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SUBJECT:- Philosophy
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SUBJECT:-  Philosophy

All learners will experience one period of RMPS per week during their Broad General Education in S1-S3. The coursework undertaken by learners throughout the BGE will provide them with the knowledge and skills required in order to progress on to the National 5 Qualifications in Philosophy in the senior phase.

What are the aims of this course?

This course is appropriate for learners who will be studying English at N5 / Higher level in the senior phase.

The course aims to:

What will I be learning about in this course?

You will study three units:

Unit 1 - Arguments in Action

In this unit you will develop the ability to examine and assess the reliability of simple arguments.

Unit 2 - Knowledge and Doubt

In this unit you will examine theories regarding the nature of knowledge and how it is acquired,

you will also study criticisms of these theories.

Unit 3 - Moral Philosophy

In this unit you will examine theories regarding moral decision making and how these theories might be applied to specific situations, you will also study criticisms of these theories.

Unit 4 - Added Value / Assignment

In this unit you will have the opportunity to research, in more depth, an area of the course you have a particular interest in.

What skills will I develop?

 You will develop a wide range of skills such as:

What learning and teaching approaches will I experience?

You will experience a wide variety of learning and teaching approaches. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to work individually, in pairs and in small groups, you will experience teacher-led class discussions and whole class debates. You will also have the opportunity to learn using interactive technologies.

How will I be assessed?

To gain an award at National 5 in Philosophy you must pass the final SQA exam.

What are the homework requirements?

You will be issued with homework on a regular basis and should expect homework once a week.

What might this course lead to in the future?

Academic Progression

Philosophy is a holistic subject. It complements and supports many others you may study at National 4/5, Higher and Advanced Higher.

In the Senior Phase, pupils who attain a qualification in Philosophy at National 5 can progress to:

Colleges, universities and employers are increasingly on the lookout for what makes an applicant special. Philosophy indicates you are an open-minded, thinking individual, familiar with difficult and sometimes controversial concepts.  You will develop critical thinking skills which you can apply to a range of subjects/situations. You can also show that you are an active, interested and concerned member of society with respect for others.

Higher Philosophy is accepted by all universities for general entrance into the majority of courses especially in the faculties of Arts, Social Science and Divinity.


Some of the career pathways open to philosophy students include journalism, politics, psychology, law, medicine, science, social work, business, and teaching. Philosophy is flexible and the skills you learn can be applied in a myriad of workplace situations