WALT Make links between aspects of text

(Cause and effect)


Cause - An event or action that makes something happen.

To find the cause, ask yourself why did this happen?

Effect - What happens as a result of the cause

To find the effect, ask yourself what happened in that part of the story.


It had begun to rain so Sally and Jake had to run inside.

Cause: It had begun to rain.                Effect: Sally and Jake had to run inside.

Since it was so chilly outside, Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace.

Cause: It was so chilly outside.        Effect: Benjamin built up a big fire in his fireplace.

Activity 1

Directions: Match each cause (letters) to the correct effect (numbers). Record your answers below. For each letter, write the number that matches.

A) Henry had a big tournament game to play next week.


B) Today was class picture day at school.


C) Henry’s favorite team made a great play.


D) Henry’s mother was cooking pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage.


E) Henry had dirty socks and leftover food underneath his bed.


F) Henry’s aunt from New York was arriving in town to spend a week.


G) Henry’s backpack was filled with heavy books and supplies.


H) His mother’s birthday was on Saturday.


1) He rushed downstairs to eat breakfast.

2) His back was hurting when he got to his science class.

3) Henry put on his best clothes and combed his hair to look handsome.

4) Henry was saving his money to buy a dozen roses and a card.

5) His room had a disgusting aroma.

6) He went with his mother to the airport.

8) He shouted loudly at the television, “Great catch!”

7) He practiced basketball in the backyard for three hours.

Activity 2

Directions: Decide if the uppercase phrase is a cause or an effect.


1) I fell off my bike and HURT MY ARM.


2) WE TURNED ON THE AIR CONDITIONING since it was getting hot.


3) Since the KIDS WERE GOOD, they were able to have a treat.


4) Maggie DOES HER HOMEWORK EVERY NIGHT, so she gets good grades.


5) MOM WORKS TWO JOBS so that we can have money to do things.


6) WE HAVE MORE TIME TO PLAY THE GAME because we all helped clean up the mess!


7) It was a very hot summer day, SO WE WERE ABLE TO GO SWIMMING.


8) DAVID FELT SICK, so he went to the doctor.


9) Hannah was mean to Molly, so THEY ARE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE.


10) Julia spilled her cereal and MOM HAD TO CLEAN IT UP.


Activity 3

Directions: Read the paragraphs, then answer the questions about causes and effects that occurred. Use evidence (words from the paragraphs) to support your answer.

So she was considering in her own mind (as well as she could, for the day made her feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so very remarkable in that, nor did Alice think it so very much out of the way to hear the Rabbit say to itself, “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!” But when the Rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket and looked at it and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and, burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it and was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit-hole, under the hedge. In another moment, down went Alice after it!

1. Name the cause: Alice wasn’t sure she wanted to get up to pick daisies. Why was she feeling this way?

She was in a very good mood

2. Name the effect: The White Rabbit had a watch and was wearing a coat. What effect did that have on Alice?

She was in shock

3. Name the cause: Alice follows the White Rabbit. What was she feeling that made her follow the rabbit?

She wanted her white rabbit