Online Latin Content Suitable for
Extensive Reading and Listening
compiled and annotated by Justin Slocum Bailey
I. Background
II. Articles and posts about text selection and habit formation
III. Relatively simple Latin texts
IV. Latin podcasts
V. Other Latin audio and video
I. Background on value and role of Extensive Reading and Listening for building proficiency and fluency in a language
Brief definitions of Extensive and Intensive Reading, applied to Latin
“The Inescapable Case for Extensive Reading” by Rob Waring
Pre-publication version of a linguistic and statistical argument by a major researcher in the field of second language reading
“The Inescapable Case for Extensive Reading” – Musicuentos Black Box Podcast
Animated video by Justin Slocum Bailey summarizing Waring’s article
Annotated bibliography from the Extensive Reading Foundation
Topical bibliography of research on the role of Extensive Reading in various aspects of acquiring another language
“Why Your Reading Habit Works”
Guest article by JSB on effectiveness of a daily Latin reading habit
“The Savvy Autodidact: How to choose and use texts for building Latin fluency”
Lecture by JSB at Paideia’s Living Latin in NYC 2016. Expands on points made in “Why Your Reading Habit Works” and provides more concrete Latin examples.
II. Articles and blog posts by Justin Slocum Bailey sharing further tips for Latin text selection and habit formation
Driving with Dido: How I Came to Read Latin Extensively
How Harrius Potter Helped Me Read More Latin
What Is Your Favorite Thing to Do?
See also: Jason Slanga’s Latin Reading Challenge
III. Fairly simple Latin reading material
Mille Noctes by Ellie Arnold, Allyson Spencer-Bunch, et al.
Database of simple texts written and submitted by teachers.
Vivarium Novum’s list of “easy readers”
Mostly pdfs of books written for students in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Great for long-form reading once you find one you’re interested in.
Various readers (also some textbooks—ignore these or mine them for readings!)
JSB’s spreadsheet of texts for Extensive Reading
Currently organized by genre; plan is for users eventually to sort by difficulty, genre, era, and more. Texts can be added by users.
Latin Text page at Indwelling Language
Links to texts and tips. Duplicates some info that is in this doc.
Latin Novellas recently published
Links to and descriptions of dozens of modern Latin novellas, categorized by genre and difficulty
IV. Podcasts
Quomodo Dicitur? by Gus Grissom, Catherine Reed, Jason Slanga, and Justin Slocum Bailey
Latin banter about ancient and modern topics, often with guests. Simplest of all the current free Latin podcasts I know of (as of December 2020; the subscription-based Sonitus Mirabilis [see below] is simpler). Includes some audio and video episodes specifically designed for classroom use.
Podcast—search Quomodo Dicitur in podcast app
YouTube channel with video content
Satura Lanx by Irene Regini
A teacher at Schola Nova in Belgium introduces listeners to Humanist Latin texts and shares handy phrases pulled from the same.
In foro Romano by Abi, Anna, and Lida
Fun, topical chats among three young Latin speakers from Mexico, Spain, and the Czech Republic. Website includes transcripts, additional readings, and topical vocab lists
Podcast—search In foro Romano in podcast app
Latinitium by Daniel Pettersson
Collection of fairly advanced resources, including video and audio of ancient texts as well as Latin learning tips and links, by a superb Latin reader and speaker.
Podcast—search Latinitium in podcast app
Recommended article: “How to Improve Your Latin in 10 minutes a day”
Musa Pedestris by Marina Garanin
Marina, a poet and doctoral students, discusses poetry and other topics
Sermones Raedarii by Alexander Veronensis
A commuting Latin teacher in Italy discusses various Latin topics, especially teaching and learning, and reviews Latin materials.
Podcast—search Sermones Raedarii in podcast app
Legio XIII by Jesse Craft (of Magister Craft fame) and Luke Amadeus Ranieri (of Scorpio Martianus)
Chat and discussion of fairly easy Latin texts, encouraging listeners to read along
Podcast—search Legio XIII in podcast app
Philologia Perennis by Tom Keeline and Patrick Owens
Erudite, entertaining conversations about Latin literature and usage.
