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Your Horror Show Episode 4: "Leviathan"
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


Mr Graves - Ryan Joseph Murphy

Maria Windsor - Sarah Booth

Jefferies - Ryan Joseph Murphy

Computer - Minh Do


<Radio knobs turning; various stations>



MR. GRAVES: If you’ve stumbled onto this station, don’t attempt to adjust your device. Door creaks, wolf howls and the terror of silence echoes throughout the night. This is the program that will send chills down your spine. Step right up and listen in because your horror show is about to begin.

<Graves laughs;sinisterly>


<2001 A Space Odyssey Style Music>

MR. GRAVES: “This will be one small step for man and one giant step for the gorier kind. (LAUGHS) Welcome, my children of the night to another fantastically wicked broadcast straight from the stars hosted by yours cruelly, Mr Graves. Today’s episode will have explict language, gun violence and grotesque demonic imagery so as always listener discretion is advised. Horror and space have known each other for sometime. Whether it be lovecraftian, little green men or humongous humanoids, we’ve always wondered what lies beyond the outer reaches of our universe. Is there life on other planets? If so, are they friendly? Or does the hubris of thinking we are the greatest species, make us prone to the evils of the unknown? Science and superstition meet in this interstellar tale I proudly call, “Leviathan”




WINDSOR: This is Maria Windsor sending a broadcast transmission. Do you copy?



WINDSOR: This is Maria Windsor sending a broadcast transmission from the Navigation satellite Leviathan does anyone copy?



WINDSOR: We have an emergency aboard the ship. I am the only surviving member on the vessel and I need to be evacuated. Please copy…please God, someone copy.


                        WINDSOR: Oh no…


WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Well, this was it, I was coming face to face with the terror that I had been running from for several days. I could feel myself getting closer to it.  I didn’t know if it was the stars or just the feeling of being in this ship alone. My memories were swirling inside me. Reminding me of a time when I had hope. What does that feel like?


WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Pull yourself together Maria or you are going to get killed. You need to stay calm and face this. (Deep breath) Alright, take off the vent panel and shoot this thing. One, two…THREE



WINDSOR: Shit! One of the rats from the containment lab must have snuck out. (HEAVY BREATHING) Okay, just pull yourself together. you’re going to be okay. (NARRATION) In truth, I wasn’t going to be okay. I was alone, in the vastness of space with SOMETHING on this ship. Something that's killed my crew. This creature has picked us off one by one. I sense its figure around me. This monster of empty space. It wanted me, but for what purpose?


SHIP VOICE: The doors of the medbay have been breached. Repeat, the doors of the medbay have been breached.

                        WINDSOR: Computer screen up.


                        WINDSOR: Bring up Medbay.

                        SHIP VOICE: Accessing Medbay camera feed.



WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Looking at the camera feed, I could make out a shadow grabbing things from a cabinet. The figure was blurred, it obviously knows it’s being filmed. I would have to find a way to incapacitate it without this creature seeing me. (SPEAKING) How many exits in and out of the Medbay?

SHIP VOICE: Two. One entrance through the main hall and one through the kitchen.

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) I knew what I had to do to stay alive. I had to find this thing and kill it. (SPEAKING) Close all doors besides the two entrances. I’m going in.

SHIP VOICE: All exit doors surrounding Medbay are locked.



WINDSOR: (NARRATION) As I walked out of the control room, I thought back to the events that transpired that led me to this point. My crew and I were research workers on an interplanetary satellite dubbed “Levithan''. Our mission was to try and make contact with  alien lifeforms in distant solar systems outside of Earth’s orbit. Our contract was for five years, in which time we would be retired from service. My crew were not so lucky. It looks like I won’t be either.



WINDSOR: The corridors are barren. The lights in the hallways were destroyed. Why was this creature hunting me? I wasn’t able to get a glimpse of it but I could feel something out there. I found that when I listened long enough I could hear it talk to me. I felt like it had a direct pathway to my mind.


WINDSOR: Ahh!! Stop it! Stop it! Get out of my head!


