Shields | Changes The following changes are used a base for all shields: Added: Press SPECIAL ATTACK to perform a LEAP Consumes 50% charge meter, requires demoman to be grounded Leap has reduced air strafe controls | There was concern over how demoknight generally has limited options mechanically making him feel too simplistic. Rather than simply waiting at the sidelines to charge, a new movement mechanic was added to provide demoman more ways to use his charge meter. This leap should allow the demoknight to reach more flank routes, as well as jump over or away from enemies to throw off their aim. |
Loch-n-Load | Explosions trigger your stickybombs in range +25% projectile speed 20% faster reload speed -50% clip size -25% explosion radius Launched bombs shatter on surfaces | Changes Explosions trigger your stickybombs in range Added 20% faster reload speed Decreased clip size -25% to -50% Removed damage bonus vs buildings | Intended to give it a more unique identity compared to its current underwhelming one, leaning on its single target elimination as it previously did at the cost of sustainability in a fight. By comboing it with your stickies, you can deal high amounts of single target damage without being forced to detonate them all. |
Loose Cannon | Cannonballs have a fuse time of 1 second; fuses can be primed to explode earlier by holding down fire +20% projectile speed -25% less damage to self Cannonballs push players back on impact Cannonballs do not explode on impact Double Donk! Bomb explosions after a cannonball impact will deal mini-crits to impact victims | Changes Added -25% less damage to self Direct knockback no longer slows/stuns target | A minor buff meant to make overload jumping a bit less costly, expanding on movement options without being too free (thanks Great Blue!). It was however additionally nerfed for how polarizing its knockback is on-hit, hopefully without nullifying the offensive capabilities of the item. |
B.A.S.E. Jumper | Press 'JUMP' key in the air to deploy Deployed Parachutes slow your descent for up to 6 seconds -25% blast damage from blast jumps 100% increased air control Parachute closes when taking up to 100 damage | Changes 100% increased air control Added -25% blast damage from blast jumps Added 6 second time limit on deploy Taking damage closes it sooner, up to 100 damage | Giving back the player better control of their jumps should give it increased utility in addition to the reduced blast damage allowing for more frequent usage. However, it required nerfing the ability to stay airborne indefinitely and allowing enemies to counter a soldier/demo with on-demand high ground. |
Iron Bomber | Grenades have very little bounce and roll Rollers detonate on detecting enemies/self nearby (80 HU) 20% slower firing speed -15% explosion radius +30% fuse time on grenades | Changes Rollers detonate on detecting enemies/self nearby (80 HU) Inverted fuse time bonus on grenades to be +30% longer Added 20% slower firing speed | An attempt to better differentiate the weapon and lean into its less mobile grenades, making them last longer and be used into makeshift mines. The firing speed should make its damage fall off in a prolonged fight, and make applying rollers a little less spammable. |
Eyelander | This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower Gives increased speed and shield bash damage with every head taken Gain a speed boost on kill No random critical hits -15 max health on wearer | Changes Added 3 second speed boost on kill Reduced max health penalty to -15 Max heads capped at 6 Heads do not increase max health | Snowballing both health and speed was incredibly obnoxious, incentivizing the demo to avoid engagements to maintain his survivability and take less risk. This makes the sole focus of the weapon its speed, with a slightly softened health penalty as the cost for being able to better escape or chain kills with your speed boosts. |
Scotsman’s Skullcutter | This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower +20% damage bonus 20% faster shield recharge rate 15% slower move speed while active | Changes Added: 20% faster shield recharge rate Charging is unaffected by speed penalty | With the poor base mobility that you are saddled with, it was made to not be as punishing for your charge. It was additionally given a bonus to your burst mobility in exchange as well, giving you more opportunity to use its increased damage. |
Pain Train | +1 capture rate on wearer Gain a 3 second speed boost on defending a point or collecting objectives 10% damage vulnerability on wearer | Changes Added 3 second speed boost on defending a point or collecting objectives Removed bullet vulnerability Added 10% damage vulnerability on wearer | Expanding its use with a buff for defenders or collectors of objectives in certain modes, so the item is more versatile. To make up for this, the specific type vulnerability was replaced by a full vulnerability that's about as impactful. |
Claidheamh Mor | This weapon has a large melee range and deploys slower 0.5 sec increase in charge duration Melee kills refill 25% of your charge meter and reload your primary 20% slower firing speed No random critical hits | Changes Holster speed penalty negated Kills with this weapon reloads your primary Removed damage vulnerability Added 20% slower firing speed | The sword did best at making precision picks and hybrid-knighting, this change aims to make it less punishing when doing either but still worse for dedicated demo-knight. The addition of the reload should also make it more useable on stock demoman and synergize great with hybrid. |
Ullapool Caber | The first hit will cause an explosion Item recharges in 60 seconds or by picking up ammo -15% damage penalty 20% slower firing speed This weapon deploys 60% slower No random critical hits | Changes Increased explosion damage by 15% Added recharge to explosion within 60 seconds or with ammo (small 6s, medium 15s, large 30s) Mini-crits during a shield charge, only when broken Explosion counts towards on-kill Melee effects Decreased deploy penalty to 60% Taunt kills (when intact) | Allow the weapon to be a potent threat to light classes as a last resort option, with a faster equip as well to make it more immediately threatening. It was made more active with a rechange without making it too spammable. It was additionally made more consistent when used a shield. |
Persian Persuader | This weapon has a large melee range and deploys and holsters slower Melee hits refill 20% of your charge meter Ammo boxes collected also refill your charge meter +100% ammo gained from ammo packs -50% max primary ammo on wearer -50% max secondary ammo on wearer No random critical hits | Changes Reduced max primary ammo penalty reduced to -50% Reduced max secondary ammo penalty reduced to -50% Added +100% ammo gained from ammo packs | The primary ammo reduction was too restrictive in forcing a full demo-knight set, this should make hybrid-knight possible while still putting focus on sword usage and replenishing charge. Additionally it was given a bonus to ammo gained to make up for its downside. |