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A Detective for Every Shart
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

In a space smaller than it appeared, and cluttered with takeout bags longing for freedom, sat a single shark with her butt planted firmly in her streaming chair. Ten minutes had passed since she rolled out of bed with nothing but a tank top on, and five minutes had passed since she reassembled a burger from one of the many bags scattered around her room.

Two minutes had passed ever since she drafted a tweet apologizing about a delay in today’s stream, and only one minute had passed before she deleted the draft and posted an apology and a new date for the stream she woke up for in the first place.

Her tweet mentioned unforeseen circumstances, but the burger sliding through her system yelled that she should have seen this coming. The shark reached for her trembling gut as she felt a wave of prickling needles circle around in her stomach. Her body clenched with one single physical desire as she leaned forward in her chair.

The base of her tail was raised with the end of it twitching underneath one of the arms in her chair. She put her hands on her knees as her whole body felt like it was rumbling, and as the feeling intensified she thought to suddenly jump out of her chair and race for the bathroom instead of taking the gamble.

It was too late.

The base of her tail shook before the coming tide of a wave no one had the power to stop.

No one had the power to stop what was about to happen, but there was one person who had the knowledge and ability to delay it. The constant forward march of time slowed to a cripled crawl as the door to Gura’s room was lazily pushed open. She didn’t hear it open, in fact she couldn’t hear anything in this little pocket of frozen time.

A few confident steps made their way into the room, deftly avoiding soggy paper bags littering the dingy carpet.

“Gura, gura…” the voice trailed off with the sound falling on frozen ears. “What kind of mess are you about to get yourself into now?” The figure free from time’s unrelenting grasp strode towards Gura’s chair. She placed her hands on the back and gave it a playful spin to give the frozen shark a quick trip around the world before stopping her directly in front of her gleeful detective friend.

“Now what’s that face for? I thought we were friends.” She asked, knowing she couldn’t respond, even if she could hear her. The shark’s teeth were clenched, her lips were parted showing off the strain her teeth were going through, and her eyes were narrowed as if she was staring at something way off into the distance.

“Not even a ‘Hey Ame’ when I’ve come all this way?” Amelia reached for one of the shark’s cheeks, giving her face a gentle stroke. “Well, you’re still pretty cute, so I’m willing to forgive you.” With a smile, her eyes traveled from Gura’s contorted face to the bottom of her seat. “I don’t know if your chair will though, and after you just bought it too.”

Ame kept her hand in place, cupping the shark’s cheek as her other hand’s thumb rested gently on top of one of her pocketwatch’s buttons. “You know, if I was feeling charitable, I’d carry you to the bathroom.” Amelia’s smile stayed firmly on her face. “Maybe next time, if you’re close to it.”

A mechanical click echoed through the room, soon to be followed by the sound of the shark’s horribly thought out gamble. Time’s crawl leapt from the ground into a hasty sprint, and Gura only had a fraction of a second to register Amelia’s touch and presence before the dam beneath her tail broke wide open.

The wet rippling of Gura’s ass bounced off of her newly bought chair with a thunderous echo loud enough to peak the mic she left plugged in. The once tight shark hole was open wide to let everything crammed into her tiny body escape and plaster her seat with filthy shame.

If it had just been a fart that loud it would have been embarrassing enough, but the wet symphony left an awful stain on both her seat and the underside of her tail.

It took a moment, but her brain eventually caught up to speed that she wasn’t alone in the room anymore. Her teeth were no longer clenched, but her mouth stayed open as she tried to form at least a word or two.

“Am–Am–A,” was all that managed to escape her less shameful hole as she quickly turned more red than blue. Her pupils shrunk to about half the size of her remaining dignity, and a scream got caught halfway as a lump in her throat.

Another mechanical click bounced off the walls of the room, stopping time’s sprint mid stride. Amelia took a step back, a smile still present as her hand left Gura’s rapidly warming face.

“I’d love to stay and play, Gura, but I’ve got at least six more timelines to visit before their golden moment.” She extended her hand again, this time giving the frozen, but embarrassed shark a gentle pat on the head. “There’s just sadly so many of you with brown trumpets and not nearly enough time to enjoy every symphony.”

As Amelia looked at Gura’s face frozen in sheer embarrassment and desperation she couldn’t help but laugh a little to herself. “Yours was definitely the best one so far today though. Maybe I’ll come back again and stick around a little longer next time.” The shart searching detective leaned forward, close enough to whisper into the little shark’s ear, even though she’d never be able to hear what she had to say.

“I’ll move you somewhere nicer next time.”
