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Parent Handbook 2024/2025.docx
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Shaping lives and influencing destinies, we teach: the love of God, the love of others, a passion for learning.


Dear Parents,

Welcome to Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool. We are so glad that you have decided to make our preschool a part of your child’s early learning years. We hope that this handbook will help you understand our approach to early childhood education and appreciate the important role that you play in supporting your child’s learning. In a preschool setting, good policies and compliance with the policies set forth help us to better care for your child. Please read and familiarize yourself with our policies and procedures and feel free to ask questions. It is understood that once you enroll your child at Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool, you agree to abide by all the policies written in this handbook.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child this year!

-Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool



About Us




Philosophy of Education


New Student Enrollment


     Wait List


     Registration and Enrollment of New Students






     Tuition Refund


     Payment Agreement








Programs and Curriculum


     Summer Enrichment Program




     Music and Movement


     Enrichment Programs


     Speech, Hearing, and Vision Testing




Cell Phone Policy


Birthday Book Club




Outdoor Play


Field Trips


Inclement Weather




Clothing and Personal Belongings




Holidays and School Closing


School Hours


Child’s Arrival and Departure


Release of Children


Access to your Child’s Classroom




Food and Nutrition

Chef Roger’s Biography



Admissions and Enrollment






Incident Report Form


Sick Child at School


Mandated Reporting


Room Parent


Health and Safety


     Health Forms


     Emergency Information






Parent Involvement


Marketing to School Families


Social Media


Parent Volunteer Association (PVA)


Special Events

Procurement Fee

Special Needs

Confidentiality Policy                                                      







Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool (PRLP) was established in 1984 as an outreach ministry of

Peachtree Road Lutheran Church (PRLC). The full-day program was begun with the renovation

of the educational building in September 1989. The church is pleased to offer this service to the

community as an outreach, sharing God’s love for all people in Jesus Christ.

As a ministry of Peachtree Road Lutheran Church, we are dedicated to ministering to families

with young children in the name of Jesus Christ and as a reflection of His love. PRLP is operated as a non-profit preschool within the body of Peachtree Road Lutheran Church and is licensed by Bright from the Start as a preschool-day and extended-day early childhood facility.

The PRLP is governed by the Church Council of PRLC through the Education Committee. The

Education Committee functions with oversight in the following areas:


Business and Finance

Licensing and Administration


Safety and Health

The Education Committee is composed of the Pastor of PRLC, designated members of the congregation, and the Directors of PRLP. The Church Council, through the Education Committee, sets the financial policies for the preschool and oversees the hiring, administration and curriculum decisions of the Preschool.

PRLP meets or exceeds all requirements established by the State for such facilities. A copy of the current regulations is on hand for reference.


Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool’s purpose is to provide an outreach ministry of Peachtree

Road Lutheran Church that provides a foundation for life-long learning in a nurturing Christian


The School at Peachtree Road Evangelical Lutheran Church is a unique preschool program. We

rejoice that the primary nurturing of a child takes place in the family, and we are here to support

the family in that role.

Our compassion for children is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Educational, spiritual,

physical, emotional and social development take place in the context of God’s love for each

child. It is our intent that each child experience unconditional love, affirmation, and encouragement from teachers. During the preschool years, children need our help to foster positive self-esteem and an excitement and curiosity about learning.

This school was established as a thankful recognition that Martin Luther affirmed the role and

the power of the Word of God to change lives and influence destinies with the gracious love of

God. As such, this school was established as a “kinder-garden,” a place for the nurturing of children, in analogous ways to the growth of a garden that nurtures the life of a seed. That seed,

seemingly inconsequential, can provide nurturance and life for those within its sphere of blessing. Pastor Bridgers wanted to affirm the importance of changing a life at its dawn with the unmitigated, unconditional grace of God’s nurturing influence upon a life. The school was established as a school of excellence in education, but even more than that, for education alone does not shape the moral compass of a child, an adult, or a culture.

What does shape the moral compass is an education rooted in the truth that sets people free, even free to love and to serve as transformative to a person and to generations beyond. The unique time of formative influence takes place in the context of chubby fingers and dirty diapers and children who ask questions chronically irritating but providing a context of the most profound education rooted in the love of another person for that singular life. As such it was Pastor Bridgers’ hope that this school could be but the fingertips of God, reaching into future generations with the peace and presence of God in formative and mysterious ways shaping an entire life at its dawn.

