
The greatest love in the world is the love that you have for your pets.

Hi my name is Charlie and today I will be talking about how to look after your pets the right way. You need to do lots of different things to look after your pets.


Firstly, make sure they are safe. If you live in town and you have a pet dog of any type, it is good to have a fence because you do not want your dog going on the road.

If you have a pet budgie you need a giant cage so they can fly around and they have lots of room.


You need to give your pets lots of love and attention.

Cats love being patted, it makes them purr!

Cats make your beds all furry but they are a very good friend to have around the house. Cats can be naughty sometimes because they bite you and scratch you. But they are good hunters and can keep mice and rat numbers down. It’s not so good when they bring dead birds inside the house though!


Pets need plenty of food and fresh water.

There are lots of places where you can buy pet food like pet shops and sometimes the supermarket. Make sure you have the right kind of food that is good for your pet.                                                                                                                                                                        


Lots of pets need exercise to stay healthy and get rid of some energy. Dogs like to be taken for a walk or a run.

Also it is good to train your pets so that they listen to you and don’t run away and get lost. You could also teach a dog to roll over and shake hands.


In some places they have pet lions and I think that would be awesome! There is one reason I would not have a pet lion though, because what if it tried to eat you! I think I will stick with my dogs, lambs, cats and horses.               Thank you for listening to my speech.