Letter from Band Director to All Band Students

Introducing Themselves at the New Band Director

and Their Goals and Desires for the Band Program

Dear Band Parents,

I hope this letter finds you all in good spirits and with a sense of excitement for the upcoming year. I am writing to introduce myself as the new Band Director at ___________________________[School Name] and to express my sincere enthusiasm for working with your talented children. It is with great honor and anticipation that I join this esteemed institution and have the privilege of leading the band program to new heights.

First and foremost, I want you to know that my commitment is to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can thrive and excel in their musical journey. I firmly believe that each individual possesses unique talents and abilities, and my goal is to provide the necessary support, guidance, and opportunities for their growth.

I am thrilled to be partnering with the Band Booster Club, as their dedication and involvement are instrumental in the success of our program. Together, we will work tirelessly to enhance the band experience for your children and ensure they have access to the best resources, equipment, and performance opportunities. I am excited to collaborate with the Booster Club in organizing fundraisers, coordinating trips, and developing initiatives that will enrich your children's musical education.

My vision for the band program is to create an environment of excellence and achievement. I want our band to be a source of immense pride, not only for the students but also for our school, community, and town. We will strive for creative show concepts that win contests on the marching band field, plan exciting trips, and participate in prestigious competitions. During concert band season, we will aim to achieve Superior ratings at the state's Large Group Performance Evaluation.

I am also dedicated to helping interested students navigate the audition process for honor ensembles such as the All-State Band and All-State Orchestra. Additionally, I will provide guidance and support as your children prepare for the state's Solo and Ensemble Festival, where their hard work and dedication will undoubtedly result in Excellent and Superior ratings.

For those students aspiring to pursue music in college, I am committed to assisting them in achieving their collegiate goals. I will offer guidance throughout the application process, provide support in audition preparations, and help them find the music programs that align with their aspirations.

Within our band program, we will explore a diverse musical repertoire in each of the performing ensembles. In addition to marching and concert band, we will offer opportunities for students to be part of Jazz Band, Chamber Ensembles, and Broadway Pit Bands. This will provide them with a well-rounded musical experience and broaden their horizons as musicians.

Above all, I want to share with your children the love of music and the joy it brings into our lives. Music has the power to inspire, uplift, and connect people on a deep level. I will encourage them to create a lifelong plan to keep music in their lives, whether through continued participation in ensembles, pursuing musical hobbies, or simply enjoying the beauty of music as listeners.

I want to assure you that my door is always open to parents. I value your insights, ideas, and concerns, and I encourage you to reach out to me at any time. I believe that by working together, we can create a supportive and vibrant community that fosters the growth and well-being of our students.

With great anticipation and warm regards, I am truly excited about the journey ahead. Together, we will make beautiful music, achieve new heights, and create lifelong memories for your children.

Making Music Together,