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English translation: "ASL - A "Lemon" in hot water."
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Do you know CNN reporter Don Lemon?  Previously, he had a prime time TV show, meaning the time when many people watch TV.  Before Chris Cuomo got fired, he and Don (Lemon) were best friends.  Chris’s show aired at 9:00 pm.  Don’s show aired at 10:00 pm.  Between the shows, the two of them laughed and joked on camera.  

CNN’s new CEO is trying to get rid of the network’s liberal bias.  He fired some reporters, such as Brian Stelter and Chris Cuomo.  Many conservatives speculate that soon, Don Lemon will be fired.  CNN demoted him.  His new show airs in the morning, not in prime time.  

Recently, Don made a big mistake.  Recently, Nikki Haley announced that she plans to run for President in 2024.  She is 51 years old.  

Do you know the phrase, “in your prime?”  It means young, healthy, and energetic.  

Don said that Nikki Haley is past her prime, meaning that she is old.  The two female reporters asked what Don meant by that.  Don said that “prime” means 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s, not 51 years old.  

We know that a 51-year-old can be a good President.  The two female reporters got mad.  Don apologized, but wasn’t sincere.  

For three days now, Don has been absent from CNN’s morning show.  CNN said he took a vacation, but conservatives speculate that he might have been fired.  We’ll see.