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“Chimera are a breed of beast-like creatures whose spawn often take on new or variant traits based on a logic still unknown to us.

The changes from chimera mother to chimera daughter may be extreme (and often are), with one manifesting traits that cause them to resemble some sort of avian hybrid, and the other being a scale-covered reptilian. Chimera are sometimes born to non-chimera parents, the touch slumbering in their blood until it manifests with enough strength to re-write their parents' own.


Thus, chimera have been observed to take on many different animalistic traits from the local fauna, sometimes in beautiful arrangements, and sometimes reminiscent of aberrant nightmares.”

~“Preface: On the Breath and Breadth of Those Known as the Chimera”, Unknown Author

Costuming Difficulty: Hard


The true origin of Chimerism has been lost to the ages, however, its effects are widely understood: Chimera sire Chimera. When a Chimera bears a child; be it with Human, Aelth, or Drimmen, their child will be Chimera. The traits they manifest by being one, however, are essentially unknowable until they manifest a few years after birth.

Chimerism takes on animal-like traits that are set over the shape of another breed; a Human with dog ears, an Aelth with the claws and tail of an alligator, or a Drimmen with the head of a cat.


There exist four known strands of Chimerism, which are based on the host’s reaction to the Touch of the Chimera; the academic name for their condition. The first is simply known as the Chimera and are the most common. They are your animal folk, with little effect from the Touch.

As the Touch becomes more expressive, the mutations and traits become altogether more unconstrained. The Scavat seems to draw strongly on a single animal, expressing traits across the entire body. For the Korus, many are considered abominations - monsters in their own right. Finally, Mythids barely resemble their non-chimeric parents at all, expressing themselves almost entirely as mythological creatures.        

Korus - The Assembled

In the Korus, the Touch manifests non-uniformly: too many limbs, claws, or a spectrum of aberrant physicalities from a myriad of forms. To other breeds, the Korus are obviously wrong, and yet, they remain functional, and often terrifyingly so.

For the Korus, the Touch is the source of being, and revered as such. Korus are often grateful, perceiving the Touch has anointed them as “special” or above all others, and they are not quiet about this supposedly lofty position. In addition, some clans of Korus ascribe a certain kind of reverence for particular physical traits or sets of traits, elevating those above the rest.

Scavat - The Cast

In the Scavat, the Touch manifests uniformly and strongly: one particular form dominates the rest, giving them a sort of “recognition” among the other breeds as more palatable. However, this perception is an illusion, as a Scavat with primarily feline or canine features might suddenly bare their fangs to show them dripping with poison, or a lupine-dominant form’s fur coat might hide turtle-like shell plating underneath.

The Touch for the Scavat can take on many implications, from a family curse, to divine providence, or anywhere in between, though commonly many simply accept themselves for who they are, and seek out both like-formed and like-minded to create small communities they can pursue their lives with a minimum of hassle.

Mythid - The Molded

The Touch is complete, and reveled in - what little otherwise mortal breed remains pales in comparison to the myriad of traits taken on by the Mythid. The Mythid is a wholesale transformation from the typical breeds, merging many different animal traits to create a completely different, and often unique, form.

The Mythids themselves are often as uniquely minded about their transformations as the forms they reside in. Many turn to seclusion to avoid persecution or suspicion, but a rare few seek to join the communities they once resided in, with wildly varying success. Those few who do manage to return, find themselves often the town’s “mascot” of sorts, with some communities being doggedly protective of “their” mythid.



Beastform (1-6): Crafted from the best nature has to offer, the Beastform is an amalgamation of the traits most suited to the Chimera’s environment. The Chimera may take any combination of the following traits: Stub Tail, Snout, Beastly Ears, Fangs, Horns, Hide, Paws, Tail, or Chitin for up to six points of Chimera Challenges. A player may choose to represent additional Beastform traits, but will not gain Breed points for doing so.

Patched (1):  The chimera has a notably different color of skin, fur, or hide around one eye that makes their markings obviously asymmetrical.

