

Toma: Dad

Kathreen: Mum

Christian: Main Character

Jimmy: Christians Friend


Script: Inside the House

Christian: I wonder what our new home is going to be like!

Toma: Hopefully it will be better than this place (Looks out window).

Kathreen: Of course it will, as long as their are no bombs or people yelling “Run!” at random, we will be fine!

Christian: Okay, maybe I will make some new friends!!

Kathreen: Of course you will, it sucks not being able for you to have any friends as there is no school and bombs dropping everywhere you look that you can’t even step outside!

Script: On The boat deck

Kathreen: What do you think the school is going to be like?

Toma: I bet it would be perfect for Christian.

Kathreen: I hope he makes some new friends

Toma: Don’t worry, he will if I am his father, I can get a whole bunch of friends in a minute

Kathreen: (Laughs)

Kathreen: Let's just say we will have a good happy life in New Zealand

Script: The Journey To New Zealand

Script: The Waves beat against the bottom of the boat as it rocks violently

Script: The Boat Going up a wave and nearly flipping over

Script: All of the people crammed on the boat.

Script: A close Up of Christians scared Face

Script: Lots of people lying on the ground seasick

Script: Docking off in NZ

Script: a few weeks later….

Script: Christians first day at school

Inside Christian's Head: I am so nervous! Will I make any friends, will my teacher be nice, how much different will it be to Syria?!

Teacher: Christian, Are you listening?

Script: Cristian looks up

Christian: (Nods)

Teacher: I am going to pair you up with Jimmy here.

Script: Jimmy goes and sits next to Christian.

Jimmy: Hi.

Christian: (Waves)

Jimmy: Don’t speak english do you?

Christian: (Silence)

Jimmy: Where are you from?

Script: Christian points at Syria on the world map

Jimmy: So you’re from Syria? Good. I speak Arabic

Teacher: Alright everyone, pair up, we are going to create some bead necklaces

Script: Jimmy & Christian get some beads to make two necklaces

Script: Jimmy & Christian start chatting away in Arabic.


Script: End of day

Jimmy and Christian: Wadaeaan (Bye in Arabic)

Inside Christian's Head: I think it is going to be fun in New Zealand,

especially when you have a friend to enjoy it with!

Script: The End.