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English translation: "ASL - 'Diversity is our strength.'"
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

In February 2023 in North and South America, there were four UFO sightings.  The first was seen on February 2 over Venezuela, Costa Rica, and Columbia.  It was a hot air balloon from China.  The second was seen over Alaska on February 9, over Alaska.  It was a machine similar to a small, flying car.  The American air force shot it down.  The third UFO was seen on February 11 over Yukon, Canada.  The fourth UFO flew over Wisconsin and Michigan, where it was shot down.  

In America, Democrats are trying to blame Trump for this.  When Trump was President, we didn’t see any UFOs over America.  Democrats are desperate to try to blame Trump.  The truth is that Biden is incompetent.  Biden waited to shoot down the first UFO.  

He is incompetent, and he is in bed with China.  He allowed China to steal information from us.  

In another report, have you heard about the train derailment in Ohio?  The US Secretary of Transportation is in charge of trains, airplanes, and other forms of transportation.  Right now, that person is a man named Pete Buttigieg.  Pete is lazy and incompetent.  Biden’s handlers forced him to pick Pete, because Pete is gay.  

After the train derailment, Pete gave a speech about the lack of diversity among construction workers.  He should talk about how we can fix and reinforce train tracks.  That’s his job.  

To Democrats, though, it is more important to let men use women’s restrooms.  Preferred pronouns are also more important.  Democrats don’t care about our roads and train tracks.  

When the train derailed, it released chemicals that could make people sick.  The Democrats don’t care, because diversity is more important.