Stub Tail (1): [Repped, Tail] Whether furred, scaled or bare, the tail must be at least one feet long.

Snout (1): [Repped, Face]  Chimera often sport the noses of deer, dogs, cats, or more extreme variations.

Beastly Ears (1 or 2):  [Repped, Ear] The Chimera often have ears from some sort of natural creature.

Fangs (2):  [Repped, Teeth] The character must rep at least two visible teeth with sharpened points.

Horns (3):  [Repped, Horns] The character must have at least two horns, which must exceed 6” in length.

Hide (3):  [Repped] Chimera often have fur, scales or feathers covering 50% or more of their body.

Paws (3):  [Repped] The character must represent a fully animalistic set of hand replacements.

Tail (3):  [Repped, Tail] The tail must be at least three feet long.

Beasthead (4):  [Repped, Face]  The character must make their face more animalistic with masks or multiple prosthetics, not for face-paint. Cannot be awarded in conjunction with Snout.

Chitin (4): [Repped]  Large plates, distinct from scales by their size, for at least 50% body coverage.

Sting (3):  [Repped, Tail] The Chimera's tail terminates in either large bulbous stinger, or long vicious spines. The challenge requires a tail of at least two feet in length, terminating in a sharp-looking appendage reminiscent of a spine or stinger. The representation of the tail must be safe, such that it does not injure the wearer or others that might land on it.

Heterochromia (4): [Repped, Eyes]  As the Touch draws from many differing beasts, it often does so with no regard for symmetry. The Chimera has one eye color distinct from the other, in addition, the chimera’s eyes may include differing pupil shapes drawn from nature. Scleral contacts are not allowed for safety reasons.


Twisted Visage (1-6): The Korus’ form is aberrant and twisted, calling out to the shapes and form of those things that go bump in the night. The Korus may take any combination of the following traits: Fins, Dagger mouth, Antennae, Quills, Unguligrade Legs and Hooves for up to six points of Chimera Challenges. A player may choose to represent additional Twisted Visage traits, but will not gain Breed points for doing so.

Fins (2):  [Repped] The Character must represent some sort of protrusion coming from their head, such as two more small fins or one large fin going from the back of the head to the front.

Dagger Mouth (3):  [Repped, Teeth]  The Character must represent the majority of their teeth as sharpened.

Antennae (2): [Repped]  The Character must represent two long bug-like antennae coming from their head.

Quills (4):
 [Repped]  The Character must represent large quills at least 3 inches in length, coming from 50% of their back.

Unguligrade Legs (5):  [Repped]  The Character must appear to have a reversed knee, like those of goats.

Sludge Blood (2):  [Repped] The Character must represent dark green veins running across their skin in multiple locations.

Twisted Mutation (5): Aberrant features and vestigial parts are a common occurrence for the Korus. This character must have an additional withered limb that is non-functional.

Disturbing Form (1): One does not turn to a Korus for peace of mind. This Character has the Disquieting Aura from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Challenge.


Hewn Form (1-6): Taking the chimera’s form in a singular direction, the Scavat’s features largely hail from a single creature, giving a continuity to the shapes and patterns they exhibit. The Scavat may take any combination of the following traits: Wings, Shell, Tusks, Small Antlers, Antlers, and Hooves for up to six points of Chimera Challenges. A player may choose to represent additional Hewn Form traits, but will not gain Breed points for doing so.

Wings (4): [Repped, Wings]  The Character must represent a set of animal/insectoid wings coming from their back that is at least 3’ from point of connection to farthest wing location.

Shell (5): [Repped, Tail]  The Character must represent an encompassing shell covering 90% of the back that is combat safe.

Tusks (3):
 [Repped, Teeth] The Character must represent two tusks coming out of their mouth or lower jaw with appropriate prosthetics.

Small Antlers (1):
 [Repped, Horns] The Character must represent two small antlers that are shorter than 3” inches in length.

Antlers (3):
 [Repped, Horns] The Character must represent two small antlers that are larger than 4+” inches in length.

Hooves (2):  [Repped] The Character must represent split, goat-like hooves.