(NARRATION) The noises would appear sportactially and when they did, I would see flashes. Flashes of my family, my home, the things I left before I ended up at this place. I remember the days I spent with them. My little girl, smiling at me. I went away to jumpstart our lives with a once in a lifetime opportunity. A chance to put everything behind us and start fresh. A chance that looks doomed to fail aboard this ship of nightmares.  (Heavy breathing) (Narration) I couldn’t last like this for much longer. The silence in this cold desolate ship. Whatever was happening was starting to make me see and hear things that weren’t there. I was starting to lose it. I needed to find whatever the hell this thing was.


WINDSOR: (Narration) I got closer to the Medbay front entrance and approached the lock.


WINDSOR: The lock panel was broken. Someone or something had smashed it. It must be looking for supplies. I held my pistol close to me and prepared to go in.





WINDSOR: Chaos. The medical bay was completely destroyed. Windows smashed, supplies thrown across the floor. Blood near the glass. Whatever this thing was, had to be after something. Maybe this thing is hurting? I saw a blood trail leading to the other end of the room.




WINDSOR: I quietly moved to that side of the sprawling medical bay. Watching my breathing as I managed to see another door in front of me had been broken into. I wasn’t alone.


WINDSOR: The faintest sound began emanating from the door.

I held my gun close to my chest. Knowing full well that I had to keep my trigger finger ready.



WINDSOR: (NARRATION) I might have only one shot at this so I had to take it. I calmed myself, took a deep breath and…

                        JEFFERIES: Stop, don't shoot. Please, don’t shoot.

                        WINDSOR: Talk quickly, who the hell are you?

JEFFERIES: I’m, I’m, my name is Jefferies. I was a part of the medical team.

WINSOR:(NARRATION) (Narration) Jefferies, jefferies?                 Run through your rolodex, who is he? (Speaking) I don’t remember seeing your name on the flight dossier. Also why isn’t your name on your flight jacket?

                        JEFFERIES: Okay, okay, I snuck aboard.

WINSOR: (Speaking)  You’ve got twenty seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t blast your brains across the walls.

                        JEFFERIES: Look, I know this looks bad okay…

                        WINSOR: Fifteen seconds.

JEFFERIES: I snuck aboard because I needed a job. I have a family to feed alright. I didn’t kill any of these people. I know who did though..

                        WINSOR: Show me, or your target practice.

JEFFERIES: Alright, alright. Follow me.


WINSOR: Hold up…we are going to walk very slowly. No sudden movements and no turning around,

JEFFERIES: I promise, I didn’t do anything okay? Jesus christ…

WINSOR: Less talking, more walking..



                        WINSOR: How far is this thing?

                        JEFFERIES: The cargo bay.

                        WINSOR: So what is it?

JEFFERIES: Hell if I know. It stays in the shadows. Can barely get a good look at it.


                        WINSOR: How did you see it?

JEFFERIES: Ever since this commotion started, I’ve been sneaking around the ship. Hoping to stay out of sight of security until everything calmed down. I heard some funny noises coming from the vents and under the floorboards. Finally caught a glimpse of it running from an open door. It turned its head and looked at me. It looked like one of the crew members but something was off…those eyes. There was nothing behind them. At that moment, I saw infinity. Thankfully it heard voices from another part of the ship and hurried away. Are you going to put that gun away?

WINSOR: Not until I know for a fact that you are telling the truth stowaway.

JEFFERIES: Look, I wasn’t trying to hurt anybody okay? My family needed money. I grabbed someone's ID on the ground and thought that would be enough for me to fake it until we landed back on earth.

WINSOR: I’m sorry for your family's situation but you will be turned over once we land. The most important thing is…




WINSOR: (Whispering) Listen to me, I want you to hug the wall and stay quiet.

                        JEFFERIES: It’s here.



WINSOR: (NARRATION) Huddled up against the wall, I begin to try and control my breathing. Hearing the footsteps in the distance begin to get closer and closer..stay calm Maria. I was trying to avoid it. Then it started again..


WINSOR: Get out of my head..AHH! (NARRATION) Flashes of my little girl. My life on earth in our home. My husband is smiling at me. The warmth feels..infinite. The cool air, the sun shining down on us.


WINSOR: (Speaking) Hey, get back here. Jefferies, get back or I’ll shoot.



WINSOR: Ahh, make it stop. (NARRATION) The voices were getting louder. It felt like something was trying to get inside my head.. I had to fight it, I had to get my composure.