With this in mind, the foundational missional purposes of this school are to teach: 1) the love of

God; 2) the love of others; and 3) a passion for learning. Those goals summarize the unique

treasure of the Gospel in ways that shape a person, a family, a culture, a nation, and a world.

The School reflects the mission of Peachtree Road Evangelical Lutheran Church and affirms the

importance of God’s Word as revealed through the Scriptures and in the person of Jesus Christ.

The School encourages regular participation in worship and Sunday School for the strengthening

of life with others and with God.


The school strongly believes that learning is a process. A passion for learning therefore is what

we strive for everyday in our classes. We want to be able to develop and sustain the child’s

natural curiosity so that as he moves on in life the love of learning will always be there. We

work towards a hands-on approach and always incorporating the element of fun in all our   activities.

We believe that each child is unique and because of this we have a tailored approach to the way

we facilitate learning in the classroom. Each set of belief, custom, and traditions as well as abilities of the child are recognized and taken into account as we work and play in our class. Although we have a set curriculum for each class, we still maintain a flexible environment. We are sensitive to each of our child’s preference and temperament for the day. With this knowledge, we provide variations in activities and a wealth of materials for them in the classroom.

The preschool is a ministry to families with preschool aged children. As such, we value our    relationships the child’s parents and siblings. The school will always strive to work hand in hand

with the families in order to meet their needs when it comes to the development of the child. We

see the importance of having a healthy school and home environment for our children, and because of this we will always encourage and welcome active parent participation. In addition, the church wants to support the health of families through active encouragement of participation in our services of worship or congregations of your choice. We affirm that a foundation for a child’s wellness in all aspects is rooted in a stable, nurturing home environment that is spiritually grounded and active involvement in a church community. We also want to be supportive of our families in ministry needs that may arise, not limited to but including sickness, family crises, concerns for loved ones. The church wants to be prayerfully engaged and supportive of the families of all our children.


We welcome all children regardless of national origin, race or religion. All children

admitted to the school have equal access to all rights, privileges, programs and activities. Children with special needs will be evaluated and accepted on an individual basis according to our ability to provide care.

Children are accepted in order of application with priority given to applicants in the following order:

1. PRLC members

2. Siblings of current students*

3. Siblings of alumni

4. All other applicants

*Our school is licensed to accept infants at eight weeks of age. The school's decision to reserve placement at PRLP will be based on the child reaching the minimum age of eight weeks and the availability of space in the age appropriate classroom. If both are met, then a permanent spot may be secured. In order to secure permanent placement, tuition payments will be required within 30 days' notice, regardless of whether or not the child is on the premises.


For example, if your child is born on 1/1 and you intend to take a 12-week maternity leave, you will be required to begin making payments to PRLP on 4/1 IF a spot becomes available. You will be given the option of declining your spot and remaining on the waiting list if you choose not to begin making payments while still on maternity leave. If you decline your spot, we will offer it to the next family on the waiting list.


Often, we are unable to immediately accommodate a family with space for their child.

However, placing a child on our active waitlist with a $100 non-refundable fee will entitle

them priority acceptance.

An annual registration fee of $200 is due upon acceptance of the child into the program.

In addition, a one-month tuition deposit (the fee is dependent upon the class the child will be enrolled in) is due.


Financial registration for the following school year takes place in February. The registration process for new students includes: 1) A $200 registration fee.  2) A tuition deposit representing one-month tuition. 3) A payment of the first month’s tuition. The registration fee of $200 is paid to place the student on the roster. This fee is non-refundable. A student is not considered enrolled until all fees are paid. Please provide three separate checks for these three distinct payments.

Completion of all pertinent forms

All enrollment forms must be completed before your child attends PRLP. This includes an

up-to-date immunization record (Form 3231). Form 3231 is due within 30 days of enrollment; after which we cannot continue service. This is a strict requirement from the Georgia Health Department. In addition, a financial enrollment form must be completed.

On your registration form you will provide current addresses and phone numbers. It is extremely important that you inform us of any changes in addresses, work and home telephone numbers, places of employment or individuals authorized to pick up your child.


The school accrues financial responsibilities upon the active enrollment of a new child. Understandably therefore, Registration fees of enrolled children are non-refundable and non-transferable. Tuition payments are also non-refundable and include the days the preschool is closed for holidays and teacher workdays. No reductions of fees will be made for absences, vacations, or withdrawals.


