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CNHS Minutes 2.1.24_AH.docx
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Metropolitan State University

[CNHS] IFO Faculty Association (FA) Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 2/1/2024        Time: 0900 am -1100 am        Location: Zoom

Convener: Robin Johnson

Recorder: Amy

Present: Robin Johnson, Amy Harding, Andrea Jordan, Brenda Merrill, Elizabeth Branca, Jeanne Barkey, Karen Gutierrez, Kerry Johnson, Kim Yung Pfuhl, Michelle Palmborg, Miriam Nkemnji-Enohnyaket, Nathan Holt, Fatuma Kotile, Dina Khaled.

Guests: Matt Ryg, Emily Oliver

To aid in council packet formation, please indicate when a topic was discussed and no motion was made so that we can differentiate these from topics which were not discussed (or not discussed adequately) due to lack of time.




Call to order

Action Items

Nursing is participating in the pilot for measurement of institutional learning outcomes. Brenda Merrill will be analyzing historical program learning outcome data in context with the approved institutional learning outcomes. The goal of the pilot is to gather data and feedback on the initial workflow.

Program Annual Reflections are still in process. The AIPQIC council and assessment review PARs and provide feedback. The Provost and Deans use that feedback as part of the overall program review process to determine if a stabilization or growth plan is needed. 


Information discussed. Nominations should be submitted no later than February 9, 2024, to Lesli Blair at

Call for Delegates for Delegate Assembly.

Jeanne Barkey and Michelle Palmborg are representatives from CNHS. Thank you! Three additional slots are available on a first come first served basis.

Carryover Motions

CF VP Compensation

Guest speakers Matt Ryg and Emily Oliver.

Current language proposed is 3 credits for each CF VP.

Discussion: Asking for support for the two positions – adding the second VP position.

CF Reps Encourage our reps to go to the FA Council and support CF to have compensation for the two roles.

Motion to support the CF VP Compensation for 3 credits each. Moved and seconded. Motion carries.  

DLIP Motion: Removal of Metro State Policy 2110.

DLIP opposes the removal of Metro State policy 2110.

No discussion.

Motion to support DLIP Motion: Oppose the removal of State Policy 2110. Moved. Seconded. Motion Carries.  

New Business

CLA Motion: Reporting all Data for Office Space Use Study

Is the ask to have the full report? Yes, administration shouldn’t be selective in omission of the information.

Would like the full report here and moving forward that all results be reported out.

Motion to support the CLA motion. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

GLBTQ Motion: That administration review all student, staff, faculty, and public-facing documents with identification information to ensure they are gender-inclusive

No discussion.

Motion to support the GLBTQ motion. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.      

DLIP Motion: Update to Operating Procedure

Motion to support the DLIP motion. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

CNHS Topics/Motions

No motions proposed by CNHS for next month.

Delegate Assembly Resolutions

  1. Contract Goals: a-h

Like the language around a conversation if reassigned time is changed. There has not been a conversation related to the change in reassign time for chair previously.

Move to support the contract goals a-j. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

  1. IFO Internal/Misc Goals

No resolutions to review.

  1. Legislative/Government Relations Goals: a

This affirms that IFO takes positions if there are things that are affecting members of the union and the union concludes that there should be a statement, this should be normalized.

Clarifying questions: “take stances” seems unclear. Seeking clarification/definition.

“Relevant to geopolitical issues”: this seems like a newer position for the IFO.

Response: Historically, IFO has made political actions at the state and national level, so this actually does not appear to be new position.

  • What to take action on is still within the realm of the IFO to decide.

Move to support resolution a. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

  1. Minnstate Policy/Academic Affairs Goals

This has been brought up before and surprising that it hasn’t been implemented yet.

Motion to support resolution 4. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

  1. Equity/Inclusion Goals: a-c

Comment – there should be a linkage between participation in PDP/PDR process and the increase in compensation.

Response- When CF submits a PDR, where do they go to? -The Dean.

How do we know this happens? Assumption that the Dean should be reporting back to the faculty confirmation the CF completes these. This could be a process issue within CNHS.

Could we ask the DA delegates to bring this forward as a question at delegation.

Is the5% an annual raise?

Question- about looking at different solutions for compensation for CF.

Response- the senior faculty member would be paid 5% per year above the agreed upon dollar amount.  

Question- Senior faculty is determined by time served only. There is discussion about needing to have more than just time dependent criteria, i.e. being inclusive of other criteria.

Response- Are we looking only from the perspective of CNHS? Should we consider different perspective?

Question for consideration- How does moving away from time-only criteria for increase pay, impact historically marginalized groups?

Response – RF do get a raises based solely on time which is a precedent for time-based raises.

Response- Could be important for others to join the Delegate Assembly to support the de

Motion to support equity/inclusion goals a-c. Moved. Seconded. Motion carries.

One abstention.


No resolutions proposed by CNHS at this time.

IFO Minutes        Page