coaches  who can help them progress thanks to the example we set, the inspiration we give and the love for what we do.

And we are no longer alone. Teaching could be a very solitary mission. Since I discovered eTwinning, this is no longer the case. In just one click, I am part of a great group with inspired and inspiring people. Thank you to all of you!

Armelle MANDAROUX is from FRANCE, is a mathematics teacher in the secondary school of Perthes-en-Gâtinais, the “collège Christine de Pisan”. She’s an eTwinning member since 2014. She was rewarded with National and European Quality Labels. She's currently involved in three eTwinning projects and the coordinator of one.

She likes travelling, learning about other culture and hiking.


Our world and our planet are changing. Global warming and the decline of natural resources must be taken into account in our teaching.

The new school must prepare our students for the future. They will have to be versatile. They will need to know about the environment and how to preserve and protect our planet. They must also be trained to think, solve problems and find solutions. But most importantly, it seems to me that the activities done at school must develop their abilities to work collectively and to help each other.

Verena Michael is from Germany. She is guidance counsellor and teacher and teaches Biology, English and Geography at a secondary school “Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule” in Moers.  She’s a German eTwinning and Erasmus+ ambassador and an eTwinning member since 2007. So she has been involved in several European projects - online and face-to-face. One project being awarded as one of the 20 best European success stories seems to be the biggest success but day by day there are so many  successes in the classroom, in a project,   in European collaboration that success gets a different meaning. She likes travelling, biking, playing tennis with her team and learning new things lifelong.

Our schools of today still have classrooms with closed doors, a set of desks, chairs and a blackboard but the world and the pace of change in every discipline changed a lot. The old closed classroom was a place of learning and delivering information  but nowadays interdisciplinary problemsolving in groups is what prepares our students for their future in a global society.

It is active learning, where students use newly acquired information mainly out of authentic situations from each others not limited by classroom walls  or a seating arrangements but promoted by openness to other cultures and views. Teachers are still very important and they still have to teach and being a role model but additionally they should act as coaches who accompany the learning process. With eTwinning we have a tool that makes all this possible :-

Hola a tod@s

Hablar de educación hoy es difícil pues la verdad que está cambiando mucho y tenemos que intentar ir al paso con las nuevas exigencias de los alumnos y las nuevas tecnologías. Un buen medio para innovar, motivar a los chicos es seguramente eTwinning pues te facilita los medios para comunicar con otros países, otras culturas, y con personas con las que puedes compartir actividades. Y creo que fundamentalmente la educación hoy tiene que ser sobre todo eso: poder colaborar y compartir lo que haces en clase. Todo se transforma gracias al trabajo que vas creando con la colaboración de todos. Seguramente la educación se basa en el respeto mutuo entre profesores y alumnos pues es la base para que se instaure una buena relación.

Enseñando español, siempre he considerado importante y enriquecedor para los alumnos hacer intercambios, stage de lengua, viajes; te  abren la mente y son la verdadera escuela de vida. Los chicos siempre han sacado buen provecho de los viajes, de los intercambios y la verdad que te lo agradecen siempre.

La educación es como un viaje; lo importante es ver las cosas siempre de una manera diferente o citando a Proust “El verdadero viaje de descubrimiento no consiste en ver nuevos paisajes, sino en tener nuevos ojos”

                        Greta (ver foto en “presentación  profesores”)

  Bojana Manic is from Serbia. She is an English Language Teacher in secondary school “Sveti Sava” in Pirot. She is an active eTwinner and an eTwinning ambassador for Serbia awarded with several National Quality Labels and European Quality Labels. Her school has been awarded with the label eTwinning school. She likes traveling, hiking, cycling.

Teaching in 21st century and preparing students for future jobs demands multitasking and different skills. We cannot teach using the same methods we were taught years ago. ITC, working in international groups, excellent communication skills, tolerance, respect, etc. cannot be learnt by reading and talking about them. The best way is to engage students to work in groups and guide them how to find the solution for their task using various Web 2.0 tools. Amazing things happen when a teacher and students work together and learn from each other.