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21-22 FHES Parent Student Handbook
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Student & Parent Handbook


100 Forrest Hunt Drive

Forest City, NC   28043

Phone 828/245-2161

Fax 828/248-3286

Dr. Tammie P. Ash, Principal

Star, Yellow, Shapes, Glowing,

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year at Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School. The temporary restrictions we currently face are rapidly changing therefore the rules, regulations, and procedures outlined in this booklet will reflect our daily operations without addressing the everchanging Covid-19 requirements.

Our families, local businesses and teachers value the importance of everyone working together to create an environment that allows our STARS to SHINE. I am proud to be part of such a loving and caring school community.

Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions, concerns, or suggestions on how we can improve!  My cell phone number is 828-447-0409. I hope that this is a great year for you and your family.


                                                                Dr. Tammie Ash



All Forrest W. Hunt Elementary Students will be prepared for middle school success.


Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School will prepare all students for lifelong learning in a global community by partnering with families and communities, providing rigorous academic experiences, and promoting a safe and nurturing school environment.

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School

School Calendar For Students 2021-2022



Report Cards will be issued each six weeks, in accordance with the Rutherford County Schools Board of Education schedule. 3-5 teachers will issue Interim Reports, either written or verbally, half way through the six week period. We encourage you to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at any time if you have a question concerning grades. Keep in mind, grades are not given, they are earned. The State Board approved a standard 10-point grading scale to begin with the 2015-16 school year. This grading scale will be used for grades 3-5.

A: 90-100 = A        

B: 80-89 = B

C: 70-79 = C                

D: 60-69 = D                        

F: < 59 = F                



The STAR newsletter will be sent home in your child’s report card each six weeks. It highlights a different grade level each reporting period and will have upcoming events and important dates.


It is our goal that constant communication takes place between school and home, below are just a few of the tools we use to communicate. If you do not have regular communication with your child’s teacher, please contact me so together we can establish an open line of communication.

The Edlio Messenger system will notify you by phone for important information, events, and in the case of inclement weather, delays, or cancellations. If your phone number changes or if you are not receiving alerts, please let the office or your child’s teacher know.

Check out our Facebook page:

We weekly share class information and lunch menus. Also, feel free to check-in when you come for a visit!  

You may also follow us on Twitter @ForrestHuntElem.

Classroom Dojo

All FHES classrooms use Class Dojo as an easy way to communicate.

Be on the lookout for ways to enroll in your child’s Class Dojo.  We do not want you to miss out on any important information.

You may visit our website at or

Rutherford County Schools’ website at

The blue FHES communication folder is another important way for home/school communication.

Please be sure to check it nightly.


Notes to and from home are always a great way to communicate. However, if you send a note and do not receive a response, please give the school a call. Sometimes students misplace notes or forget to give them to their teacher or parents.




Your child’s safety is very important to us. Thank you for observing the following traffic procedures to maintain safety during arrival and dismissal for all students.

Traffic Safety and Procedures

Morning Procedures:


Bus Riders:

Bus riders enter the building through the cafeteria entrance and report to their classrooms.

Car Riders:

All doors will be unlocked at 7:00 am. In an effort to keep all students safe, no students should arrive at school before 7:00 am. Upon entering the building, students should report directly to their classrooms.

Students who are MORNING car riders should be dropped off at the gym entrance.

Staff members will be on duty to assist your child. For the safety of your child, please do not drop your student off at any other location. The faculty parking lot should only be used when you are parking to accompany your child into the building. It is dangerous for students to walk unaccompanied in the visitor/teacher parking lot.  


Staff members will also be on duty in the hallways each morning. Students should not visit restrooms or any other area of the building without first reporting to a teacher. Please note:  The warning bell will ring at 7:25 am and the tardy bell will ring at 7:30 am. If your child is not in their classroom at 7:30, they will be counted as tardy. Please give your child the best opportunity to be successful by getting them to school on time. If your child is tardy, please park and walk your child into the office to check-in, and get a tardy slip.

Afternoon Procedures:


Bus Riders:

At 2:30 each afternoon buses will be loaded. Bus arrival and departure times may fluctuate particularly at the beginning of the school year. Never hesitate to call the school (245-2161) if you have a question or concern about your child’s bus transportation.

Car Riders:

If you plan to pick up your child at school, please request a dash card on “Meet Your Teacher Day.”  This procedure is designed for the safety of all children.