Students at PRLP are enrolled for the entire year (June-May) and commitment to tuition for the entire year is required. Payments are made on the 1st of the month, and there is not a reduction in tuition for holidays or absences. A $50 late fee will be charged if tuition is received after noon on the 2nd unless you are set up on autodraft.

There will be no increase in tuition fees without a 30-day notice to parents. Members of

PRLC receives a 10% per month discount on tuition charges. Families with more than

one child enrolled receives a 10% per month discount on the lowest tuition rate not including the meal plan fees.

Accounts which are habitually past due will have to be cleared and paid in advance each

month before the child will be allowed to continue as a student unless prior financial                  arrangements have been made.

Parents are encouraged to make their monthly tuition payments with an autodraft through

Brightwheel. Checks are also acceptable; please make all checks payable to

“PRLP” and indicate the first and last name of the child or children, along with the period

that the payment covers. No cash payments will be accepted.

There is a $40.00 service charge for any check returned by the bank. After the second

returned check, payment must be made in certified funds.


If you should need to withdraw your child in the middle of the year a 60-day written notice to the office is required. This 60-day notice is defined as “proper notice,” during which time you will be responsible for the remaining 2-month’s tuition. Upon receiving proper notice on or before the first day of the calendar month of withdrawal, parents will be entitled to a full refund of the tuition deposit applied back to their card listed on file. In addition to proper notice, your billing account must show a zero dollar balance to be eligible. Failure to give “proper notice” and/or not having a zero dollar account balance, will result in forfeiture of tuition deposit monies. Again, the school accrues financial indebtedness and must give adequate notice for those waiting to be enrolled necessitating this policy. There will be no exceptions to this policy.


We expect payment in full for all tuition and fees in a timely manner. Any outstanding

balance is the responsibility of the parent. Any family who falls behind on their tuition

must pay their balance in full the following month in order for their child(ren) to remain

enrolled in the preschool. Should an account need to be turned over to our collection

agency, parents will be required to pay all collection costs including the collection fee of

any collection company and/or attorney fees.



The Director is selected by the Church Council of Peachtree Road Lutheran Church

based on educational background and experience with young children and business                management of early childhood programs. The Director of Staff and Curriculum oversees

and manages the educational programs of the school, including managing admissions and

hiring/supervising all faculty. In addition, she works with the faculty to design and

evaluate curriculum and programming. The Director of Finance and Operations manages

the business affairs of the school, including Accounts Payable, banking relations, and financial reporting.


The Faculty at PRLP is carefully chosen on the basis of academic training, previous experience, love of young children and ability to interact with parents. Teachers are responsible for directing their classes in accordance with PRLP philosophy. The lead classroom teacher establishes daily plans and long-term goals for each child and the class as a whole. Teachers also develop on-going communication with the parents of their students.


PRLP uses a child centered curriculum designed to meet students at their level and propel them to meet higher educational goals. Our lessons are all “extendable” depending on how ready the child is to learn more complex concepts. Every child is unique and learns differently – which is why we use a variety of learning resources to facilitate learning. We have large group, small group and individual instruction time in every classroom. We utilize centers (Math/Science, Language, Sand & Water, Blocks, Dramatic Play, Art…) to enrich our learning experiences. Throughout the day, every moment is used as a “teachable moment.” Children at PRLP are always encouraged to gain self-help skills, make appropriate choices, experiment, explore and most importantly, have fun while learning.


The summer enrichment program begins at the conclusion of the academic school year, normally at the end of May, and runs until the new school year begins. Summer enrichment program enrollment generally takes place in March. While the emphasis is on fun, with children participating in weekly themed outdoor play, music, Vacation Bible School, gardening, water play and fieldtrips, learning continues as children explore new themes and strengthen their newly acquired skills through appropriately planned activities.


The children in the Adventurers/Explorers through Kindergarten classes participate in

chapel each morning. The chapel curriculum is provided through Frolic and includes age-appropriate songs, Bible stories, activities, and prayers and is reinforced through coordinated activities in the classrooms. Children in the Travelers, Seekers, Sunshine, Adventurers and Explorers classes begin the school day with a special chapel service in their classrooms.


We have a music teacher come to the center and conduct music and movement classes in every room on a regular basis. The teacher exposes students to various types of musical instruments and sounds. In addition, regular use of classical music CD’s in the classroom augments the formal music instruction. This music curriculum enrichment is included in the price of tuition as we believe the stimulation of neural pathways that music promotes leads to enhanced learning abilities in all areas.


