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MinecraftServerWebsite | Configuration
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


enable_permissions: true

menu_command: menu

gameplay: ''

private_key: ''

awareness_notifications: true

chat_display: '&7{player}&8:&f {message}'

statistics_disabled_worlds: disabledWorld1, disabledWorld2

awareness_notifications: true


player_not_found: '&cPlayer not found.'

no_permission: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this.'

reload_configuration: '&aConfiguration successfully reloaded.'

request_sent: '&eRequest has been sent. Please wait.'

request_successful: '&aRequest has been successfully processed.'

request_failed: '&cRequest has failed to process. Please ensure you are running the

  latest plugin version, and if so, recheck the given arguments.'

request_no_reply: '&cRequest has failed to give a proper reply. Please ensure you

  are running the latest plugin version, and if so, seek support at'

request_unhandled: '&cRequest reply was not handled ({reply}). Please ensure you are

  running the latest plugin version, and if so, seek support at'

request_error: '&cRequest resulted in an error. Please ensure you are running the

  latest plugin version, and if so, check your server''s connection.'

request_alphanumeric: '&cRequest''s argument ''{argument}'' must be alphanumeric.'

request_taken: '&cRequest''s argument ''{argument}'' has already been taken by someone


request_length: '&cRequest''s argument ''{argument}'' must not exceed {number} character(s)

  in length.'

request_limit: '&cYou cannot execute more requests of this kind.'

request_no_key: '&cWebsite hasn''t been created or private-key has been deleted.'

request_cooldown: '&cPlease wait a few seconds before sending another request.'

request_numeric: '&cRequest''s argument ''{argument}'' must be numeric.'

no_url: '&cNo URL available.'

cooldown: '&cPlease wait {time} second(s).'

blocked_chat_interaction: '&cYour chat interaction was blocked from being sent.'

punishment: '&7You are currently punished with a &e{type} &7by &a{executor} &7for

  &c{reason}&7.{line}This will expire in &4{time}&7.'


default: '&7{player}'

admin: '&8[&4Admin&8] &c{player}'

moderator: '&8[&5Moderator&8] &d{player}'