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Reflection: Parasite #3
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Credit where credit’s due… this is Hanya’s work.


Through the use of pathetic fallacy, motif, and music during the dismissal of the former housekeeper in the movie Parasite, Bong Joon-ho is able to highlight the extent to which the bourgeoisie have autonomy over the lives of the proletariat.





In one scene, the seasoned housekeeper is fired after being falsely accused of having tuberculosis by the impoverished Kim family who are taking over. The setting, as seen in the wide shot, appeared to be sunny before the news was delivered by Mrs Park, the employer. After the news is received, the former housekeeper is seen heading downhill, away from the property, in a dark and stormy scene, with the wind pushing against her.

Pathetic Fallacy

  • Before the housekeeper was fired, the setting was sunny, signifying happiness and positivity; however, after she is fired, the weather is stormy and dark, suggesting trouble. 
  • To add, as the housekeeper moves downhill, the wind is pushing against her, indicating the difficulty of future occurrences.
  • Both shots are wide shots, highlighting the setting and emphasizing the use of pathetic fallacy.


  • As stairs and inclines are a motif in the novel, the housekeeper moving downhill away from the property signifies moving down the social ladder.  


  • The background music is sad and sorrowful, underlining the difficult situation.
  • Whilst Mrs Park is characterized as apathetic for letting go of the previous housekeeper without concern for her well-being, the housekeeper is characterized as hopeless, indicated by the pathetic fallacy, her appearance, and the music as she leaves.

  • This foreshadows the plot as conflict and trouble is highlighted through pathetic fallacy. 

  • The mood, achieved through pathetic fallacy, is sorrowful and anxious.

  • The symbolism of the housekeeper moving downhill as she leaves the property signifies a return to the lower classes.

  • The sad music creates a sorrowful mood, and also foreshadows trouble as the unfortunate situation occurs.

  • As a result of portraying this scene in such a sorrowful manner, where audiences empathise with the housemaid, Bong Joon-ho seems to be critical of class structures which do not protect workers, such as the housemaid, as well as the wealthy who seem apathetic and take no responsibility for such people.

This highlights how the bourgeoisie have complete power over the lives of the proletariat. The proletariat are depicted as not being able to have autonomy over their lives, facing anxiety and fear.

According to Marxist theory, the bourgeois capitalists become rich at the expense of the working class. Additionally, the bourgeoisie are responsible for the formation and emergence of the proletariat through structures which maintain class division. Therefore, the proletariat, such as the housekeeper, are dependent on the bourgeoisie to earn their living.

Look at each piece of analysis and see where further explanation is given. It is not enough to just identify something; you MUST explain its effects or purpose, or make an interpretation at every level.