Podcast—search Philologia Perennis in podcast app
Salvi Sitis! by Matthew Jay
A young British epidemiologist and Latin enthusiast discusses interesting aspects of his field in Latin
Nuntii Latini by Radiophonia Finnica Generalis
Now-classic (and retired), weekly four-minute world news roundup from Finland. Includes transcripts.
Podcast—search Nuntii Latini in podcast app
Nuntii Latini by Western Washington University students
Webcast with news roundup in Latin. Text, audio, and some video.
Sonitus Mirabilis by Rachel Ash and Miriam Patrick
Super simple radio-style stories with suspense and sound effects (subscription).
Discite Mecum by Aprilis Albuquercensis (a.k.a. Lyricina Musa)
Solo podcast by the Latinist-musician best known for her musical renditions of Latin poetry.
V. Other Latin audio and video
Short, user-submitted videos discussing topics such as their pets, favorite books, and leisure activities. More videos currently in submission process and coming soon.
Scorpio Martianus by Luke Amadeus Ranieri
Tons of short, high-quality videos in Latin on everything from world news to pronunciation to travel to specific classical works. Can also subscribe to the YouTube channel.
Divus Magister Craft YouTube channel by Jesse Craft
High-quality Minecraft videos on lots of aspects of Roman life, with simple Latin narration
Musa Pedestris YouTube channel by Marina Garanin
Mostly poetry in Latin and other languages, but also ex tempore narration
Beatus Helvetius Salodurensis YouTube channel by Beat Jung
High-quality, high-interest videos shot on-site featuring various Swiss sites and quirky facts
Musaeolum by Cori Russo
Tons of recitations of classical texts, also some blog posts in Latin. Try reading along in texts while you listen; then move on to just listening. You can also subscribe with a podcast app.
Paideia Media YouTube channel
Mostly lectures given in Latin on a variety of topics.
Noctes Wratislavienses YouTube channel
Short videos featuring the superb, gleeful Latin of Katarzyna Ochman and sometimes guests.
Josiah Meadows YouTube channel
Follow a young Latinist’s tutoring sessions with one of the top Latin speakers on the planet (Roberto Carfagni of Schola Latina) from early in the journey to amazing eloquence. Hundreds of hours of content.
Renaud Mercier YouTube channel
A Belgian living in French Guiana gives brief descriptions of the places where he is traveling; he also has a series of lessons in Latin about various linguistic and literary topics.
Lance Piantaggini YouTube channel
Features myths simply narrated with visual aids
Magister Piazza YouTube channel by John Piazza
Includes simple series “Speaking Latin”
Monumenta Litterarum
Series of filmed, subtitled classes on famous passages, by Collegium Latinitatis
1. Jorge Tárrega teaching Horace’s “Tu ne quaesieris”
2. Maria Luisa Aguilar teaching from Cicero’s De Divinatione (“de Gyge”)
3. David González teaching Catullus 51
4. Luis Folgado teaching the beginning of Tacitus's Annales
5. Paulo Ortiz teaching St. Jerome’s “Epistula ad Eustochium”
6. Jorge Tárrega teaching Sallust’s Bellum Iugurthinum
Latin lectures by Wilfried Stroh
Seven semester-length courses(!) on a wide range of topics in Latin and Greek literature, language, philosophy and rhetoric--all given entirely in Latin by one of the most endearing and erudite Latin speakers on the planet.
Aprilis Albuquercensis YouTube channel
Original musical renditions of Latin poetry, with accompaniment on the lyre.
Latin Audio page at Indwelling Language
Downloadable recitations of Latin text. Try reading along while you listen; then move on to just listening!
70+ Hours of Spoken Latin YouTube videos compiled by Daniel Pettersson of Latinitium. Mostly Latin lectures. Duplicates some links in this doc.