We offer enrichment classes for children, scheduled after the pre-school program. These

classes are over and above our regular curriculum and are taught by professionals outside

the school. Payment is separate from your school’s tuition and fees.


We periodically offer on-site testing for 3- and 4-year old children’s speech, hearing and

vision. You will receive a notice from outside our school. There is a nominal fee due to

their company for these services. We highly recommend that all children be tested.


Children may not swap days or make up days due to absence, and there is no reduction in tuition for absences.


Morning drop off is an important time for you to say “good-bye” to your child and for a proper hand-off between parent and teacher to occur. Likewise to drop-off, it is important at pick-up time that you provide proper communication to your teacher. For your child’s safety, we ask that you remain off your cell phone during these times. We want to ensure that a proper hand-off and report of your child’s day has been provided to you. We would also like to ask that you have your phone turned off while in the classrooms and when attending school programs to avoid disruptions.


We encourage each parent to talk with your child’s teacher if you would like to plan a

simple birthday party for your child here at school. Gifts are not allowed. Afternoon

snack time is the best time to celebrate with cupcakes or a healthy snack. Please do not

bring latex balloons, hard candy, peanuts, or whole grapes as these present a choking hazard to young children. Please save the lighting of “real” candles for your home

party. Our fire code prevents us from having an open flame at school.


Daily outdoor play is a requirement of Bright from the Start. It is also a time for children

to build on their gross motor and socialization skills. Please be certain your child is

dressed appropriately for the season as all children are required to participate. So, with

the exception of a few extremely rainy, cold, or hot days, know that your children will be

spending time outside. Children will not be permitted to remain in the building while

their class is outside.


Field trips serve as an extension of the classroom. Children in the Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms take part in various field trips throughout the year. Parents must fill out a

permission slip for each field trip in order for their child to attend.


In the event that we experience inclement weather or other serious conditions causing schools to close, we will follow the decision of DeKalb County Schools. Please listen to the radio or television, and if DeKalb County Schools makes the decision to close schools, we will also close. Should DeKalb County Schools be out on a scheduled holiday, but our school is open, PRLP administration will make the closing decision. In the event of an early closing, a post on Brightwheel will be sent to all parents. Please make sure the preschool has your current emergency contact information at all times.


The following procedures have been established for the safety and care of your child in

the event of an accident or emergency:


Please label all clothing with your child’s first and last name. We cannot be responsible for lost articles. Children should wear comfortable, washable clothes. While we use washable paint and markers, some spills and stains will occur. Rubber soled shoes should be worn for safety. We discourage children from wearing boots, hard-soled shoes, open-toed sandals, flip-flops or crocs. Each child must have a complete change of clothing; “potty trainers” will need more.

We ask that you leave all food, gum and toys at home. A soft sleep toy will be allowed

for naptime only. As seasons change, please send your child with appropriate jackets, coats, mittens, gloves, and hats.

A cubby space for each child is provided in his/her classroom. There is also a hook outside the classroom for the child’s schoolwork, as well as messages and important notices from the school. These will need to be taken home daily. Please check your child’s cubby and hook each day.


Each child in the school will have the advantage of an afternoon nap or quiet time. PRLP will provide sheets for all mats, and children may bring in a blanket and/or comfort item to keep in their cubby for use during nap-time. We wash infant crib sheets daily and all others weekly. Nap/quiet time is a state requirement; however, children who do not sleep will be allowed to do a quiet activity on their mat. If you would like your baby to be swaddled, please provide a swaddling blanket from home. Per state regulations, swaddle blankets must include a doctor’s note giving us permission to use them.


New Year’s Day

Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Good Friday

Spring Break

Presidents Day

Memorial Day


Fourth of July

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Break

Christmas Break  

Parent Teacher Conferences  (Classes held for all infant rooms)

Teacher Work/Training Days

Open House

When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, PRLP will be closed either Friday or Monday as best decided by the School Committee. Please refer to the annual calendar for the exact dates of teacher work/training days.


Our full day program begins at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:30 p.m. Monday – Friday.


It is important for children to arrive on time in order to be involved in the daily routines. Breakfast is served at specific times for each classroom and cannot safely be held after 9:00 a.m. If you are going to be late, you will need to call to let us know when to anticipate your arrival. Children must be brought to their classroom to ensure that the teacher knows the child has arrived and to enable the parent to pass along any pertinent information.

