Organizing for Power: The Core Fundamentals takes place on 6 consecutive Tuesdays from the 10th of May until the 14th of June.
The program runs twice daily for our global audience.
Find your local start time for Session A or for Session B.
Registration link if you do not have a Google ID
Our fifth full-length O4P training will focus on the five core organizing fundamentals:
These essential skills serve as the building blocks of all winning campaigns. The Core Fundamentals uses the same curriculum as past Organizing for Power trainings for the simple reason that the fundamentals of success do not change; the real key is our ability to master them.
Since September 2019, O4P has hosted nearly 25,000 organizers from 110 countries. 75% of these attendees have been first-time O4P participants, while the rest are returning participants who understand that practice makes perfect. After all, if our lead trainer Jane McAlevey never stops practicing the fundamentals, then neither should you. In The Core Fundamentals, she and a growing team of trainers from across the globe will lead you through a program to better prepare you for the struggles, and victories, to come.
Over these past two years, the vast majority of our graduates have taken this program together with an organizing group, and most of them have used O4P to strengthen their existing campaign. We hope that this time will be no different. Registration is free and open exclusively to groups of 10+, and larger organizations should consider enrolling 30, 50, or even 100+ members.
Our registration form is designed exclusively for people willing to serve as the contact person for their group of 10+. This person will be responsible for registering their group’s members and serving as the point person in all subsequent communications with the O4P team.
Groups of 25+ will additionally need to provide breakout facilitators to assist the O4P team during training sessions. These breakout facilitators will be asked to attend one preparatory training and have access to a Zoom Pro account or equivalent platform enabling small group breakout assignments. Large groups interested in taking the program should write to us at for more details.
Registration is open to groups of 10+ from now until the 3rd of May. If you don’t yet have 10 people, you still have time to get there. After all, we are only going to win if we’re in this together. So talk to your people now, and get ready to join a growing global community of people organizing for power.
If you have additional questions, contact us at We look forward to hearing from and seeing you soon.
Global capital is currently wreaking havoc across the world in terrible ways, with a criminally mismanaged pandemic combining with old and new wars and a boiling climate crisis to upend lives everywhere. In this context, it is perhaps more urgent than ever to rebuild a robust international working class movement that is capable of fighting back and winning.
Organizing for Power’s 5th training on the core fundamentals of organizing will take place from May 10 – June 14, 2022. Through our previous 4 trainings, we have hosted more than 20,000 organizers from 110 countries, nearly all of whom have participated in groups working together to win campaigns.
This program can’t happen without the active participation of volunteers like you, who work in solidarity with these thousands of organizers from across the globe. Your support is crucial to ensuring that each of our organizing groups gets the most possible out of this program, and that each of them is as prepared as possible for their victories to come.
For this upcoming Core Fundamentals program, we have two types of volunteers: group contacts and breakout facilitators.
As Group Contact, you are the essential link connecting your organizing group to the training program. From start to finish, you will ensure that your group members are plugged in, clear-eyed about what they need to do, and ready to make the absolute most of this experience.
You will be responsible for registering your group of 10+ participants for Organizing for Power’s Core Fundamentals training and ensuring their active participation throughout the course. Being a Group Contact will take 2 hours of time per week outside of class. Your role and responsibilities are the following:
i. Register your group:
Note that if you need to update your group member information, you will have to resubmit your spreadsheet by completing the registration form again.
ii. Communication before and during the training:
iii. Campaign practice assignments:
The Core Fundamentals training program also relies on volunteer facilitators who open breakout rooms and guide group sessions so that participants can practice the methods and tools presented in the plenary. All groups must designate a facilitator. As Group Contact, you can also play this role but you need to attend at least one training session for facilitators.
For all other questions related to the program, we’ve got you! We will be holding Group Contact Orientation Sessions on March 16 and April 2. And if you still have questions, you can contact us at
Wednesday 16 March - Group Contact Orientation Session 1, taking place at 2pm Central European / 8am US Eastern time. Find your local start time here.
Saturday 2 April - Group Contact Orientation Session 2, taking place at 6pm Central European / 12pm US Eastern time. Find your local start time here.
As an Organizing for Power facilitator, you will be responsible for facilitating breakout sessions in which participants practice the organizing methods and tools introduced in our plenary sessions. Putting these tools into practice is what makes them really stick in people’s minds, making your role as important as any in this program.
The Breakout Facilitator’s role, which comprises up to 4 breakout sessions of 1 hour each, plus preparatory work and coordination with the O4P team and your group contact, will take at least 2 hours of your time per week outside of our main sessions. There are two types of facilitator: organization-specific and cross-organization.
A. Organization-specific Facilitator: You are participating in the program with your own organization and you’re staying with them throughout the program, facilitating your group’s breakout sessions. You are not required to have previous experience in the Organizing for Power training program. However, you will have to attend at least one mandatory facilitator training session to prepare yourself. You must also have access to a Zoom Pro or equivalent account that allows you to break participants out into smaller groups of three. Sign up to be an organization-specific facilitator here.
B. Cross-organization Facilitator: You will be facilitating a group of mixed participants beyond your own organization. These groups will be designed by us, and may be organized according to work sector, language group, region, or another configuration. To facilitate a mixed group, you must have taken part in a previous Organizing for Power core training program (such as Workers Rising Everywhere or Strike School). You must also have access to a Zoom Pro account with small group breakout functionality. The registration deadline is the 29th of April. Sign up to be a cross-organizational facilitator here.
i. Host up to four breakout group sessions throughout the training:
ii. Sharpen your skills!
iii. Support collective learning
We will be holding 2 Facilitator Training Sessions on each of 26 April and 30 April. It is mandatory that each facilitator joins at least 1 of these sessions. We will also be holding an open space for questions and last minute issues two hours before each training session begins. If you still have questions, you can contact us at
Tuesday 26 April
Saturday 30 April
Thursday 5 May
7.30pm Casablanca time (9:30pm Central European / 3:30pm US Eastern. Find your local starting time here.