(Breathing heavily) I was seemingly back to normal but now stuck in the same place that I had been. Alone, in this ship that now felt like a haunted house. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep it together. I had lost track of Jefferies and that thing but I knew they were both out there.


                        WINSOR: Bring up map schematics of the ship.

                        SHIP VOICE: Map schematics brought up.


WINSOR: The  cargo bay front door is currently locked but it looks like there's a side panel that’s been propped open. What’s the  quickest route to the open side panel in the Cargo Bay?

SHIP VOICE: Nearest route is through the hyper sleep chamber. A side panel vent has been propped open which will then lead into the Cargo Bay.

WINSOR: (Narration) The hypersleep chamber. I remember when we came out of that six months ago.. We landed on a planet that was clearly uninhabitable but several crew members managed to find artifacts left on the surface that may have brought on our demise. Once we arrived back on the ship, that’s when the terror started. People disappearing mysteriously, lights flickering, screams in the distance. We thought we may find something extraordinary in the dark reaches of space but that proved to be wishful thinking. I can’t help but feel that we are being punished. I knew that I had a choice to make, I either slink back to my post and await my fate or I face my fear and find out what’s lurking further down this ship.


                        WINSOR: I knew what I had to do.


WINSOR: (Whispering) Jefferies! Come out here Jefferies.


(Narration) The ship's steel echoed around me. I could feel the cold blackness enveloping me, wanting to make me one with its essence. It wanted me to stay here forever. I continued to walk down the corridor, uncertain of where this would lead me. Salvation or destruction?


WINDSOR: (Speaking) What was that? (NARRATION) I could make out something running ahead of me…


                        JEFFERIES: Stay away from me!

WINDSOR: Jefferies! Jefferies, stop, right now. That’s an order. (NARRATION) I began to sprint after him knowing that something else might be after both of us.


JEFFERIES: All hail the righteous one!

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Righteous one? (SPEAKING) You are going to make this difficult aren’t you?


                        WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Try not to hurt him too bad.


JEFFERIES: Ahh…my leg.


                        WINDSOR: Well fancy seeing you again.

                        JEFFERIES: Stay away from me!

WINDSOR: Why are you running? Don’t you know there’s something out here. You want to be another dead body on the ground?

JEFFERIES: It’s here and it’s coming for all of us! I see it, he is with us!

WINDSOR: Get a hold of yourself.

JEFFERIES: HAHAHA you still don’t get it, do you? We are never getting off this ship alive.


WINDSOR: Ahh…stop it. Why now, why this? The ringing, the pounding all throughout my psyche. Ahh!! (NARRATION) Get a hold of yourself,  you can’t lose it now. Suddenly they were in front of me.


My family, my home, the life I left. Can this be real? The warmth it feels…perfect.


JEFFERIES: It wants you. It wants all of us to join them. To bring their teachings to the rest of the galaxy.

WINDSOR: AHH! I will blow your brains out if you don’t start making some sense.

JEFFERIES: I couldn't be making more sense. I was running but everything I need is right here. Its warmth will be felt. You feel it now..Maria.

WINDSOR: Jefferies, pull yourself together. We have to get out of here. Wait, how do you know my first name?

JEFFERIES: Just put the gun down, Maria. We don’t want to hurt you.


WINDSOR: How, how did you know my name..Stay back. Stay back or I’ll shoot. Stay back Jefferies!

JEFFERIES: (DEMONIC VOICE) Jefferies, isn’t here anymore.

                        WINDSOR: Stay away from me or I’ll put one right in your brain.

JEFFERIES: (DEMONIC VOICE)  Just like the others. I’ve been able to see your thoughts. I can bring your family to you. I can bring you the entire universe. Soon all the cosmos will know infinity.

WINDSOR: They won’t believe you once I’m gone.

JEFFERIES: That’s why I’ll need to keep you alive. Don’t worry there’s more than enough room for both of us in that head of yours. (Demonic laugh)


JEFFERIES: (DEMONIC VOICE) Don’t go too far Maria, there are so many things I want to show you.

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) As I ran down the corridor of this empty vessel, I started to contemplate what had happened. This thing, entity or demon was using us. What did we find out here in this vastness of black nothingness? I had to get back to the command center and seal off the door. Even if I don’t survive tonight, I have to make sure this son of bitch doesn’t either.


