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CCHS Donation Criteria
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Donations are accepted on Tuesdays and Fridays between 10AM-4pm*

If you are traveling a great distance, please make an appointment for your donation by calling our office at 651-257-5310, or email

CCHS Criteria for Collection Donations:

If you feel that your artifact(s) meet the above criteria, please send us an email with photographs of the proposed item(s) at or bring it into the Lindstrom Museum on a Tuesday or Friday from 10am-4pm.

Items typically not accepted at the Chisago County Historical Society without strong historical ties to Chisago Co.:

Please do not bring in: 

CCHS reserves the right to deny any donations that do not meet above criteria. The CCHS Collections Committee makes the final decision on whether or not your donation is added to our collection. Further information can be found by calling our office at 651-257-5310, or sending an email to