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Jockey Club Ti-I College

BYOD Framework

Important Notes:

Last updated on 20-8-2022 by IAC Committee


  1. JCTIC IT AUP, Privacy Statement and Copyright Statement

  1. Coverage and Design

  1. Device Registration, User Access Rights and Authentication

  1. Central Monitoring System and Users’ Conduct

  1. Use of Own Devices

  1. School Mobile Learning Devices

  1. Web Content Filtering on JCTIC Networks

  1. Insurance, liability & Security of Devices

  1. Disciplinary Measures related to the Misuse / Abuse of JCTIC Wi-Fi System

  1. Misuse of the Service and Getting Help

  1. FAQ for Teachers

  1. FAQ for Students

  1. FAQ for Parents

  1. JCTIC IT AUP, Privacy Statement and Copyright Statement

JCTIC Wi-Fi System is one of the IT services provided by Jockey Club Ti-I College. Before making connection to our Wi-Fi System, all users are expected to read, understand and comply with this ​BYOD Framework​,our ​JCTIC IT Acceptable User Policy (AUP)​,​Copyright Statement​ and​ Privacy Statement​stipulated on our ​official school website and ​IT Support Hub​.

  1. Coverage and Design

JCTIC Wi-Fi System covers the whole campus, including all teaching venues, public areas and the dormitory. A total of 100 Wi-Fi Access Points (AP) are installed around the campus. A 1:1 (Access Point to Teaching Venue) full coverage design is adopted to provide the best possible Wi-Fi experience for any online learning and teaching activities. The Wi-Fi network is an independent network separated from our wired network with an independent 200 Mbps broadband connection.

The designed per device performance targets are summarized below:

Upload & Download Speed








1 Mbps

1 Mbps

1 Mbps

1 Mbps

1 Mbps


80 Mbps

20 Mbps

5 Mbps

5 Mbps

1 Mbps

All wireless traffic on our JCTIC Wi-Fi System is encrypted with Dynamic Pre-Shared Key (DPSK) technology. Unique encryption keys are pushed to each single device during the first registration process. This can raise the security level of our wireless communication.

  1. Device Registration, User Access Rights and Authentication

Device Count and Types

The maximum number and the type of mobile devices allowed are summarized below:







Max. No. of devices






Mobile Phone






Laptop Computer or







Tablet Computer or E-Reader






* Except for dormitory students; boarders can use their mobile phones during non-school hours in the dormitory.

SSIDs and Access Rights

The following table summarizes the access rights of the Wi-Fi SSIDs available in our JCTIC Wi-Fi System.

User Type



















= Access right granted

Staff, Students and Parents

All staff, students and parents must register the Wi-Fi MAC addresses of their devices in our Intranets

(Intranet IT Systems  JCTIC Wi-Fi System).At the beginning of each school year, all JCTIC users must also repeat the device registration process through the Wi-FiSSID: JCTIC-1ST-REGISTRATION. A valid JCTIC Accountis required in this registration process. Detailed instructions about device registration can be found here.

Temporary Staff (Coaches, Trainers, Instructors, Student Teachers, etc)

Temporary staff with a valid JCTIC Temporary Accountcan gain access to our Wi-Fi system through the SSID: JCTIC-TEMP-STAFF. They must also go through the device registration process through the SSID: JCTIC-1ST-REGISTRATION.Temporary staff do not need to provide their Wi-Fi MAC Addresses in our Intranets. Please approach our Intranet Account Coordinatordirectly for the setting up of JCTIC Temporary Accounts.

Guests and Alumni

Guests and alumni can register and obtain a Wi-Fi access ticket (Daily Pass) from the General Office.They can make connections to the SSID JCTIC-GUEST only.

  1. Central Monitoring System and Users’ Conduct

The school monitors all Wi-Fi traffic and activities in a central log system. Only the meta-data (e.g. date and time of connection, URL of websites visited, etc.) of all Wi-Fi connections will be stored. The school will not store or capture the actual data, which are all encrypted, of any users.

