Health & Food Technology – Advanced Higher This is taught at Perth High School in Column E
The Advanced Higher Health and Food Technology Course addresses contemporary issues affecting food and nutrition, including ethical and moral considerations, legislation, sustainability, psychology of food trends, food production and development, and their effects on consumer choices. Learners research and apply knowledge and understanding of the relationships between nutrition, food and health, and develop detailed knowledge and understanding of the science and sensory testing of food.
Recommended entry:
Entry to this Course is at the discretion of the centre. However, learners would normally be expected to have attained the skills, knowledge and understanding required by one or more of the following or equivalent qualifications and/or experience: ♦ Higher Health and Food Technology Course
Purpose and aims of the Course:
The Course has six broad and interrelated aims that enable learners to: ♦ develop skills of independent enquiry, critical thinking and analysis and evaluation ♦ research and apply knowledge and understanding of the relationships between nutrition, food and health, and the importance of these relationships ♦ develop detailed knowledge and understanding of the science and sensory testing of food ♦ apply knowledge and understanding of the functional properties of food ♦ develop in-depth knowledge and understanding of food systems in production, processing and consumption, and the importance of safe and hygienic practices ♦ analyse contemporary issues affecting consumer food choices
The Course uses a practical and problem-solving learning approach to develop knowledge, understanding and skills, and promotes independence in learning.
This Course or its Units may provide progression to: ♦ Higher National Diplomas in areas such as food science and food technology ♦ Degrees in areas such as food science and technology, food product design, human nutrition and dietetics or food, nutrition and health, food engineering. Other progression pathways are also possible, including progression to other qualifications at the same or different levels.
Further details Assessment:
All Units are internally assessed against SQA requirements. They will be assessed on a pass/fail basis within centres.
For the Course Assessment, the learner will be assessed by: The learner will be assessed by a project and a question paper.
The project will require application of skills, knowledge and understanding from across the Units. Learners will produce a project proposal, carry out research and evaluate the evidence they have gathered to come to conclusions. The project will be sufficiently open and flexible to allow for personalisation and choice. The project will have 60% of the total marks available for Course assessment. The question paper will require demonstration and application of knowledge, understanding and skills from across Units. The question paper will have 40% of the total marks available for Course Assessment. All questions will be mandatory. Within the question paper, there will be a range of question types which will ask learners to explain, evaluate and analyse.
Homework: Homework will be set regularly and it is essential that this is completed and submitted on time, in order for learners to receive feedback and guidance on their progress and understanding.