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Tiny Rogues Development
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

How Rooms work

Secret Rooms Configuration:

At the start of the run, it is generated how many secret rooms the dungeon contains.

The secret rooms are then spread throughout the dungeon.

Each floor can only contain 1 room with a secret room.

Secret room entrances can only be found in normal encounter rooms.

The first encounter room cannot contain a secret room.

Event Rooms Configuration:

How many event rooms per Dungeon? Between X and Y.

Roll how many event rooms.

Spread event rooms throughout the dungeon, e.g.:

Floor 1 - 3, Floor 4 - 8, Floor 9 - 10

Rules for spreading:

Shop & Blacksmith Rooms Configuration:

Each floor but the first can contain both of these rooms.

At the start of the run, it is generated if and where the rooms are.

Odds are added to the odds of the next floor if no room of that type is spawned in the floor.







Floor 1


Floor 1


Floor 2


Floor 2


Floor 3


Floor 3


Floor 4


Floor 4


Floor 5


Floor 5


Floor 6


Floor 6


Floor 7


Floor 7


Floor 8


Floor 8


Floor 9


Floor 9


Floor 10


Floor 10


Checklist (From Demo Development)

Concept of “World Progression”

Defeat “Death” for the first time.

New enemies appear on each floor.

Defeat “Death” 3 times.

A new boss can appear on each floor.

Defeat “Death” 5 times.

Unlocks new events to appear on each floor.

The Gate of Heaven is now open.

The Gate of Hell is now open.

Defeat both “Zaphkiel” and “Asmodeus” to combine the key to the abyss. Reach the last floor to open the abyss.

The gate to the Abyss is now open.

Unlocks new events from the abyss to appear on each floor.

The abyss corrupts monsters of each floor.

The abyss corrupts bosses of each floor.

Enemy ideas

Ideas for later:

Event Ideas

  1. Floor - Cave
  1. Floor - Dungeon
  1. Floor - Jungle
  1. Floor - Crypt
  1. Floor - Desert
  2. Floor - Underwater
  1. Floor - Volcano
  2. Floor - Hell
  3. Floor - Underdark
  4. Floor - Castle


Boss behavior ideas

1. Charges at player, when charge ends, releases multiple bullets in nova

2. Moves randomly, bullets in nova

3. Bullets surround boss

4. boss fires slightly homing attacks

5. boss spawns bullets that then home in on player

5. boss has a laser that rotates around

6. Boss projectiles return

7. boss has multiple lasers

8. boss shoots nove that is rotating

9. boss calls down things that explode (rocks)

10. boss spawns things that explodes after a while (bombs)

11. boss bullets bounce of walls

12. boss jumps on player and deals damage where he lands

13. boss shoots shots that spiral outwards

14. boss shoots "waves" of projectiles

15. boss shoots projectile when hit

16. boss spawns lasers that rotate

17. boss is actually 2 enemies at once (of same type, gargoyles?)

18. boss is 2 different enemies (ornstein and smough)

19. eater-of-worlds style enemy

20. boss makes duplicates from himself and teleports

21. boss splits at certain points (slime)

22. boss spawns attack beneath player and player has to dodge out of way (nito)

23. boss projectiles split

24. "shaper-balls" leave ground that player cannot walk into

Leveling up system and skills

Thoughts: Might make the game too complicated if you have to manage your “build” (skills) and your gear at the same time. It also removes flexibility of creating unique and awesome items because skills eat up stats.

Upside would be that the player can more “plan” a build. But the question is if this kind of “synergy” building is actually needed. If the game is more like “TBoI”, then simple upgrades should suffice to make the best of a run.

I could go the route and make the game more like “Hades” and fuse these upgrades with the attribute system. Which would give more power to the 3 attribute rewards of rooms, maybe too much power though?

I can say, I like the idea of getting a choice of 3 upgrades in a category of strength, dexterity or intelligence.

I have a few problems with the system.

I want the progression to be slow, so that you can still gain a new skill at later floors and don’t get all your skills early on.

What if you get a new skill at “level” 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. This would be 6 skills total. Which skills are rolled as a choice is heavily influenced by the stat distribution spread. You have the choice between 3 different skills on level up. After level 30, you can still gain stat points but you cannot gain any more skills.

Skills should have a minimum required amount of one attribute to “unlock” it.


  1. Deal increased melee damage.
  2. Melee weapons have increased reach.
  3. Spinning weapons spin faster.
  4. Take reduced non-elemental damage.
  5. Briefly deal increased damage when you take damage.
  6. Gain a stack of “Rage” when you hit an enemy. (“Rage” increases damage per stack.)
  7. Recover a little bit of health on completing a room.
  8. Gain maximum health.
  9. Deal increased damage while there are 3 or more enemies left.
  10. Every 3rd melee attack is a ruthless blow dealing double damage.
  11. Increased damage with “Bleed”.
  12. Deal increased damage for a short time after defeating an enemy.
  13. Base chance to block and take no damage when hit, while wearing a shield-accessory.
  14. Deal increased damage to enemies at close range.
  15. Once, when receiving fatal damage you endure the hit and don’t die.
  16. Blunt weapons gain a chance to inflict “Bleed”.
  17. You gain +1 strength proficiency.


