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Online Shopping
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

When you bought your 3D printer, the plan was to just play around with it. But software updates started giving your printer more abilities, and soon websites began integrating their systems with the printer’s. Everyone now has an XC 3D printer, it’s become a part of life like smart phones did. A lot of online retailers even managed to ditch entire physical warehouse models, essentially partnering with XC to sell all their products through quick print technology.

A lot of programmers were even able to open businesses online they never would’ve been able to prior to this revolution, with beautiful works of art, clothes, and design being sold to the masses. Buying nice clothes is cheaper than ever, allowing most people to reconfigure their wardrobes every season. Fashion accelerates at hyper speed, and trends come and go in mere months before reappearing within a couple of years.

One day you see an ad on the subway for street wear that looks really cool, but when you look at the site everything looks really adrognynous. There’s no models or inclination as to what gender any of the clothing is for, but you realize that you might be able to really pull off some of these weird shirts…

You start up the printer as soon as you get home, and wait for it to calculate the exact amount and type of materials necessary for your first new shirt selection. You run the material between your thumbs as the printer spits out a long shirt, and you quickly realize it’s much too soft to be a men’s shirt. When the printer’s done your jaw drops, you’re holding a silky dress with a much more floral pattern than the shirt online.

You want to go back online to see what happened, but can’t ignore the urge to just… feel the smoothness of this dress on your skin. You never considered wearing women’s clothes before, but this dress is just so… “Mmmm…” You moan aloud, something that surprises you as it never happened before.

Next thing you know you’re stripping down to your underwear, excited to enjoy the cool breeze and silky material on your torso. You lift the dress over you with both arms, and suddenly all the thoughts inside your head stop. Your hands lose their grip on the dress, and it falls down past your eyes. You expect to have to squeeze into the thin outfit, but it easily flows down your body before the straps land on your shoulders.

You look down to see all the hair gone from your chest, and your body is much smaller than you remember. You try to stop your now wide smile, but can’t control your face as you begin to feel a tightness between your legs. You assume it’s because of a growing erection, but when your hand grazes past your underwear you’re in for the surprise of a lifetime. Your cotton boxers are now tight lacy panties, and your erect cock is barely extending past your now tiny waistline.

You watch as it fades away, and then a slight camel toe appears as a rush of euphoria surges up from your developing folds. You shudder as long hair rests on your shoulder, and squirm as a building desire to be feminine burns deep inside you. Your fresh pussy itches for stimulation, but the heat in your belly overwhelms your thoughts as you pull at your dress. Your knees knock together as your thighs fill with fat, and your moans rise in pitch as hard nipples tingle your budding breasts.

Your first instinct is to call 911, and you pull out your phone. You desperately want to open the phone app, but suddenly your head throbs as an intense desire to buy new shoes makes you forget why you have your phone out in the first place. You can no longer remember why your heart rate is so high, and calm yourself down before scrolling through the site you’re already on for some sexy shoes.

You blink hard as the thought of wanting ‘sexy shoes’ brings up a vague recollection of conflicting ideas and memories, but you’re able to shake them off by convincing yourself you meant to think ‘cool shoes’ instead. You feel a burst of pleasure every time you look at strappy high heels, and quickly give in to the feeling by adding a bunch of them to your cart. The XC takes less than a minute to print out the first pair of nine inch heels, and you start to feel the need to be feminine diminish.

You now want to stop your tingling body, but find yourself stepping into the sexy straps without a moment’s hesitation. You feel yourself blush as your ass gets naturally pushed out, but then an intense wave of changes hits you.

Another full stop of everything in your mind, and you briefly exist without a thought as your body shapes to your new shoes. Your eyes feel a bit glazed over when you come back to, but your legs feel a lot different… Your shins have a new sexy curve to them, slender and smooth before leading into luxurious thighs that just beg to be smothered in leggings.

You quickly order those, and jokingly order a tiny secretary shirt too. Lipstick and fake round glasses join the cart, and soon you’re peeling sticky panties from your womanhood. You pull the sheer leggings up past your waist, wedgying your gushing pussy as you gently step into the severely angled high heels. You tie the white button down around the top of your torso, and purse your lips to apply the deep red lipstick.

You feel fat in your face flood your lips, plumping them up while accentuating your slimming sexy features. The fake glasses somehow style your hair for you, and inject your mind with a submissive desire to please anyone you can.