The school may forward related access log or meta-data to local statutory bodies if needed.

  1. Use of Own Devices

Definition of Learning Devices

Learning devices refer to the Wi-Fi capable tablets, iPads, e-Readers, Chromebooks, MacBooks, PC laptops or any similar products which perform learning related activities. In other words, students can use their devices for educational purposes only. Smart phones are not regarded as learning devices and students must turn off their phones at all times within the school campus.

Learning devices do not necessarily mean the newest models in the market. Parents and students may take a reference of the specifications of the school mobile devices. Students are responsible for the maintenance and charging of the battery of their learning devices. To ensure productivity, students are expected to come to college every day with a fully charged battery.

Learning Content, Learning Objects, Educational Games, Software Allowed, APPs, etc.

E-Learning in JCTIC is mostly centred around web services that simply run on common web browsers (e.g. Google Chrome).For example, most of the E-learning resources in our Learning Hubare accessible with just a simple web browser. With teachers’ prior permission, students may access other Learning Objects (in the form of APPs, online games, educational games, desktop software, etc.) within the school. However, the playing of recreational games in any format is strictly prohibited. On the other hand, students, with their parent’s consent, may submit a written request to have a game or an app on their own device classified as “educational”.

  1. School Mobile Learning Devices

The School adheres to a BYOD policy. This means that students are to bring their own devices and the school is not responsible for providing them. At times class sets of mobile learning devices may be provided to students for use in a particular lesson or activity but this is an exception rather than a rule.

The school’s mobile devices and the corresponding settings are all standardized and thus may not be customized to students’ own needs. Students who use the school’s mobile devices should make sure all the work is done and subsequently saved online for their own future references.

  1. Web Content Filtering on JCTIC Networks

The school has put in place a Web Content Filtering Policy and we have a limited filtering service provided by our service provider for obscene or harmful online content. While there is a debate for the extent of the filtering arrangement, we have to strike a balance between trust and control. In the Internet context, it is as important to teach our students to exercise their own judgement as merely blocking and controlling their access to the immensely vast virtual world.

With web content filters enforced and applied in the wired and wireless network within the school, we will continuously review and monitor the needs of such filters at all times.

  1. Insurance, liability & Security of Devices

The school will NOT bear any responsibility or liability for loss or damage to a student or teacher's mobile learning device. Students' families (and teachers) are strongly encouraged to have insurance and sufficient guarantees. The ICT Committee and ICT Support Team will NOT be responsible for repairing or maintaining teachers' own devices and this includes software or apps problems.

Nowadays mobile devices probably contain a lot of personal or even sensitive information. Protecting one’s mobile device is protecting oneself and the following are suggested measures concerning the security of devices:

Add a password to your device

It might be a bit inconvenient to type a number into your device each time you want to use it, but losing your device without that protection could lead to a disaster because anyone can then get sensitive data about you and even your friends from the device.

Use better passwords

Some of us often use the same passwords for multiple sites, which can make us easy targets for hackingif one site gets broken into. Some passwords, like ones based on your birthday, are easy to figure out. Anyone with access to your Facebook account, for example, can easily get a lot of information about you and those other people close to you. Hence remember to use passwords with a combination of letters and numbers and cannot be easily figured out. Also remember to change your passwords from time to time.

Check privacy settings on apps

Read carefully before you install an app. Some apps request a lot of information from you, including your location and passwords or access to other apps or your photos. If you think they don't really need all of that information, then do not install these apps.

Avoid fraudulent Wi-Fi networks

Criminals can set up a Wi-Fi network in public areas and pretend to be a free Wi-Fi network. They are actually trying to collect information from the people who log onto the network.So make sure you know a particular Wi-Fi network in public areas is trustworthy before you use it.

Always use "https" in the URL instead of "http" when browsing

Https indicates a safer connection and an added level of security, which we should always use for exchanging any sensitive information online.

Be very careful with email and social media requests from strangers

Criminals might send friend requests to people they don't know to gather information about them. So we should be very careful with email or media requests.