A Beast Felled (2): The Scavat, when alone, can face terrible trials. They often seek and find protection among their cohort, and can become reliant on it. This Character has the Dies Alone Flaw from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Challenge.

Touched Mind (3): The mind of the Scavat is not immune to the Touch. This Character has the Nightmares Flaw from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Challenge.


A Thing from the Deepest Places(1): Mythid don’t often find themselves in the company of others– It’s not about the others as much as it is about the Mythid. They are creatures of the Deepest Places, where naught but darkness can penetrate the grasping canopy. They are at home here, not within the safe walls of a Tavern. This Character has the Indoor Discomfort Flaw from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Challenge.

Borne of Bedlam (2): While the origin of the Touch is unknown, it is perhaps for the best: those that have delved too deeply are never quite the same. This Character has Inherent Vulnerability to Madness.

Grand Design (1-10): Some Mythid consider themselves to be the apex of ‘natural’ life. Others consider their own existence to be an abomination, and scoff at the assertion that anything about them is ‘natural’ in its entirety. Even still, both agree that the Mythid represents an overt display of all of what a Chimera can be painted onto a single canvas. The Mythid may take any combination of any traits listed from Twisted Visage, Hewn Form, and Beastform for up to ten points of Chimera Challenges. A player may choose to represent additional challenges from Grand Design traits, but will not gain Breed points for doing so.



Transformation (1): The Chimera transforms from one form to another, which may be less animal-looking or even entirely non-animal-looking. The change must be done out of combat during a Short Rest, and is usually done in private. While in her transformed state, the Chimera character cannot use any Breed Advantages (or other benefits purchased with Breed Points) from Chimera except Transformation itself, but may also choose not to have any of the physical Chimera Breed Challenges represented.

Heightened Reflexes (2): The Chimera’s grace is often preternatural, owing to the features taken from the natural world. This Character has the Agility Perk from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Envenomed Barbs (2): While not all chimera derive from predatory species, many of them do, and even more of them find value in the poisons and venoms endemic to nature. This Character may, once per Short Rest, empower three melee swings giving it the Poison Accent.

Scent (3): Many chimera find themselves easily able to pick up on trails and scents out in the wild. The Chimera has the Tracking Skill from the Skills Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Chimera Claws (4): With the many natural weapons that nature provides, chimera benefit from these traits as well: a chimera who has the Paws Challenge can use natural weapons. These must be boffer-safe representations of claws, hooves, or other natural weaponry and must be approved by plot. These weapons cannot be dropped or removed, although they can be tucked away in order to do other things with the hands including casting. Sharp claws will count as Short Swords and the character will be automatically proficient. Blunt natural weapons will count as Hammers and the character will likewise be automatically proficient. Both claws must be built to be under 36” long. These weapons are Natural Weapons.

Inborn Defenses (5): Nature is replete with natural defenses, and ones that chimera have ready familiarity with. If the Chimera took the Beastform: Hide or Chitin Challenge or the Scavat: Shell Challenge, she may count as having 3 points of Natural Armor.

Chimera Tail (5): With the many natural weapons that nature provides, chimera benefit from these traits as well: a chimera who has the Sting Challenge can use a single natural weapon. These must be boffer-safe representations of a stinger-tipped or barbed tail and must be approved by plot. This weapon cannot be dropped or removed, although it can be tucked away in order to do other things with the hands including casting. Sharp Chimera Tails will count as a Two-Handed Sword and the character will be automatically proficient. Blunt Chimera Tails weapons will count as a Two-Handed Hammer and the character will likewise be automatically proficient. The claw must be built to be between 48” - 62” long. This weapon is considered a Natural Weapon.


I’ll be Back (1): Korus are notably difficult to kill, and have been known to pull through from wounds that should have been fatal. This character has the Hard to Kill Physical Perk from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Tainted Demise (3): Some Korus contain within themselves bladders of bile and acid that are released upon death, often explosively. When the Korus is Deathblowed or killed with a melee attack, they may call “[Name or Description] Short Taint by Acid” to the one that killed them.

