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Email, Alex Daugherty, politics reporter, McClatchy bureau, Washington, D.C., Nov. 30, 2016

10:37 a.m.

Here's a transcript of Roger Williams on NAFTA from my interview a few weeks ago.


When asked about the future of NAFTA in the wake of Trump's election, here is what Roger Williams said in an interview with McClatchy's Washington Bureau on 11/16:


"I'm a free trade guy, but we also want it to be fair. And you bring up that NAFTA, NAFTA has had some good things to it, there's probably some negative things. One of the things I always look at with NAFTA is, you know, NAFTA allows a lot of trucks from Mexico, for example to leave there and go, I think it's Kansas City now is a terminal they can drive straight through without even being inspected."


"That concerns me, for example, because you can put bad things in those trucks, right? And a lot of those trucks they don't even have in many cases the safety features that trucks do here in America, you know? There's a lot of things, but I think there's good things too. I don't think you blow anything up. I think you look at it on a piece-by-piece basis and see what you can keep and what you can't keep. I think a good example of that is what he's [Trump] already talking about with Obamacare."


"There is some good with NAFTA. But there are also some negatives and me being a transportation guy, you know, I'm seeing it kind of, vehicles out there that really aren't safe because of that and I'm also thinking about, hey, what if you had a truckload of terrorists you brought in and you didn't stop until they got to Kansas City, instead of stopping them on the border. So that kind of stuff you need to take a look at."