Instructions for Dash Card Use

You will be expected to display an official Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School Dash Card when picking up your child. The dash card should be on display when you are in the car rider line. It can be easily attached to your sun visor with a couple of rubber bands or can be placed on the dash of your car. The dash card lets school officials know that you are the authorized person to pick up your child. Vehicles without dash cards may be asked to park for further identification verification. Please follow all car rider guidelines for our students' safety.

The gym and/or cafeteria entrances are the only designated drop-off and pick up points. Because of safety concerns, NO STUDENTS WILL BE DISMISSED THROUGH THE OFFICE OR FRONT DOORS.

Please be on time for car rider pick up. All students who have not been picked up by 2:45 p.m. will wait in the office and parents must come in to sign them out. Please do not call and ask us to send them out. The safety of your child is our main concern.


A written request must be provided:

All information should be listed on the request with your signature and phone number. We expect written permission for your child to change his/her way of going home except in emergency situations.

A student WILL NOT be allowed to make a change to a different bus or get off at a different stop or change to a car rider or bus rider or ride in a different car without written parent permission.

Please understand that phone calls during the day to change transportation are stressful for your child, are not conducive to child safety, and also take away from the school day and should not be made except in an emergency.  


If you need to pick up your child early, please send a note to the teacher stating this. We will call your child to the office when you arrive. This will minimize time lost in the classroom. You must report to the office to sign your child out for early dismissal. Please bring your photo ID with you to check out your child early.

Our Student Information Sheet includes a list of people who may pick up your child. No one else will be allowed to pick up your child without written consent (include your phone number on the written consent, so that we can call you to verify if we feel it is necessary.)  A picture ID will also be required.

Rest assured that we will not allow any student to be picked up by anyone other than a parent,  legal guardian, or adult listed on their information sheet without your permission.

We respectfully ask that you do not come into the office to check your child out at the end of the day. Your child has class until 2:30 p.m. and it is important they remain in class. This also adds to the congestion in our driveway during dismissal time. Coming in to pick your student up just to avoid the car rider line is not an option.


        The purpose of school buses is to transport students from home to school and return safely. To accomplish this purpose, a discipline plan is used on the buses. The plan includes rules and consequences.


Riding the school bus is a privilege for students. Students are expected to follow the same behavioral standards while riding the school bus that are expected on school property or at school activities or events. All school rules are in full effect while a student is riding the bus or waiting at a bus stop.

1. Remain in your seat.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Do not extend hands or arms out of the window.

4. Loud talking that disturbs driver or others is not allowed.

5. Do not bring toys or prohibited items on bus.

6. Disrespect to bus driver will not be tolerated.

CONSEQUENCES   Students will be referred to the office for inappropriate bus behavior. The following steps will be followed in accordance with Rutherford County Schools Transportation Handbook:

First Offense - Driver verbally warns student and/or re-assigns seat.

Second Offense -  Office visit, parent contact, and/or new assigned seat.

Third Offense - Office visit, one day bus suspension and parent contact.

Fourth Offense - Office visit, three days bus suspension and parent contact.

Fifth Offense - Office visit, five days bus suspension and parent contact.

Sixth Offense - Office visit, ten days bus suspension and parent contact.

Seventh Offense - Office visit, permanent suspension possible at the discretion of the  Principal/Assistant Principal.

Any severe act or misconduct is an immediate suspension.


RCS Superintendent, Dr. Sutton, makes the decision when to close school due to bad weather. Every effort is made to make this decision as early as possible. You may learn of this decision by listening to local radio or television. Please do not call the school. Many times local radio gets the information before we do. Also, the Edlio system will be used to notify you. Be sure to fill out the inclement weather portion of the student information sheet and return it to your child’s teacher. This gives us specific instructions about how your child is to get home in the event school is dismissed early. Many teachers will also use class dojo to alert you of an early closing.

For announcements about school closings, delays, or dismissals, listen to your local radio or television stations. Sometimes, a decision will be made the evening before. Information about school closings or delays will be posted on the Rutherford County Schools website:

If no announcement is made, schools will operate on a normal schedule. The following are additional sources of information regarding school closings, delays, or dismissals.

WAGY 1320 AM (Forest City)

WGMA 1520 AM (Spindale)

WCAB 590 AM (Rutherfordton)

WWOL 780 AM (Forest City)

Northland Cable Channel 5

WLOS Channel 13 (Asheville)

WBTV Channel 3 (Charlotte)

WSPA Channel 7 (Spartanburg)

If school should be dismissed early due to inclement weather, please make sure your child’s teacher knows IN ADVANCE how he/she will be getting home. Please complete the inclement weather plan on your child’s Information Sheet that will be sent home on the first day of school. Phone lines will tie up quickly with no way to contact you.