                        WINDSOR: Computer, lock the command center door.

                        SHIP VOICE: Locking command center door.


WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Think Maria, what the hell are you going to do? You don’t have much time before this thing starts trying to bust his way in.


JEFFERIES:(DEMONIC VOICE) Maria! You're just delaying the inevitable.



WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Think god dammit. (SPEAKING) Computer how long to initiate self destruction protocols.

SHIP VOICE: Once activated self destruction protocols will detonate in five minutes unless overridden.


WINDSOR: (NARRATION) It was now or never. If I was going to do this thing, I needed to take it all the way. (SPEAKING) Computer, activate self destruction protocols.

SHIP VOICE: Self destruction protocols initiated. Countdown to self destruct in five minutes.


JEFFERIES: I will get through, with your help or not. You can’t escape us Maria.

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) That thing was right. I wouldn’t be able to escape here. There’s pods located in the hanger but I would have to go out the door. I checked my ammo and I only had a few bullets remaining.

<WHISPERING VOICES>                        

WINDSOR: (SPEAKING) No, no, get out of my head! (NARRATION) I could feel my mind being penetrated by this evil force. The voice was burrowing its way inside me. My limbs began to feel light. I was starting to lose control…No, keep it together Maria, you can’t let this thing win. Ahh!! (NARRATION) My body was starting to lose it. My voice then blurted out. (SPEAKING) Computer, open the command center door.


SHIP VOICE: Command center door is open. Self destruct sequence in four minutes.



JEFFERIES: Well, well, we meet again. It’s better for each other if you stop trying to resist me. I think you'll find, we can do great things together. (DEMONIC VOICE).

WINDSOR: Go to hell!

JEFFERIES: I will provide everything for you. Now give me the gun.

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) Don’t you dare Maria, resist.

JEFFERIES: I said, give me the gun.

WINDSOR: Screw you.

JEFFERIES: (DEMONIC) Give me the gun! You pathetic specimen.

WINDSOR: Fine, take it.



<RUNNING FOOTSTEPS>                

WINDSOR: (NARRATION) With a moment of clarity I put one in that thing's chest. I had no idea if the real Jefferies was still in there but I couldn’t take the chance. Had to find my way to the escape pod and get the hell off this ship..


                        SHIP VOICE: Self destruction sequence in three minutes.


WINDSOR: (NARRATION) I ran down the corridor as fast as I could, not looking back even as I heard the ships sirens blaring and the howls of a demonic being behind me. There was no time to dwell on what I was leaving behind, the only thought was survival. I could see the escape pod in front of me, only a few more feet away.

                        SHIP VOICE: Self destruct sequence in two minutes.



WINDSOR: This moment felt like an eternity as I waited for the pod to open. I was too afraid to look behind me. I saw the flickering lights and the darkness just waiting to pull me back,


WINDSOR: I rushed into the pod and shut the door. I began to hear the wail, coming for me.


WINDSOR: The voice cut through the blackness like a bloody knife. That creature was running down the hall at full sprint toward me. I closed my eyes, as the pod began its descent from the ship. I started to breathe a sigh of relief. Was this actually over? Would my pod get enough distance to avoid the blast?

                        SHIP VOICE: Self destruct sequence in 10, 9,8…

WINDSOR: I prayed that I was far enough away when the countdown finally hit one.

                        SHIP VOICE: Leviathan self destruct sequence initiated.


WINDSOR: I prayed to whatever god would listen. I could see the explosion behind me as my pod swirled into the dark reaches of space. I took a breath and looked in front of me. The voices were gone but I still saw them in front of me.


It felt so warm, it felt like home. Was this real? To be honest, I don’t think I cared anymore. The feeling of bliss started to envelope me as I looked into the black void of nothingness. I could see something new emerging. The face of infinity. Can you see it too? Soon, everyone will.


<Music cue back to Graves>

MR GRAVES: What a delightful tale of cosmic terror. The pain, the  suffering, the existential torment. It warms this ghouls heart to the bone. If only I still had a working one (LAUGHS). This is Mr Graves signing off from high up in the stars. Be careful out there, you’ll never know what you see in the clouds.  Will return with more stories of planetary dread next time on, Your Horror Show.