Make use of "find your device tool"

In case you lose your device, certain software and apps allow you to locate your device. Some programs also offer the option of locking and erasing the data in your device remotely if necessary.

Be very cautious when shopping online

You should be extra careful with online shops or vendors you are not familiar with, especially if the store contacts you through an email, text message or social media site. You can always run a Web search on the company first to check for any complaints. Your device can bring a lot of convenience andcan help you learn effectively in school, but just be sure to follow the above steps to safeguard your device and yourself first.

  1. Disciplinary Measures related to the Misuse / Abuse of JCTIC Wi-Fi System

Through the BYOD program staff and students are encouraged to access the school’s intranet and internet via the whole school Wi-Fi at any time for educational purposes. Students and staff access to the school wireless network is, however, a privilege, not a right. Individuals may be excluded or banned from the network or Wi-Fi at the decision of the Principal. Any use of the wireless network entails personal responsibility and compliance with all school expectations and theAcceptable Use Policy.

JCTIC Wi-Fi system is built for enhancing quality learning and teaching in the school. Activities not related to learning and teaching are not allowed. Students found misusing or abusing the system will be subjected to an immediate suspension of use of one or all of their mobile devices and / or disciplinary measures ranging from warning letters to major demerits. Devices related might be confiscated and returned only to the parents or guardians.

The school reserves the right to suspend or terminate the access right of any devices or users should the following actions are found:

  1. Misuse of the Service and Getting Help

10.1. Report Misuse of the Internet & get Help

Students and teachers are strongly advised to report any misuse to the ICT Committee, the Discipline Committee, or directly to the Principal for the protection of all. Where possible, reports will be kept confidential.

Inappropriate use of the internet may in some instances may be illegal and in such cases will be reported to the police or other authorities at the direction of the Principal. Instances of cyber-bullying, sexting, parodying (setting up a false account as someone else, or impersonating someone else on social networks), setting up false underage accounts, illegal downloading, or spamming.

10.2. Report Cyber-bullying

Students who feel upset, scared, angry or sad because of cyber-bullying should seek help immediately from the Social Workers, or their Form Teacher.

Cyber-bullying generally refers to bullying that involves the use of email, images or text messages sent to web pages, blogs, chat rooms, discussion forums, online gaming network, mobile phones, or other information and communication technology platforms. Behaviour of cyber-bullying includes threats, harassment, denigration, disclosure of personal information (to harm you), framing, impersonation, trickery and even exclusion. Students and teachers can be the victims of cyber-bullying. Whatever the mode, cyber-bullying can cause great distress to the victim and should be reported.

10.3 Report Scams and Email Fraud

Student who receive any email (or other internet communications such as skype or whatsapp) asking for their, or their parent's internet passwords or other personal information; such as date of birth, addresses, bank account information, must report this to the ICT Committee, Social Workers, or Form Teacher.

This can be very dangerous, it can be email fraud, a scam or a kind of security attack called 'phishing' that is used by Internet thieves to steal personal information through a crafted Internet link and a hidden web server embedded in a spam email.

  1. FAQ for Teachers

  1. Can students use the mobile devices during recesses and lunch hours?

Yes. Students are allowed to use their mobile devices for learning during recesses and lunch hours under teacher’s supervision.

  1. Can students play games with their mobile devices on school campus?

Mobile devices should be for learning-related activities only. Games, besides educational ones, are not allowed. Students, with their parent’s consent, may submit a written request to have a game or an app on their own device classified as “educational”.

  1. What kind of devices are allowed in JCTIC Wi-Fi System?

Tablets, laptops, e-Readers and chromebooks are allowed. Please note that students’ smart phones or any mobile phones are not considered as learning devices in JCTIC and hence are not allowed.

  1. Can students charge their mobile devices in school?

No. Students are not allowed to charge mobile devices unless with the prior approval from a teacher.

  1. Can users change their mobile devices after the MAC Address registration online?

Yes. Users can register their new devices after deleting the records of the old ones online. They have to go through the 1st Registration process again in their new devices.