Lick Wounds (3): Korus sometimes benefit from accelerated metabolisms, often seeming to heal from wounds before other’s eyes. The chimera has the Quick Healing Physical Perk from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Acidic Bile (6): T’skara licked his fangs as the group of unruly tavern-goers approached him with weapons in hand. It’s truly unfortunate that they weren’t taught some of his reptilian cousin’s tricks. He considered himself a fine educator. Three quick flits of his tongue against the back of his grooved fangs, and they were each covering their eyes, screaming in agony. T’skara took his drink, and waved a thank you to the bar-tender.


The character can use the Acidic Bile Power, below:

Acidic Bile [Breed]

Incant: RP: Making gross noises to represent drawing bile into their mouth.

Call: “1 by Acid” or “Shield Breaking by Acid”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Instantaneous

Delivery: Packet (Spell-Packet)                Refresh: Focus Quick 100

Accent: Acid                                Effect: 1 By Acid, Shield Breaking

By spending a spike, this Power charges 3 Spell-Packets with an explosive burst of acidic bile from the Korus’ acid glands, which will do 1 point of Acid damage to those it hits. The Korus may choose to instead charge a single packet with Shield Breaking by Acid when activating this Power.


Holdout (1): The drive to continue is engrained deeply in the Scavat, and some have been known to drag themselves to safety while almost torn in half. This Character has the Deathgrip Physical Perk from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Predatory Composure (4): Beasts of the hunt are built for specific purposes, often unshakably so. The Character gains one Protect vs Sleep, Charm, or Dominate at the completion of each Short Rest. The effect the Protect will block must be chosen at the end of the Short Rest. 

Stout Frame (5): Scavat are often tougher than they appear, owing to lineages with stronger skeletons and musculature. This Character has the Toughness Physical Perk from the Character Options Chapter as a Breed Advantage.

Natural Resilience (7): Scavat are regularly more tough than one might expect, given the predatory nature many of them display. This Character counts as having one additional point of maximum Natural Armor. This Advantage can only be taken if the Chimera took the Beastform: Hide or Chitin Challenge or the Scavat: Shell Challenge.


Call of Madness (4): Mythids, by their very nature elicit unsettling feelings in others, but that unease can be utilized to give the Mythid some breathing room when disadvantaged. The Mythid gains the Call of Madness power below.

Call of Madness [Breed]

Incant: RP, Blood-curdling scream

Call: “[Name or Description], Short Repel by Madness”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Short

Delivery: Verbal                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Madness                        Effect: Repel

After unleashing a blood-curdling scream, the Mythid can force away a target by pure madness. Once per long rest, the Mythid may call [Name or Description], Short Repel by Madness.”

Unnatural Acumen (4): The Mythid is often reliant on only themselves and this can push them to hone their skills to a keen edge, pulling from hidden reserves few can match. This Character has one additional maximum Spike.

Nightmarish Strength (5): A Mythid riled is a dangerous opponent at the best of times. When they focus their ire, they can become truly implacable foes. Once per Long Rest, the Character may gain plus one to their Spike Damage until their next Short Rest. In addition, they  gain Resistance to a number of Root effects equal to the Mythid’s maximum Life Points, until their next Long Rest.

Abduct (8): Mythids, when forced into the outskirts of society, are prone to lone hunting tactics and will use ambush tactics to acquire food and other necessities. The Mythid may use the Abduct Power, below:

Abduct [Breed]

Incant: A loud cackle or some other startling noise

Call: Short Sleep by Fear”

Target: Individual                        Duration: Short Rest

Delivery: Weapon                         Refresh: Long Rest

Accent: Fear                                 Effect: Sleep, Strengthened

After unleashing a loud startling noise the character may swing a weapon causing the target to fall asleep. Provided that this power is not resisted, misses, or negated in any way, the mythid becomes Strengthened while carrying the target of Abduct, and may pick up the body of their target immediately by saying “Strengthened, I pick you up.” The mythid may not attempt to harm the target of Abduct until they can reasonably assume they are unwatched by any others.