The following standards apply to all elementary schools.

(Principals may make additions to these standards.)


        Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School School is governed by the State of North Carolina Public School Law and the Rutherford County Board of Education. The compulsory Attendance Law requires students to be in attendance. Academic achievement is highly important at Forrest W. Hunt Elementary; therefore, students must make up all work required by the teacher when absent. Faculty members will assist students in arranging for make-up work. It is currently Rutherford County Schools policy that attendance be a deciding factor when considering retention or promotion. Please make sure your child is absent only when necessary.

(Please refer to the Rutherford County Schools K-5 Policies Handbook for complete attendance laws.)


        If your child becomes sick or injured while at school, we will make every effort to take care of them. The Student Information Sheet is very important under these circumstances because you have provided us with up-to-date information on who to call. If the situation demands immediate attention and we cannot make contact with anyone, we will call 911 for Rutherford County E.M.S.



Our school staff cannot administer medication to students unless a parent has turned in a Student Medication Form (available in the office or from the teacher). The Student Medication Form must be completed and signed by the parent and physician.

        Any over-the-counter medication must be in the original box or bottle. Parents must also complete a medical form for over-the-counter drugs. No medication of any kind will be given without this completed form.



        The Rutherford County Board of Education has adopted a no-nit policy for students with head lice. There is no shame in having head lice. Lice can be completely eliminated in the home by following proper removal procedures. Please contact our school nurse if your child has a consistent problem with head lice. Children will be sent home for lice and/or nits.


Students are not allowed to use the phone. In the event of an emergency, a teacher will call home for the student. Students should leave cell phones at home. We can not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. If a student has a cell phone, the teacher will bring the phone to the office and an adult will be called to pick up the phone.



Forrest W. Hunt Elementary is a proud Title I school-wide school. Our Title I resources provide many materials for parents and their children. The Parent Resource Room offers books, materials, and games to help parents enhance their child(ren)’s education. These items are also available for check-out. A computer is available for agency referrals, job applications, rental searches, or as an unlimited source of needed information. The parent resource room is located to the right of the cafeteria. Please feel free to visit anytime during school hours.

Also, please check out our Parent Resources

Webpage for a variety of valuable tools you can use to help your child(ren).

Parent Resources Webpage


No one reaches his/her potential without practicing their skills. Just as professional athletes have to constantly practice, students also have to practice to acquire the academic skills necessary to lead a rewarding life. For students, this practice is homework. Please allow time in your family’s schedule for homework. However, if your child has over 30 – 40 minutes of homework, it probably means they left something undone the day before. Please call your child’s teacher and schedule a conference in this situation.

It is  the expectation at Forrest W. Hunt Elementary that all students read                 or are read to for at least 20 minutes each evening.


In elementary school, we have a minimal amount of standardized testing. Our students are assessed in the following ways:

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)- This is a nationally-aligned computerized assessment program that provides educators with the information they need to improve teaching and learning. Educators use the growth and achievement data from MAP to develop targeted instructional strategies and to plan school improvement. With the ability to test students up to three times a year, MAP test results help educators make student-focused, data-driven decisions.

RTA Diagnostic Tool- all NC kindergarten through third-grade students have their reading progress routinely assessed.

End of Grade Assessments (EOGS) - These are achievement tests in the areas of Reading and Math in grades 3-5 and Science in grade 5. Students complete EOG assessments during the last ten days of the school year.



Breakfast and lunch are served daily. Breakfast is served in the classroom and begins at 7:00 am. Lunch is served from 10:50 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. All Rutherford County Schools students receive free breakfast and lunch. We invite you to join your child for lunch as often as possible.

Bringing Food Into The School For Parties

        The State of North Carolina has issued guidelines against bringing home-baked goods into the school due to problems associated with E-coli bacteria and food allergies.

If you wish to bring food items into the classroom for birthday parties, and other special occasions, please purchase all food items from a commercial kitchen such as a grocery store, bakery, or deli. The nutrition information and ingredients are also posted on commercially prepared food. Students may not consume party foods, etc. before the cafeteria finishes serving, at 1:00 p.m.

To schedule a class party, please contact your child’s teacher. Please do not just show up with a party for the class.