  1. Can we use the Wi-Fi system during school holidays?

Yes. The Wi-Fi system is turned on even on school holidays.

  1. How can I find the MAC addresses of my mobile devices?

Please refer to the guidelines provided below for the different types of devices: Android,IOS,Windows 7 - 8.1,Windows 10, Apple OS X,Linux

  1. Can dormitory boarders use their mobile phones on school campus?

No. Boarders are treated equally as any other students except when they are upstairs in the dormitory during non-school hours. During school hours, all Wi-Fi access dedicated for boarders will be blocked and boarders can only use their mobiles devices as students. Use of mobile phones on school campus are not allowed for students and boarders. Boarders have been told explicitly about it.

  1. How can I get help if I encounter technical problems connecting to the Wi-Fi System?

Please refer to the guidelines provided in our JCTIC IT Support Hub.

  1. FAQ for Students

12.1   Can I play games with my mobile devices on school campus?

Mobile devices should be for learning-related activities only. Games, besides educational ones, are not allowed. Students, with their parent’s consent, may submit a written request to have a game or an app on their own device classified as “educational”.

  1. What kind of devices are allowed in JCTIC Wi-Fi System?

Tablets, laptops, e-Readers and chromebooks. Please note that students’ smart phones or any mobile phones are not considered as learning devices in JCTIC and hence are not allowed.

  1. Can I charge my mobile devices in school?

No. Students are not allowed to charge mobile devices unless with the prior approval from a teacher.

  1. Can I change my mobile devices after the MAC Address registration online?

Yes. Students can register their new devices after deleting the records (MAC Addresses) of the old ones online. They have to go through the 1st Registration process again in their new devices.

  1. Can we use the Wi-Fi system during school holidays?

Yes. The Wi-Fi system is turned on even on school holidays.

  1. How can I find the Wi-Fi MAC addresses of my mobile devices?

Please refer to the guidelines provided below for the different types of devices: Android,IOS,Windows 7 - 8.1,Windows 10, Apple OS X,Linux

  1. Can I let my classmates use my Wi-Fi account?

You should never let your classmates use your Wi-Fi account. Every student has his or her own Wi-Fi account and is not allowed to use the accounts of others. Students using others’ account or deliberately allowing others to use their Wi-Fi accounts will face consequences.

  1. Can I use my mobile devices after school hours on campus?

Yes. The Wi-Fi system is turned on even on school holidays.

  1. How can I get help if I encounter technical problems connecting to the Wi-Fi system?

Please refer to the guidelines provided in our JCTIC IT Support Hub.

  1. FAQ for Parents

13.1   What kind of devices are allowed in JCTIC Wi-Fi System?

Tablets, laptops, e-Readers, netbooks, chromebooks and other mobile computers. Please note that students’ smart phones or any mobile phones are not considered as learning devices in JCTIC and hence students are not permitted to use them unless under teacher’s supervision.

  1. Where can the students keep their mobile devices on campus?

Students need to take good care of their own valuable belongings which definitely include mobile devices. They are advised to bring their mobile devices along when they move to another venue for lessons. Lockers are provided to the students but they should be cautious in ensuring that the locks or the lockers are secure.

  1. How many mobile devices are allowed?

Both parents and students can register two mobile devices to be used on campus.

  1. Can Parents access the Wi-Fi system?

Yes. Parents can log into the Wi-Fi network in different areas in the school, such as in the Parent Learning Centre and PTA functions.

  1. Are games allowed?

Mobile devices should be for learning-related activities only. Games, besides educational ones, are not allowed. Students, with their parent’s consent, may submit a written request to have a game or an app on their own device classified as “educational”.

  1. How can the school stop students from accessing obscene or harmful online content through the Wi-Fi system?

The school has put in place a Web Content Filtering Policy and we have a limited filtering service provided by our service provider for obscene or harmful online content. While there is a debate for the extent of the filtering arrangement, we have to strike a balance between trust and control. In the Internet context, it is as important to teach our students to exercise their own judgement as merely blocking and controlling their access to the immensely vast virtual world.