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Office Work Part II
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

“You’re actually a little quicker with work than your wife, I might just wanna hire you permanently…” Mr Cooper chuckles as you set up notes for his meeting, “And you react a lot funnier to my powers  than she ever does!”

You try to ignore his cynical compliments, stretched arms spread out a bit by your large breasts as you type into the keyboard. Mr Cooper takes obvious note of your silence, remaining silent himself as you feel his magic trickle through your veins again.

You sigh with exasperation as your elbows are pushed out even further, shirt not even trying to stretch before getting torn to shreds and falling to your feet. The heaving weight of your chest pulls on your back and shoulders, bouncing freely as you try to not react to the hefty jiggling softness.

With a snap of his fingers, Mr Cooper has a robust bra encase your bosom. Instantly relieving tension on your back, and squeezing your plush breasts together to form perfect cleavage almost up to your chin.

“Thank you…” You sarcastically say in a lithe voice, plump lips pouting as you try to casually hold your jiggling mammaries still.

“You’re very welcome, dear.

For being such a good sport about all this, allow me to offer you a little fun game to play.

The prize? Your freedom.

All you have to do is touch your elbows together, it should be one of the easiest games you ever play!” Mr Cooper laughs hysterically, making you blush with frustration as the impossibility of your task shakes beneath your chin.

“This is dumb…” You breathe sweetly, voice of an angel pursing your lips as you give in to the futility of your current situation.

“Fun for me.” Mr Cooper smiles, “You don’t have to play if you don’t want to, but if you win I’ll let you go back home as your male self right now…”

You feel odd even knowing this isn’t your body, but Mr Cooper’s leering stares at your chest make you wanna shrivel up and shield yourself from his eyes. You don’t want to try too hard, self conscious as Mr Cooper encourages you.

“This is impossible!” You protest, entire body jostling as your breasts are squeezed together by your elbows.

“You’re not trying hard enough!

Maybe I made you too frail?

Do you want to be stronger?? I could make you a little bigger, maybe it would help your arms…” Mr Cooper trails off, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

“And if I touch my elbows-”

“You lost that contest, honey!” Mr Cooper laughs, eyes glowing as your thighs suddenly twist inward.

Your pelvis swivels outward, and your lips begin to plump up as your entire body follows suit. Your ass balloons behind you, spreading your hips wide and forcing your arms out as they try to rest at either side of you.

It takes a few more moments for your body to inflate, making your F cup breasts seem average compared to the rest of you. Legs ripple as they tone, glutes becoming powerful as your abs take on a new flexibility and strength. The changes warm your body as they transform you, slowly trickling down to your core and continuously building arousal within you.

“Your wife… She could never handle this much… This type of change…” Mr Cooper trails off, clearly in awe as you gracefully sway against your will.

“I can’t like, stop, like…” You pause to lick your sweet lips as your ears ring, “I’m too horny, please change me back!”

Your voice that of a climaxing porno star, a parody of sexualized femininity with no limit. Each syllable sounding like another orgasm pouring from your womanhood, a sultry soprano dripping with lust for your boss.

But you’re a man!!

You’re Melanie’s husband!

She would never-


Mr Cooper is suddenly thrown back, and you feel a strong force blow past you as Mr Cooper hits the wall.

“Stop playing with my wife!” You hear an extremely familiar, yet odd voice exclaim.

Before you can turn to see your old body, it’s tossed by an explosion. You scream in terror as your wife hits the wall like a rag doll, her lifeless body strewn on the floor as Mr cooper laughs and brushes himself off.

“Did he just use magic?

Wait, isn’t that actually Melanie??

This is getting confusing…” Mr Cooper trails off, holding his forehead as his eyes begin to glow again.

Your old body is lifted off the ground, and Mr Cooper smirks as he strips it nude. Years of workouts fade from reality, definition fading as your old body smooths down. The waist is cinched in as the hips soften, and you can only watch with a pouting expression as a fiery redhead takes the place of your old body.

Pink velvet wraps around your old body’s slender legs, giving a tiny black long thong time to slither its way up between her bubble butt cheeks before the waistband of sexy sweatpants gently sits on your old body’s smooth hips. A matching crop top hoodie slithers up her supple chest, and quickly tightens around an expanding bosom.

You know as a man you would be turned on to no end, even now you can feel the beauty radiate from the girl before you. You feel nothing for her though, all your arousal centered on Mr Cooper’s masculinity.  

You watch in awe as he touches his pointer finger to the new girl’s forehead, and her bright eyes open wide. Gone is your wife, replaced by a slutty bimbo draping her jiggling body on your boss.

Fear freezes you as Mr Cooper approaches with the same finger pointed toward your forehead, and you’re left leaning into his touch before a cool explosion of euphoria is drilled into the center of your mind.

You’re taken aback by the overwhelming pleasure, smile uncontrolled as you quiver and giggle orgasmicallly. The sexy redhead holds you close, her scent intoxicating as your breasts press into each other’s. Your lips beg for hers, and you can’t stop yourself…

Your delicate fingers crawl down the small of her back, making her gasp playfully as you pull her in closer. You feel a magnetic force drawing you in, eyes locked as the world around you disappears…



Did you fall asleep already???” Melanie demands, shaking you from your slumber as your dream quickly recedes into the back of your memory.

“Huh? No… You were saying your boss was an asshole, and he-”

“That was twenty minutes ago, douchebag!!” Your wife exclaims, “You barely do anything all day, how are you passing out five minutes after I get home from work??”

“I’m sorry, babe…

I love you.” You smile, kissing your wife and disarming her anger.

“Must’ve been a good nap!” She giggles, cuddling up into your arms as you curl back up on the couch.