Colored Conventions Project CV 

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Twitter: @CCP_org 

The  Colored Conventions Project is committed to mirroring the collective values and practices of the Colored Convention Movement itself. CCP’s core team consists of graduate student leaders, project librarians, undergraduate researchers and national and faculty directors. You can learn more about the CCP members listed here at our “About Us” page. This project CV shares the prizes and grants CCP has honored to receive, the advisory committees CCP we’ve joined, and the invited, conference and community talks and workshops by CCP graduate students (GS), librarians (L), CCP community leaders (C), and faculty (F) have given. You’ll also find publications and press coverage. If you create a project CV based on or inspired by this one, we ask that you cite this CV as a source.

Description: documents nineteenth-century Black collective organizing and highlights the many leaders and places involved in the convention movement, bringing them to digital life for a new generation of researchers, students and community scholars. From 1830 through the end of the century, North American Blacks across regions came together in state and national conventions to advocate for educational, labor and legal justice. Delegates include the most well-known writers, church leaders, editors and entrepreneurs in the canon of Black leadership—and many whose names and histories have long been forgotten. The proceedings, speeches, and petitions these conventions generated had been scattered throughout repositories and newspapers. Dedicated to bringing print and digital culture together, the Colored Convention Project has quadrupled the number of state and national minutes that had been collected in print editions, and made them fully searchable for the very first time. CCP’s curriculum has been adopted by teaching partners across North America, involving thousands of students in original research and digital exhibit making. Both a database and an edited collection of essays are forthcoming. Graduate student CCP co-founders and leaders are now working at UMass Amherst, University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University as faculty members, DH postdocs and in leadership positions in Academic and Digital Centers. Undergraduates have gone on to law school, PhD and Masters programs and have held paid internships with organizations and institutions such as the Smithsonian Museums, the Delaware Art Museum, and the Equal Justice Initiative.


Honors and Awards:

NationalGrants and Funding:

University Grants: 

Advisory Committees:

Symposiums Organized: “Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age,” at the Delaware Historical Society and University of Delaware, 2015. This first symposium to ever be held on the Colored Conventions movement brought together nationally recognized interdisciplinary scholars from English, religion, history and anthropology, along with community partners for a multi-day meeting. Supported by grants from the Delaware Humanities Forum and the College of Arts & Sciences.

Scholarly Publications:

Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age.

Edited Collection by Gabrielle Foreman, Jim Casey and Sarah Patterson. This edited collection examines the long history of Black organizing and political activism, introducing academic and other interested readers to an ongoing Black organizing effort that is the prequel to the NAACP, Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter movements. Including essays penned by historians, literary studies, American studies, religious studies and material culture studies scholars, this volume recasts nineteenth-century race and reform by placing Black organizing for legal, educational and labor rights and equal protection of the law at its center. As the first collection on the Convention movement, this will be a pivotal edition. It is accompanied by many digital exhibits. 16 essays by scholars including JeWon Woo, Psyche Williams-Forson, Derrick Spires, Selena Sandefer, Daina Ramey Berry and Jermaine Thibodeaux, Jean Pfaelzer, Carla Peterson, Sarah Patterson, Cheryl LaRoche, Andre Johnson, Benjamin Fagan, Eric Gardner, Jim Casey, Joan Bryant, Kabria Baumgartner and Erica Ball. Forthcoming, UNC Press.

Foreman, P. Gabrielle and Mookerjee, Labanya (GS). “Computing in the Dark: Spreadsheets, Data

Collection and DH’s Racist Inheritance,” Always Already Computational: Collections as Data” Position Statements, (March, 2017).

Casey, Jim (GS). “Convention Minutes and the Unconventional Proceedings.” 16, no. 1 (Fall 2015).

Foreman, P. Gabrielle. “The Colored Conventions Project and the Changing Same.” 16, no. 1 (Fall 2015).

Patterson, Sarah (GS). “Toward Meaning-making in the Digital Age: Black Women, Black Data,

and the Colored Conventions.” 16, no. 1 (Fall 2015).

Rudisell, Carol A (L).  "Liberating History: Reflections on Rights, Rituals and the Colored

Conventions Project." 16, no. 1 (Fall 2015). Article was selected as

the Editor's Choice by Digital Humanities Now.

Small, Curtis (L). “The Colored Conventions Movement in Print and Beyond.” 16, no. 1 (Fall 2015).

