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Stranger Than Ever Part II
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“You still haven’t found a fucking nerd??” You demand of the nervous officer, exasperated by the department’s constant need for your assistance.

“We’re sorry, sir. Chief just wants someone on standby in case someone breaks out, we just need you to be ready to-”

“I’m always ready, you idiot! How do you think this works-” You’re cut off by a sudden bright flash, and feel flesh pour from your chest as you shrink down, “Oh no…”

You feel a rush of hormones flood your system as your voice rises in pitch, and you succumb to the unexpected bimbofication spell.

“Did my clothes just like, disappear??”” You giggle, mouth almost numb as unfamiliar noise involuntarily spills from pursing lips.

The cool air tickles your hanging nipples, and you give in to the building euphoria with a quick squeeze. You hop in place for a second as well, bouncing your pert breasts and biting your bottom lip orgasmically.

You then shake off the simple mind change, scoffing at its lack of complexity.

“I’ll give this asshole a real treat, teach him a lesson…” You laugh, transforming yourself back to your desired male form as your mind recovers from the bimbofication spell.

“That was pretty… Ummm, like weird I guess?” You hear a ditzy giggle, “Who are you?”

“Oh shit! I’ll change you back right now, officer…” You chuckle, not actually too concerned about the policeman’s mental state as the lithe girl before you mews and sways sexily.

“I assume that was a pretty widespread transformation, which would weaken the initial effect…” You muse as you change the cute girl back into a middling police officer, “Nobody actually targeting me would use such a simple hex, though they are hiding themselves pretty well…”

You focus in for the location of a large magical blip, surprised to find yourself struggling to discover the culprit of this randomness.

“You’re usually much quicker with these discovery findings, this guy must be-”  

“Shut up, fool!” You bark, “Let me focus…

Ah yes, like I thought! He’s in the prison, so I had to work past my own hiding spell to find him. Well, let’s see how he likes a properly crafted bimbofication spell, this should keep him busy for a few minutes while I make my way over there!”

You use your omniscience to watch as you formulate a spicy transformation for the asshole causing trouble for your community, and you’re surprised to see him sense the spell the instant you send it.

This guy must be extremely skilled, his senses are impeccably tuned!

“Well that’s a nice little spell…

Would leave a lesser being in quite the rut for a few days- even a fairly skilled wizard would be susceptible for at least a few minutes… Just enough time for you to come have me recaged.” The transforming wizard dryly says with a spine chilling calmness, her omniscient gaze now definitely affixed to you as she checks out her jiggling appendages in the mirror.

“Hey!” She waves, lowering your guard ever so slightly before she snaps.

Well, you assume she snapped, you don’t actually see it. Your eyes roll back as a supreme power washes over you, an unfamiliar spell (something rare to a veteran like yourself) ravages your body. It quickly siphons your magical energy, leaving you powerless as your body is inflated, stretched, and constricted in all the places that you’d want a women’s body to be.

Your back has to arch as your ass cheeks balloon, pelvis rotating and spreading your hips wide as your waist cinches in. You’re bent over and forced to sit down in the chair behind you, only to go lower than expected- ripe pussy burrowing deep into a sea of fur.

Where are you??

Who are y- Oooooooo…

Your slender shoulders hunch forward as dense weight pours out from your chest, defying gravity and pulling on your back as soft breast tissue pushes your elbows out. You can only moan gently as your mind throbs, and you desperately grapple for any control as the powerful spell melts your awareness into a blind puddle.

Memories of a new life suddenly overwhelm your struggle, leaving you gazing ahead blankly as the nerve endings beneath your nipples sing blissfully. You can only harken back to some of the best hookups you’ve ever had, hulking men with bulging muscles throwing you around like a rag doll…

The soft fur tickling your tender womanhood makes your back arch even more, triggering new levels of arousal as your sensitive areolas are manipulated by your smooth dainty arms rubbing them.  

Something about an old life nags at the back of your mind, but you try to ignore the oddly stressing idea. Any thoughts besides immediate pleasure are just empty bubbles of nonsense in your mind, useless to your brain’s setup exclusively for pleasure.

“Sorry, I just needed some time to break out of your dumb lock spell around the prison, but now I’m free to do whatever I want!” A hunk suddenly standing before you confidently claims, his rippling muscles the only thing your eyes can focus on as your mouth waters.

You sway  calmly as he gropes your massive breasts, biting your lip as his fingers skillfully play with your nipples. You can even feel the spell start to lose potency, but you’re too engaged in the pleasure to cease it.

“You’re a good security guy, I’ll give you that.” Your new enemy teases, pulling on your areola and making you whine lustfully as he chuckles and begins to pump some more magic into you through his palm. Probably should've protected yourself a little better, but hubris is the ultimate downfall of most…”

You would point out the potential irony of his statement between euphoric moans, but your family’s ancestral protection incantation suddenly releases from within you.

You’d heard folktales of its power before; the ability to reverse even ultimatum spells, but you could never fathom just how much power your body could manage.

The skilled wizard lets out a bloodcurdling scream as your own energy is depleted to negative levels, your vision getting dim as the strong man’s painful screams rise in pitch.

You can feel your own body tighten, all the pudgy jiggling flesh condensing as your body shrinks into a toned hourglass. You can only assume your enemy is transforming as well, it being impossible to focus on any rational thought as the hands on your boobs take over your very essence.  

“Ohhh fuck…” You moan, wanting nothing more than to just feel every part of your new lover’s body with every part of yours.

Before you can meet her lips to yours, you’re suddenly lifted; making both you and your new friend squeal excitedly. Any worry you would have about being hurt or taken advantage of is gone, along with any worry you could possibly have. You’re left to just giggle and froth between the legs as a strong uniformed man puts you both on his lap, cock throbbing as you strip him down.

“I know I should be reporting this, but I can’t control myself- you guys did some type of crazy thing to yourselves…” The sexy guy moans desperately as you stroke his cock, sounding genuinely torn before his lips meet your friend’s.

It’s all nonsense, every word from his mouth. The only thing you care about is his cock, and when you can let it penetrate you.

“I cast a spell that makes women insatiable to any man, I was hoping to just send this bastard off…” Your bestie grunts, her rough tone different than the sweet one you’re used to, “Problem is, it's a lock in spell there’s no reversal; I can’t change anything about our bodies anymore, let alone the insane lust!”

Again, pure nonsense to your ditzy ears.

“At least I bimbofied you before this, and didn’t try just now…” Your friend rolls her eyes, nipples rubbing into yours as she helps you to get on top of the cock throbbing beneath you.