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02.04.23 - Shaykh Omar Event Logistics
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Revelation: Perfect Timing | The Prophet’s Divine Comfort

Saturday, February 4, 2023 | 9 A.M. – 12 P.M.   

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

We are excited to have you attend the “Perfect Timing” event today with Dr. Omar Suleiman organized by MCC and Miftaah Institute. We cannot wait to see you at this beautiful event. If you cannot make it, please signup via 

Alhamdulillah, we are at CAPACITY. Please do not bring any non-ticketed guests.
Please read ALL instructions below carefully.

Muslim Community Center - East Bay, 5724 W Las Positas Blvd, Pleasanton, CA

Event Program and Schedule


Registration will begin promptly at 8 am. We highly encourage attendees to carpool and arrive earlier than 8 am to get themselves checked in and to find a good seat. Please come with your entire party if you have purchased multiple tickets or family tickets.

Our volunteers will have your name on electronic check-in devices. Registration is in the MCC school parking lot on the west side of the MCC facility (except for priority registration for anyone who uses our shuttle service (see below)).

After check-in, ushers will direct you into the Prayer Hall. There is only floor seating in the Prayer Hall. Those who require chairs will be seated in the lobby. No chairs in the Prayer Hall.


If you have NOT REGISTERED for childcare, we are at capacity for childcare and babysitting. Every attendee MUST be a valid ticket holder to enter the event. Lastly, MCC is not responsible for unattended children, and children will not be permitted inside the facility without a ticket.


Registration will begin promptly at 8 am. We anticipate long lines for registration in the West MCC parking lot.

To avoid these long lines, attendees who use our complimentary shuttle service will be dropped off at the masjid entrance and get easy check-in and easy access to the Prayer Space. Those attendees parking at HP will have long lines.

The shuttle service (provided free by Metro Trans in San Francisco) will run from 7:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

MCC has arranged for parking with our business park neighbors in three lots. Two shuttles will take attendees from these parking lots and give them priority registration near MCC’s Prayer Hall:

  1. First, please park at Zoho, 4141 Hacienda Drive. Wait for the shuttle that runs about every five minutes.
  2. Once Zoho is full, please park in the back parking lot at Hart Middle School, 4433 Willow Rd.
  3. Once Hart is full, please park in the HP lot (currently Pleasanton School District) lot, which neighbors MCC (no shuttle is needed here).
  4. Once HP is full, please park at MCC East Bay.

Those wishing to drop their families off at MCC and then a single motorist drives to Zoho or Hart Middle School to park and then take the shuttle may enter MCC at “5” and drop off their family and then exit from “4”.

THE PROGRAM             

The program begins promptly at 9 am. 

A demarcation line at the mid-point of the stage segregates the genders, with sisters to the right and brothers to the left relative to the stage. Due to the number of attendees, we are accommodating in the Prayer Hall, we cannot allow families to sit together. Please sit close to the demarcation line to be near your family.

No social distancing option in the Prayer Hall. Once the Prayer Hall and foyer are full, ushers will direct attendees to be seated in the Conference Room, then the Banquet Hall, and finally in the Parent-Child Prayer Hall. Facility map:

No food or drink is allowed in Prayer Hall. Please dress in layers, and as body heat builds in the Prayer Hall, we will run the air conditioning.

Dr. Omar will take one break from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

If possible, please refrain from getting up during his lecture and use this breaktime to use the restroom and stretch your legs. If you do get up during the lecture, blue tape on the ground is the aisleway to use the restroom. Please use the restrooms adjacent to Banquet Hall. Facility map:


Please do not attempt to say salams to Shaykh Omar once he ends at noon. He has a very short timeline to catch a flight at SFO, and volunteers will usher him to a waiting vehicle.

Please do not all get up at once. We will have closing remarks and a Dua and end at 12:10 p.m. You may then retrieve your shoes and go out to the picnic area. If you pre-purchase a box, you will give your name to retrieve your food. We also will have a food truck for on-the-spot purchases in the mound near the playground. Seating is on tarps outside (weather permitting) and in the picnic area.

Dr. Rania Awaad is also opening up a new mental health clinic at MCC today. Zuhr is at 12:30 p.m. Then at 1 p.m., she will speak in the Conference Room with other clinicians as well as tour the new counseling office. Details here: 

Four groups will also be tabling from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the MCC foyer: Miftaah Institute, Maristan, Wasilah Connections, and Wahed Investments.  

To support more programming like this at MCC, we have donation boxes and two credit card kiosks in the foyer. You can also donate to MCC at