Invited Talks and Panels: 

Invited Panel, “Digital Pedagogy Initiatives and Community Partnerships: The Colored Conventions Project,” DH@Wake Summer Institute: Community and Collections, Wake Forest University, Brandi Locke (GS) and Anna Lacy (GS), July 2020.

Keynote Panel, Keystone DH, Temple University, Gabrielle Foreman (F), Jim Casey (F), and Kevin Winstead (CLIR PD), July 2020 (delayed due to Coronavirus).

Keynote Speakers, Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin, Lauren Cooper (L), Curtis Small (L), May 2020. (Cancelled due to Coronavirus pandemic)

Chair and panelist, “The Colored Conventions Project: Interpretingthe Labor of Black Women and Girls in the Movement,” Digital Blackness: Visualizing (Post)Slavery, African American Intellectual Historical Society, Gabrielle Foreman (F) and Kelli Coles (GS), March 2020.

Invited Speakers, African American Religious Studies Workshop, Princeton University, Denise Burgher (GS) and Jim Casey (F), February 2020.

Invited Panelists, "When and Where We Edit." Modern Language Association 2020 Annual Convention, Jim Casey (F), Brandi Locke (GS), January 2020.

Invited Panelists, The Black Bibliography Project Conference and Think Tank, Yale University, Brandi Locke (GS), Jim Casey (F), November 2019.

Chair and Commentator.  “Unexpected Places: Iowa’s Colored Convention Satellite Partnerships and Discoveries.” Association for the Study of African American Life and History, Denise Burgher (GS), October 2019.

Keynote Speakers, “Research, Exhibition, and Interdisciplinarity: The Colored Conventions Project,” ReDefining Doctoral Education in the Humanities Symposium, Washington University, Denise Burgher (GS) and Anna Lacy (GS), September 2019.

Invited Panelist, “The Colored Conventions Project: Principles and Praxis in Black DH,”

Fleur Cowles Flair Symposium, Harry Ransom Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Curtis Small (L), April 2019.

Invited Panel, “Current Research in Digital History,” Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and

New Media, George Mason University. Gabrielle Foreman (F), Denise Burgher (GS), Anna Lacy(GS), and Jim Casey (F), March 2019.

Invited Participant, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. “The Future of the Black

                Archive,” Two Day Small Group Convening, October 25-26, 2018. Gabrielle Foreman

(F) and Curtis Small (L).

Keynote Speaker, NCCU/Duke University, Franklin Humanities Institute Conference, “Digital

Organizing and Collaborative Recovery: Colored Conventions and the Long History of Black Activism.” Gabrielle Foreman, Founding Project Director, May, 2018.

Invited talk, "Colored Conventions, Community Building and Black History in the Digital Age,"

Price Lab for Digital Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, Denise Burgher (GS),

Gabrielle Foreman (F), datejie cheko green (C), Carol Rudisell (L),  Curtis Small (L), April 2018.

Invited Speakers and Workshop Facilitators, “Black Data, Black Collectives, and Public

Imperatives,” Northeastern University: followed by co-led workshop with Sarah (F) Patterson and Jim Casey (F).

Invited Speakers, “Undisputed Dignity: Preserving Black Women’s History and Material

Culture, a Symposium for the launching of the Anna Julia Cooper Digital Archive,

Howard University, Gabrielle Foreman (F) and Brandi Locke (GS), March 2018.

Invited Speaker and workshop facilitators, “The Long History of Civil Rights Organizing:

Colored Conventions, Forgotten Histories and Digital Recovery,” Tulane University,  

Gabrielle Foreman (F) with Denise Burgher (GS), February 2018.

Invited Speaker and workshop facilitator, “Digital Organizing and Collective Recovery: Colored

Conventions and the Long History of Black Activism,” University of Iowa, Gabrielle

Foreman, Project Director, November 2017.

Keynote Speaker, “Race, Memory, and Digital Humanities Symposium,” College of William and

Mary, Gabrielle Foreman (F), October 2017.

Keynote Speaker, “Racism, Round-Ups, and Resistance: Colored Conventions, Digital Recovery,

and the Long History of Civil Rights Organizing” for the Innovation and Pedagogy through

Digital Humanities Symposium, Oberlin College, Gabrielle Foreman (F), April 2017.