We invite parents and grandparents to visit our school anytime throughout the year. One way to visit is by having lunch with your student. To eat lunch with your child, simply check-in at the office and then wait for your child’s class to pass by the office. Students are always thrilled to see their loved ones waiting to have lunch with them.

We also invite family members to volunteer and are fortunate at Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School to have a number of fine volunteers. These people, who unselfishly give their time to us, are a tremendous help to our students and teachers. If you are interested in volunteering some of your time, please contact your child’s teacher.

Another way to volunteer at FHES is to become a Rutherford County Schools Reading Buddy. There is a brief training session, but the reward is great. To become a Reading Buddy, please contact our school counselor, Tammy Jarrett.

        All visitors and volunteers will be required to register at the school office and wear a visitor’s pass while on campus. A background check will be necessary each year for volunteers. You will need to fill out a Volunteer Background Check form giving the Board of Education permission to run this background check.

Please keep in mind that if you need to speak with your child’s teacher, a lunchtime visit might not be the best time. Please ask to schedule a conference. We also refrain from calling teachers or students out of the classroom unless there is a prearranged conference. We strive to protect our students’ instructional time. Office personnel can get messages to teachers and students as needed.


We have several PTO meetings during the school year. Our PTO provides much support to our students, faculty, and staff. We are always in need of new members. To join the Forrest Hunt Elementary PTO all you need to do is show up to a meeting. If you would like more information please contact the school and/or PTO president, Julie Fincher.  


We are always collecting Box Tops for Education and we redeem these throughout the school year. Collecting Box Tops is easy - just clip the box top from the product packaging and simply send it to school. Each Box Top is worth $.10 for our school.



Selling at school is prohibited by state law unless the sale is sanctioned by the school or P.T.O. “I’ll trade you my cell phone for your fidget toy.”  This kind of arrangement is sure to cause a squabble, if not between the students, between the parents of those students. Trading items is prohibited at school. To deter these situations, we ask that, unless it is for an assignment, please do not allow your student to bring things from home. In the past, students have brought valuable merchandise or family keepsakes to school. If we learn of this, school officials will call you to make sure you are aware of the situation.


        Accident insurance is available for purchase. Your child will bring insurance information home at the beginning of the school year. If you do not receive this information, please call the school office and we will be glad to send information to you.



The lost and found is located in the bus hallway. If your child has lost an item, he or she may check the lost and found or check with the teacher. Parents are also welcome to come and check the lost and found. A 3-month policy will be enforced regarding lost and found items. After 3 months, unclaimed items will be discarded.

Please label your child’s personal items.

Behavior Rewards

        We constantly want to applaud our students when they display excellent behavior choices. To that end, we reward for classroom and bus behaviors in multiple ways.

Our outstanding students are recognized through the use of Dojo points. Students are awarded points when they exhibit expected behavior which leads to exemplary behavior and select students will be rewarded weekly.

Another way we recognize outstanding behavior is through the STAR STUDENT program. Each grading period several students per grade level are chosen who have distinguished themselves by exhibiting excellence in character, academics, attendance, or perseverance. We recognize these students as our Terrific Kids. Thanks to the local Kiwanis Club for providing certificates, coupons, pencils, and bumper stickers.  

Our STAR Students also serve as school leaders by daily leading our students in The Pledge of Allegiance during our morning Zoom announcements.

There are multiple ways within each classroom for students to be rewarded. Information about this system will come from your child’s teacher.    


In my classrooms, hallways, cafeteria, bus and car.


Show Respect!

I show respect to myself and others.


Be Honest!

I am honest in my words and actions.



I am an innovator. I create new ideas and solve problems.


Never Give Up!

I never give up, I learn from my mistakes and will achieve my goals.


Seek Excellence!

I seek excellence. I always do my best.

 When I SHINE, I am unstoppable!!

letterhead star.jpg

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School

Principal: Dr. Tammie Ash

100 Forrest Hunt Drive

Forest City, NC 28043

Ph. 828-245-2161   Fax: 828-248-3286

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School we are very proud of our teachers and feel they are ready for the coming school year and are prepared to give your child a high-quality education. As a Title I school, we must meet federal guidelines related to teacher qualifications as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Assistance Act of 1965 (ESEA). These rules allow you to learn more about your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. Upon request, we are happy to provide this information to you. At any time, you may ask:

You may also ask whether your child receives help from a paraprofessional. If your child receives this assistance, we can provide you with information about the paraprofessional’s qualifications.