You continue looking through the site for nothing in particular, the overwhelming flood of changes soon slowing down and allowing your mind space to breathe. Your eyelashes flutter as it only now fully dawns on you that you’re somehow a woman, the odd lightness of your body and shape of your curves begin to feel oddly foreign. The smell of your lipstick makes you blush with confusion, and your heart rate picks up as fear begins to settle within you.

That doesn’t stop you from adding a comfy looking pair of shorts to the cart, they’re ninety percent off!! Wait… Those are tiny, why would you… It gets hard to think as the printer creates the mini yoga shorts, and you’re unable to stop your body from ripping your leggings off.

The shorts feel oddly shaped as you pull them up your legs, and you giggle involuntarily as the tiny pants get stuck right above your knees. A sudden rush of fat fills your bottom half, and you just pull harder as the shorts squeeze your swelling thighs. Your glasses fall off as you hop in place, needing to shimmy what is now barely the size of tight panties between your bubble butt cheeks.

You moan when your manicured fingers touch the zipper, only then feeling your extremely puffed up and sensitive pussy. The cold metal of the closing zipper on your womanhood makes you soaking wet, and you lean back orgasmically as your hair comes undone. The luscious locks fall past your breasts, and looking down you know you need a new shirt.

A cute dinosaur one catches your eye, and you jump excitedly when the crop top finally prints. Your head pulsates with femininity as you pull the tight shirt over your shoulders, gently touching your sensitive nipples as you make sure they’re covered. That’s when you feel a cold tingle in your brain, and suddenly your breasts inflate like two balloons!!

Your voice grows sweeter as your boobs gain weight, and you feel your old self get stowed into an even deeper recess of your fluffy mind. You feel sexier than ever before, and bounce your jiggling body to stimulate yourself.

It takes a few minutes for your chest to fill out completely, and when it does you just desire more. Your mind is too warped to think clearly, even after the breast inflating hormones slow down. You just want to jiggle more, and know exactly how you can…

You find a shirt with deep cleavage, and order the largest size. Then find a small pair of pants to keep your hourglass figure, and print them both out as your glossy eyes stare into the distance. You didn’t realize how disappointing it would be to have your thighs get a bit smaller, but sheer joy makes up for it as your eyes roll back in your head. The moment the silky material of the large beige shirt touched your chest, you knew your mind would never be the same.

The room seems brighter as coursing bliss pumps through your brain, practically suffocating you with pleasure as your boobs create giant ‘cups’ in your shirt. The larger they grow, the better fitting the loose shirt gets. Soon the elastic is pulling at your toned belly, and you giggle as every movement you make jiggles your chest. You bounce into the bathroom with a smile, delighted to see your plush breasts lead the way in your reflection.

“Not enough…” You trail off, ignoring your lithe, ditzy voice as you squeeze your soft boobs in your arms.

You search through the magical website, finally finding a section with underwear. Thrilled with the possibilities, you add a giant pair of bra and panties to your cart. You crave the thick thighs and bubble butt you once had, and hope it’s even sexier with boobs that make it look small.

The printer spits out a sexy pair of underwear, and you feel your hips spread to fit the thong as you pull it up your legs. Your thighs don’t stop growing when you want, and your stomach swells as your pussy puffs up. Your ass now feels like a whole other entity as you swing it around, and your entire body jiggles as you gracefully pick up your new bra.

Orgasmic moans fill the room as the soft pads hit your nipples, and you’re instantly forced to arch your back as an explosion of fat triples the size of your boobs. You can only moan sweetly as pure pleasure gets caught in your throat, your tiny hands pawing at the massive mountains on your chest. The changes slowly work up your neck, making your natural stance much more awkward as your face morphs into an older milf’s. Your mind accepts your new looks, and is pummeled by false memories as you hear your front door open.

“Babe??” A manly voice yells, making your knees quake as your mind reacts to the sound with pure ecstasy.

“Babe! Please help me orgasm, I’ve like, totally been trying to climax all day!!” You groan seductively, winking to your boyfriend as you stroke his tenting pants.

“I’ll have to print you a dildo from my site, satisfaction guaranteed!” Your boyfriend laughs, loading your favorite site and buying you a dildo.

You remember seeing it earlier but… why didn’t you want it? What was going on before? Why are you-

Your train of thought is cut off as your boyfriend places the tip of his magic dildo in your mouth, every memory and instinct you once had replaced by new bimbo ones.