Invited Lecture, "Recovering Resistance: Colored Conventions and Black Organizing in

the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age," Yale University, Gabrielle

Foreman, April 2017. Workshop in Laura Wexler’s Digital Humanities Class, Jim

Casey (GS) and Gabrielle Foreman (F).

“Black Intellectualism in the Digital Age,” Global Digital Cultures Series, University of

Delaware, Sarah Patterson (GS), April 2017.

Invited Speaker and workshop facilitator, “Digital Organizing and Collective Recovery:

Colored Conventions and the Long History of Black Activism,” Vanderbilt

University, Gabrielle Foreman (F), February 2017.

Invited Symposium, “Collective Histories and Communities of Knowledge: Transcribe

Minutes and the Colored Conventions,” Symposium on Creating Historical Knowledge Socially: New Approaches, Opportunities and Epistemological Implications of Undertaking Research with Citizen Scholars.” German Historical Institute, Washington, DC., 2017. Jim Casey (F) and Denise Burgher (GS).

Invited Panel, “Exhibiting History: The Colored Conventions, Research, and Public

Scholarship,” Winterthur Brown Bag Lecture Series, Winterthur, DE, (Denise

Burgher, (GS) Samantha DeVera (GS), Harrison Graves (GS) Anna Lacy (GS), Sarah Patterson, (GS), December 2016.

Conference Presentations:

Panelists, “Digital Humanities Caucus: Building Digital Archives as We Fight,” American Studies Association, Brandi Locke (GS), Anna Lacy (GS), Honolulu, November 2019.

Panelist, “The Colored Conventions Project: A Digital Intervention in the History of African Diasporic Collective Power,” Canadian Association of African Studies, CASS/ACÉA, datejie cheko green (IS/C), Montréal, May 2019.

Panel, “The Colored Conventions’ Digital Reach and Black Internationalist Roots and

Branches,” African American Intellectual History Society Fourth Annual Conference, University of Michigan, Denise Burgher (GS), Brandi Locke (GS), Kristin Moriah (Teaching Partner), Curtis Small (L), March  2019.

Panelist, “The Roles of Black Women in the Colored Conventions Movement,” Society for

American Women Writers, SAWW, Denise Burgher (GS), March 2019.

Intentionally Digital, Intentionally Black Conference, African American Digital Humanities

(AADHum) Initiative, University of Maryland. "From Black Organizing Legacies to

Black Liberatory Futures: A Roundtable with the Colored Conventions Project." datejie cheko green (C), Denise Burgher (GS), Shirley Moody Turner (Teaching Partner), Gabrielle Foreman (F), October 2018.

Panelist, “Frederick Douglass, Collective Writing and Black Convention Contexts and Cultures,”

Frederick Douglass Across and Against Times, Places, and Disciplines,” Paris, October,

2018. Gabrielle Foreman with Denise Burgher (GS) (presenting on the same panel).

Roundtable, Allied Media Conference, Wayne State University, The Maroon Oracle Network

(MON) “Digital Organizing and Archives,” Ethan Scott Barnett (GS), June 2018.

Panelists, “Collective Movements for Black History,” Symposium on “The Study of Slavery and

Abolition in the Digital Age,” Gilder Lerhman Center, Yale University. Jim Casey (F)         and Denise Burgher (GS), May 2018.

Panelist, “Rethinking Black Biography for the Collective Imagination.” Roundtable: Biography

and Race in American Culture: Challenges, Methods, and Goals. Modern Language

Association. New York City, NY. Sarah Patterson (GS), January 2018.

Panelist, “Black Public Experience and the Colored Conventions Project.” Roundtable: Activism

in the Humanities. Modern Language Association. New York City, NY. Sarah Patterson (GS), January 2018.

Roundtable, “The Black Nation, Mobility, and the Colored Conventions Movement,” American

Historical Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., Samantha DeVera (GS), and Anna Lacy (GS), January 2018.

Panelist,  “The Black Church: A Place and Space for 19th-Century Black Political Activism,”

American Historical Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., Denise

Burgher (GS), January 2018.

Roundtable,“Bringing Collaborative Research into Doctoral Training: Field Dispatches from the

 NEH Next Generation Program and the AHA Mellon Grant,” Washington, D.C.

 Gabrielle Foreman and Anna Lacy (GS), January 2018.

Roundtable, “Southeastern Academic Community for the Digital Humanities,” HASTAC,

University of Central Florida.” Jim Casey (GS), November 2017.