  1. Gain increased critical hit chance.
  2. Critical hits deal increased damage.
  3. After a dash you deal increased damage.
  4. After a dash you briefly gain increased movement speed.
  5. Increases the length of your dash.
  6. Ranged attacks have a chance to not consume ammo.
  7. Ranged attacks deal increased damage.
  8. You gain +1 dexterity proficiency.
  9. Arrows bend slightly towards enemies.
  10. Ranged attacks have a chance to trigger a refire.
  11. Arrows gain +1 pierce.
  12. Regenerate some ammo on completing a room.
  13. When you successfully dodge damage, your next attack will deal a critical hit.
  14. Increased attack speed with dexterity weapons.
  15. Deal increased damage to enemies far away from you.
  16. Gain a base chance to dodge taking damage when hit.
  17. Increases movement speed.


  1. Deal increased lightning damage.
  2. Deal increased cold damage.
  3. Deal increased fire damage.
  4. You gain +1 intelligence proficiency.
  5. Gain maximum mana.
  6. Increases mana regeneration.
  7. Take reduced magic damage.
  8. Potion effects have increased duration.
  9. Deal increased magic damage depending on how much mana you have left.
  10. Deal increased damage with “Poison” and “Burn”.
  11. Reduced mana cost of magic.
  12. Reduces attack speed but increases damage with magic.
  13. Increases magic duration.
  14. Increases magic area of effect.
  15. Increases effect of “Chill”.
  16. Lightning damage gains a chance to “Paralyse” enemies.
  17. You take increased damage but you also deal increased damage.
  18. Deal increased damage if only 1 enemy left.

The Pit

The Forest

Mushroom Enemies


Tree Ents



The Catacombs

The Mine

The Jungle

The Swamp

The Crypt

The Castle

The Tomb of Anubis

The Library

The Reef

The Sewers

The Volcanic Cave

The Icy Cavern

The Chaos Sanctuary

The Palace

The Underdark

The Arcane Sanctuary

The Fortress of Death

New bosses and enemies:



Iron Greaves

+1 armor

Leather Shoes

10% movement speed

Wool Shoes

+1 stamina

Jester Boots

50% increased stamina recovery speed

Thief’s Boots

Immune to slow effects

Dragonscale Greaves

Immune to ground effects

Winged Boots

Gain 20% increased movement speed after dodge.


Moving leaves behind small fires that deal damage.

Phantom Steps

Extends invincibility duration after dodge.

Elven Boots

Extends duration of shrine effects by +1 room.

Lightning Boots

On dodge, strike a nearby enemy with a lightning strike.

Body Armors

Gold Armor

Drop 2 to 3 gold coins when you take damage.

Chain Mail

+1 armor

Hunter Cloak

+15% critical hit chance

Steel Armor

+2 armor

Sage Robe

20% increased magic damage


20% increased attack speed

Sorcerer Cloak

+2 to mana

Dragonscale Armor

Reduces elemental damage taken.

Armor of Agathys

Grants ice orbitals, which inflict cold damage and chill.

Mithril Armor

+3 armor

Crimson Cloak

20% increased fire damage

Armor of Thorns

Grants thorn orbitals,  which inflict piercing damage.

Cleric Robe

Recover half a health point upon completing a room in which you took damage.


+1 stamina

Armor of Avernus

Grants fire orbitals, which inflict fire damage and burn.

Ranger Coat

20% chance to not consume ammo

Spectral Robe

20% chance to avoid hit damage


Soul Upgrades



Increased damage for the first 10 seconds when entering a room.




Chance to recover 1 hp on entering a new floor.




When taking fatal damage, defy death and recover 1 hp.




Increased stamina recovery speed.




Increased mana recovery speed.




Ranged weapons come with increased ammo.




Increased duration of potion effects.

+ 1/2/3 rooms


Fortified Soul

Start with a soul heart.

+1 soul heart


Dirty Techniques

Increases damage with bleed, poison and burn.




Increased critical hit chance.




Increased physical damage.




Increased damage against undead and fiends.



Ash, Frost and Storm

Increased fire, cold and lightning damage.




Increased attack speed.




Increased duration of shrine effects.

+ 1/2/3 rooms



Reduced shop prices.


Hand Axe x

Priest Scepter

Club x


Longsword x

Ruby Wand

Missile Wand


Shortsword x

Broadsword x

Very Slow: 1.25

Slow: 1.5

Medium: 2

Fast: 2.5

Very Fast: 3

Insanely Fast: 4

Very Low Damage: 40 - 60

Low Damage: 50 - 70

Medium Damage: 60 - 80

High Damage: 70 - 90

Very High Damage: 80 - 100

Marketing ideas

Skill showcases