Our staff is committed to helping your child develop academic knowledge and critical thinking he/she needs to succeed in school and beyond. That commitment includes making sure that all of our teachers and paraprofessionals are highly skilled.

If you have any questions about your child’s assignment to a teacher or paraprofessional, please contact me at 828/245-2161.


Dr. Tammie Ash

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School

Parent Engagement Policy


Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School is committed to the goal of providing a quality education for every child. Our vision is, “All Forrest W. Hunt students will be prepared for middle school success.” Our mission is, “Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School will prepare all students for lifelong learning in a global community by partnering with families and communities, providing rigorous academic experiences and promoting a safe and nurturing school environment.” Everyone gains when schools and families work together to promote high achievement. Neither one can do the job alone. Parents play an extremely important role as their child’s first teachers. Their support for their children and for the school is critical for success.

A copy of this policy is included in the parent/student handbook and is part of the student’s enrollment package. Each student is given access to the handbook at the beginning of each school year.

Annual Public Meetings

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School’s annual Title I meeting is held during the first semester each year. During this meeting, the principal (or designee) will present the School Improvement Plan as well as the Parent Engagement Plan. Comments and feedback will be welcomed at this time.

Involving Parents

In addition to our annual Title I meeting, we have many opportunities for parents to be involved. Communication with parents will include written notes, the school website, Facebook, telephone calls, and conferences as needed. Parents are encouraged and welcomed to contact their child’s teacher when they have concerns. Translators will be available for conferences, as needed.

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School believes that there are many ways in which parents can become involved with their children’s education. The school values at-home contributions as well as those which take place at school and in the community. Reading to children and talking with them at home are as important as volunteering and serving on committees at school. Many types of parental involvement are needed in a school-home-community partnership that will help all our children succeed. FHES feels that parents and teachers are partners in the education of all students and want parents to feel welcome and involved throughout the school year.

Timely Information

The most significant way to enhance the quality of school life beyond a strong academic program is through communication. To keep parents informed of their child’s progress, teachers send information, progress reports, and student work home in a communication folder, utilized by all grade levels. School-wide calendars and newsletters are distributed to parents in report cards each six weeks.

Regular Meetings

Parents are encouraged to play an active role in their child’s academic progress. Each teacher or administrator schedules parent/student conferences whenever deemed necessary or when requested by parents. These conferences are scheduled before, during, or after school hours.

Parents are invited to attend and give input when a child is referred for specialized services. Also, parents are involved in developing their child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP), 504 Accommodation Plan and Personalized Education Plan (PEP).

Parent Compacts

Compacts (contracts) involving parents, students, and teachers will be distributed at the beginning of the school year and as new students enroll in order to obtain a commitment from all parties involved. Compacts are signed at the beginning of the year. This document can be found on our school webpage and FHES handbook.

Parent Assistance

A Parent Resource Room has been established at FHES and is located near the Cafeteria. This is available for all parents to use to gain resource materials and books that can assist them and provide extra opportunities for children to learn and achieve at home and at school.

Materials and Training

Parents of upcoming Kindergarten students will be invited to an informational Kindergarten Orientation, offered during the Kindergarten registration period. This session includes strategies and ideas that parents can use to assist their children prior to Kindergarten to ensure a successful start. Students are introduced to the classroom and school environment.

Education of School Personnel

FHES has a tradition of collaboration and teamwork with all staff and parents to assume responsibility for student achievement. A high level of trust and support exists along with high expectations and a desire for excellence. Parents, teachers, administrators and student support services work closely together to achieve goals. With the combination of increased time for instruction, consistency with instructional practices, focused interventions, and professional development, we strive to produce significant gains and achievement and provide continued success on our journey to excellence.

Coordinating and Integrating

Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School continues to collaborate and coordinate with community agencies and organizations, as needed, to provide the maximum educational opportunities available, including, but not limited to The Department of Social Services, Family Preservation Services, Preferred Choice Health Care and Hospice of Rutherford County.

Parent Communication and Conferences

Parents will be notified of scheduled activities through flyers, newsletters (both school-wide and classroom), invitations, FHES webpage, FHES marquee, social media (Facebook), Class Dojo, Remind, and SchoolMessenger.

Every effort will be made to communicate with parents in a format and language that is free of educational jargon and easily understandable by all. Parents and community members are always welcome at Forrest W. Hunt Elementary School.