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9th Grade 2/28 quiz

The African trade of enslaved people                                Name:____________________ Class ____

**PLEASE NOTE** if you do not fill out your name, you WILL NOT be given credit for this quiz.  Circle the correct answers.  I have not created a gradecam!

  1. T/F - African people had traded prisoners of war, etc., but the commercialization of the trading of enslaved people began when Europeans entered the picture.
  2. What was the problem that caused the Europeans to turn to Africa for enslaved people?
  1. A need for more resources
  2. A lack of people willing to do the necessary work
  3. Greed - the desire for more money
  4. The desire to convert the world to Christianity
  5. None of the above
  1. Which of the following was NOT an advantage of using African labor?
  1. Africans had been exposed to European diseases
  2. Africans had experience in farming
  3. Africans were less likely to escape
  4. Africans were easily tricked into being enslaved
  5. Skin Color, making it difficult for them to escape for long in the new world.

For the remainder, fill in the blank:

Between 1600 and 1900, the population of Africa dramatically ____________________ (increased/decreased).  In addition, even today, Africa struggles with ___________ _______________, the idea that the best and the brightest leave their home countries in search of something better.  The reality is, the trading of enslaved people didn’t remove the old and the sick.  Instead, it was primarily the _______________ and the _______________ who were taken.  

Lastly, please complete this cycle -

Europeans wanted ____________________


Leading to more _____________ between tribes                   So they traded _________________ to African tribes

9th Grade World History                                Name_________________________ #_______per______

2/14 quiz

  1. Who was the author of Guns, Germs, & Steel?
  1. Madeline Albright
  2. Jared Diamond
  3. Paul Revere
  4. DJ Jazzy Jeff
  5. Eminem
  1. Which of the following best fits the “question” Jared Diamond proposes an answer to in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel?
  1. What made it possible for European culture to progress and ultimately dominate  faster than other cultures?
  2. Why did other cultures lack interest in developing their society in the way Europeans did?
  3. Why were Europeans so brutal and heartless in their conquering and colonization efforts?
  4. Why did plants and animals grow in certain areas of the world over other more suitable regions?
  5. None of the above
  1.  Diamond summed up his book (thesis statement) in a single sentence.  Which of the following sentences is this summation?
  1. “Biological agents, such as diseases and bacteria, single handedly disseminated cultures around the world causing some cultures to benefit more than others.”
  2. “Geography favors cultures on certain latitudes over others, but what those cultures do with this benefit is what determines their fate.”
  3. “Different peoples followed different courses because of different environments, not biological differences among the people themselves.”
  4. Jared Diamond did not provide a clear thesis statement in his book Guns, Germs, and Steel.
  1. Of the following, which does Jared Diamond say helped some cultures develop faster than others? (multiple answers)
  1. Presence of Beasts of Burden
  2. Geographic Luck
  3. Availability of and ability to grow  hearty crops
  4. Access to technology
  5. Germs and microorganisms

  1. Which field of study has an issue with Diamond’s pursuit of understanding how cultures develop?
  1. Psychologists
  2. Sociologists
  3. Archeologists
  4. Anthropologists
  5. Historians
  1. List two arguments AGAINST Jared Diamond’s thesis.

9th Grade World History Quiz                                        Name: __________________ #_______


  1. What is one way in which Africa’s geographic features influenced its cultural development?
  1. They limited settlement to the coastal areas
  2. They acted as highways that eased the movement of people
  3. They forced Africans to trade with Europe and India
  4. They led to the desertification of larger regions
  1. One cause of migration in Africa was
  1. The loss of farming skills
  2. A sudden drop in temperature
  3. The numerous cataracts
  4. The desertification of the Sahara
  1. Which of the following statements about Nubia is correct?
  1. It developed on the lower Nile
  2. It conquered the Assyrians
  3. It was under Egyptian control for 500 years
  4. It had no system of writing
  1. What caused the decline of Nubia?
  1. The Berbers invaded Nubia
  2. Nubia was conquered by Axum
  3. Trade routes changed
  4. Nubia lost its war with Egypt
  1. What major change occurred in North Africa in the early 700s?
  1. Islam became the main religion
  2. Christianity became the main religion
  3. Rome ruled most of the region
  4. Latin replaced Arabic as the main language
  1. What two products dominated trade in the Sahara?
  1. Gold and leather goods
  2. Salt and cloth
  3. Enslaved people and cloth
  4. Salt and gold
  1. Why did the kingdom of Ghana become prosperous and powerful?
  1. It controlled the trade in enslaved people
  2. It controlled the gold-salt trade
  3. It had iron weapons and war chariots
  4. It was the only Muslim kingdom in Africa
  1. What was Mali’s relationship to Ghana?
  1. Mali defeated Ghana to found a new empire
  2. Mali was replaced by Ghana
  3. Ghana defeated Mali in a bitter war
  4. Sundiata ruled both Mali and Ghana


  1. A West African language
  2. A civilization on the upper Nile
  3. A grassy plain
  4. Mansa Musa
  5. Songhai

  1. The incredibly wealthy ruler of Mali
  2. Bantu
  3. Nubia
  4. The largest West African empire
  5. Savanna