Roundtable, “Colored Conventions in the Nineteenth Century and the Digital Age,” American

Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Harrison Graves, (GS) and Anna Lacy(GS), November 2017.

Panelist, “WikiLeaks: Using Wikipedia to Promote Diversity,” National Conference of African

American Librarians, Curtis Small (L), August 2017.

Invited Panel. Expanding the Boundaries of Black Intellectual History, AAIHS Conference,

Professional Development and Digital Humanities, Vanderbilt, March 2017, Gabrielle Foreman (F).

Panelist, “Bringing Nineteenth Century Black Organizing to Digital Life,” Organizing Equality

Conference, University of New London, Ontario, Canada. Denise Burgher (GS), March


Invited Panelists, “Creating Historical Knowledge Socially New Approaches, Opportunities and

Epistemological Implications of Undertaking Research with Citizen Scholars,” German Historical Institute, October 26-28, 2017. Jim Casey (GS) and Denise Burgher (GS).

Community Presentations:

Invited presentation, FMC Stine Research Center Black History Month Programming, Elkton,

MD. Denise Burgher (GS) and Brandi Locke (GS), February 18, 2020.

Invited presentation, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Think Tank, Mother Bethel, Philadelphia,

PA. P. Gabrielle Foreman (F), Kevin Winstead (PD), Denise Burgher (GS), Amani

Morrison (PD), December 12, 2019.

Invited presentation, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Think Tank, Blockson Collection, Temple

University. P. Gabrielle Foreman (F), Curtis Smalls (L), Brandi Locke (GS), Rachel

Nelson (GS), September 19, 2019.

Introduction to campus-wide ‘Women of Consequence,’ research-based performance with

Colored Conventions Dance Suite,  University of Delaware, Roselle Center, 2018.

Wilmington YMCA Black History Month Celebration, Wilmington, DE, 2018.

League of Women Voters, New Castle, Denise Burgher (GS) and Samantha DeVera (GS), 2017.

YMCA Kwanzaa Celebration, Denise Burgher (GS) and Brandi Locke (GS), 2017.

Radio Interview WGMD 92.8-The Talk of Delmarva, Bobo Steele, Denise Burgher (GS) and         Brandi Locke (GS), November 2017.

Solidarity Conscious Radio Interview hosted by datejie green for Black History Month, 2017.

AARP of Delaware, Wilmington, DE, 2017.

The Underground Railroad Society of DE, Denise Burgher (GS) and Brandi Locke (GS), 2017.

Quaker Friends Meeting Presentation, Curtis Small (L), Denise Burgher (GS), Samantha DeVera (GS), Kennett Square, PA, 2016.

Workshops and Workshop Series: 

CCP members have also attended HILT and other Digital Humanities training forums. These are workshops we have facilitated or created.

Workshop Series, “#DigBlk: Digital Tools and Methods for Black Research,” in partnership with and hosted by the Penn Price Lab for Digital Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, November 2019 - May 2020.

Workshop Facilitators, “Extending the Avenues of Digital Engagement: Crowdsourcing and the Colored Conventions Project,” American Association of State and Local History Annual Conference,  Kansas City, MO, Ethan Barnett (GS) and Anna Lacy (GS), September 2018.

Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT), “Spaces and Stories in the Black Public

Humanities” Instructed by Jim Casey (as F and GS) and Sarah Patterson (as F and GS),

June 2018 and June 2017.

Workshop Facilitator, “The Long History of Civil Rights Organizing: Colored Conventions,

Forgotten Histories and Digital Recovery,” Tulane University, Gabrielle Foreman with

Denise Burgher, February 2018.


Invited Workshop, Always Already Computational. “Collections as Data” plenary panel,

University of California, Santa Barbara, Gabrielle Foreman. Two day meeting. March 2017.

NEH Summer Institute, Black Place and Space, Purdue University. Gabrielle Foreman with Jim

Casey (GS) and Sarah Patterson(GS), faculty. Clay Colmon (GS), Denise Burgher (GS), participants, 2016.

“Humanities Data Visualization,” Three-Day Institute with industry leaders, computer scientists,

 and DH Scholars and Projects, Georgia Tech. Jim Casey (GS) and Labanya Mookerjee

(GS), 2016.

Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thons:

Douglass Day 2018:  A crowdsourced transcription event cosponsored by the Colored Conventions Project, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and the Smithsonian Transcription Center. This event engaged more than one hundred satellite host groups and 1,400 individuals across North American and Europe to help digitally preserve the Freedmen’s Bureau records. February 2018. The Smithsonian Transcription Center reports that our event resulted in 779 pages transcribed; 402 pages reviewed and approved and 600 new registered participants. More than fifteen hundred people tweeted about Douglass Day in 2018.

2018 Douglass Day Press

Bruce, Jordan. "Students, faculty transcribe black history in library." Trinitonian, Trinity


Capella, Natalia. "Douglass Day celebrates abolitionist’s fight for freedom." UT Daily Beacon,

University of Tennessee

Caruba, Lauren. "San Antonio students carefully transcribing letters of former slaves." San

Antonio Express-News.

Duque, Catalina Sofia Dansberger, "UMBC honors Frederick Douglass’s legacy with event to

transcribe Freedmen’s Bureau papers." UMBC News, University of Maryland-Baltimore County.

Holland, Maggie. "Making history permanent: UGA participates in Douglass DayTranscribe-a-thon

event." The Red & Black, University of Georgia.

Hubbard, Kylie. "UT community members gather to celebrate Frederick Douglass." UT Daily

Beacon, University of Tennessee.

Keyes, Allison. "Frederick Douglass’ 200th Birthday Invites Remembrance and Reflection."

Smithsonian Magazine.

Lamson, Lisa. "Frederick Douglass Day: Transcribing History." Historians@Work, Marquette


Larkin-Gilmore, Juliet. "Frederick Douglass Day 2018." Center for Digital Humanities, Vanderbilt


Manser, Ann. "Happy 200th, Frederick Douglass." UDaily, University of Delaware.

Owens, Ann Marie Deer. "African American history ‘transcribe-a-thon’ honors Frederick

Douglass." Research News @ Vanderbilt University.

Ward, Jared. "Turning historic Freedmen's Bureau Papers into digital documents at Virginia

Tech." WDBJ CBS-7. (Video)

Weinstein, Carley. "Happy 200th Birthday Frederick Douglass." News@Hofstra University.

Related: Celebrating 200 years of Frederick Douglass Through Transcription

Project Press:

Kahn, Eve. Colored Conventions, a Rallying Point for Black Americans Before the Civil War.

New York Times. Aug. 4, 2016.

Onion, Rebecca. Five More Digital History Projects We Loved in 2015. Slate Magazine. Dec.

21, 2015.

Collective Interview with the Colored Conventions Project, “Digitally Improving Historical         

           Knowledge,” DML Central, December 2017.

McGrath, James. “Put It In (Digital) Writing: Transcribing the Amazing Jobs of Frederick

 Douglass with the Colored Conventions Project.” Blog of the Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Brown University, February 22, 2017.

Bies, Jessica. “UD Group Celebrates Frederick Douglass’s Birthday.The News Journal (DE),

         February 15, 2017.


Hong, Albert. “University of Delaware’s Colored Conventions Project Wins an MLA Award.” Delaware. December 13, 2016.

Ruth, Eric, Jim Casey, and P. Gabrielle Foreman. “Black Voices Arise from the Past.” University

 of Delaware Messenger, Vol. 24, No 3.

Rosinbum, John. “Uncovering Activism and Engaging Students: The Colored Conventions

        Project.AHA Today: A Blog of the American Historical Association.  2016.

Coard, Michael. “Resurrect Philly’s 1830 Black Economic, Educational Activism.” The

Philadelphia Tribune. September 17, 2016.

Ashenfelder, Mike. “Cultural Institutions Embrace Crowdsourcing.” The Signal: Digital

Preservation. Library of Congress. September 16, 2015.

Hoffman, Anne and Karl Malgiero. “History Matters: Colored Conventions.” History Matters.

Delaware Public Media. May 1, 2015.

A Librarian’s Role in the Digital Humanities: The Colored Conventions Project.” Jottings &

Digressions. University of Wisconsin School of Library and Information Studies, 2015.

Fox, James. “Black Originalism Part 3: The Syracuse Convention of 1864.” The Faculty Lounge.

March 21, 2015.

Parsnis-Samar, Anjali. “Crowd-Sourced Project: 19th-Century ‘Colored Conventions.”

Information Space. School of Information studies, Syracuse University, 2015.

Fagan, Benjamin. “Colored Conventions and the Early Black Press.” Black Press Research

Collective, 2015.