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Capti Tech Guide
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Last Updated: May 11, 2023

What is Capti?

Capti Voice is an offline and online reading support tool that can be used for education, work and entertainment.

How does it work?

Students login to Capti, through their web browser (or app). From there, they can import digital books from Bookshare, articles from the Internet, and even files from their Google Drive. It is from within the Capti platform that students can listen to books, articles, and more on multiple devices, even without an internet connection.

How does this help students?

Capti has many different features that give students the ability to take control over their learning by using the tools they need, when they need them.

These tools include:

What are the steps to using it on your child’s HPDS laptop?

Our students use Capti by logging into their account through the Chrome browser.

Capti provides many online guides that they keep updated on their latest version:

How much does it cost?

There is a free version of Capti that gives students the ability to use text to speech. The features that most help our students are available through Capti Premium. HPDS pays for the subscription to Capti Premium through the tuition fee while your child is enrolled at Hyde Park Day School.

Pricing for school and for personal use can be found here:

Does it work on other devices?

Yes. Capti can be used on a variety of different devices including PCs, Macs and mobile. The trick is discovering which format works best with the tools the student needs and on the device s/he is working. Here is more information about the different devices that are supported by Capti -

What do I need to know when my student transitions?

What else is good to know about working with Capti?

Where can I find more information?

Capti Voice -

*Please note that technology and pricing is always changing. This document reflects the most recent known information as indicated by the Last Updated Date at the top of the page.