Full-day children are to be picked up by 5:30 p.m. and “school day” children are to be picked up by 2:30 pm. After 2:30 (“school day” program) and 5:30 p.m. (full day program) there will be a late pick-up fee at the rate of $15 plus $1 per minute thereafter. 


A child will be released only to a person on the child’s release record. Please update the release record frequently to make sure the list is current. Anyone other than the parent will be required to present valid I.D. to ensure the safety of children. If anyone not on the release record will be picking up a child, please notify the Director in writing. (In an emergency, the parent may fax or email permission for someone not on the list to pick up their child.

(Verbal permission to your child’s teacher will not suffice as authorization for

release. Please do not give verbal permission to your child’s teacher.)

Always inform the teacher when you pick up your child. If your child is on the playground at pick-up time, please check his/her cubby and clip before leaving. Children should not be picked up during lunch or nap time (11:00-2:00), unless the parent alerts the office in advance, so that we may provide a smooth transition.

If anyone arrives to pick up a child and appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the child will not be released, even if the person is the parent.

If your child is not picked up by 6:00 p.m. for full day, 3:00 p.m. for preschool day, and all attempts have failed to reach parents or listed emergency contacts, DFCS and police will be called. Under no circumstance will staff release children to unauthorized persons, take children to their home, or provide a ride elsewhere without your written permission. 

Once your child has been released from the classroom, he/she is YOUR responsibility. Please ensure that he/she stays with you at all times. We cannot accept responsibility for your child once he/she is in your care.

Minor siblings are not authorized to pick up children from the school. Non-enrolled siblings who accompany a parent at pick-up time are to be in the presence of the parent at all times, and never left unaccompanied.

Under no circumstances should family pets be brought onto the premises (including the playgrounds) without prior permission of the director.


Parents are welcomed to visit their child’s classroom and playtime areas anytime their child is present. We request your cooperation in making sure that your visit does not disrupt our program. Please also make prior arrangements with the Director and your child’s teacher. View windows are installed in the door of each classroom, and larger windows for observation of the adjacent classes are located in the Director’s office.


Discipline will be treated as a positive learning experience promoting independence and self-esteem within the child. Discipline will be administered under the following guidelines:

Behavioral standards, limits and rules shall be developmentally appropriate for the age of

the child.

Staff shall establish standards of acceptable and unacceptable behavior, set limits, and

teach rules which are appropriate for the child’s age.

Guidance and expectations shall be consistent. Corporal or physical punishment shall not be used, nor will a child be threatened or shamed.

Discipline shall not be humiliating, shaming, or frightening to the child.

Positive attention and redirection are recommended techniques to avoid discipline problems.

A child who displays continual disruptive or aggressive behavior will be handled in the

following manner:

Child will be redirected in the classroom environment and the situation/

consequences will be discussed.

Parents will be kept abreast of any behavior issues.

If the situation continues, a plan of action with the family will be developed.

Minimal use of “time out” for major behavior problems or as a reflective teachable

moment will be used.

If a successful resolution is not found, then, for the child’s best interest, the family may be asked to find an alternate school.


Without a doubt, food can directly affect the way a child learns, feels and thinks. After all, a child is more likely to be alert and ready to learn after eating a protein-packed salad versus devouring a deep-fried chicken patty with fries. Nutrition has long been identified as a critical component to learning and development at any age; allowing kids to skip breakfast, eat fat-laden lunches and snack on cheese puffs after school can seriously affect the way they think, learn and process.

Even moderate malnutrition can negatively affect a child’s cognitive development, which will in turn, affect his learning ability. Children who do not receive adequate nutrition can have low energy and trouble concentrating, which certainly hinders learning. Malnutrition can also affect a child’s physical growth and development, especially if it has been a chronic issue since infancy; the first three years of life are critical to a child’s mental and physical development.

Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool uses the USDA CACFP Handbook as a guideline for nutritional values, portion sizes, and feeding schedules. We have incorporated organic food into our menu, avoiding the consumption of pesticides, preservatives, food colorings and sugars. Our beef is organic grass fed, our poultry and fish are hormone and antibiotic free, our organic milk comes from cows that are fed with organic grass, walking free on pastures in a more humane way. Our produce is all organic and we have a menu that is almost 100% free of artificial ingredients.

Our organic juices are made from 100% fruit without the addition of sugars of any kind and we have greatly reduced the levels of sugar intake overall.

We want our kids to be passionate about food, so we have added hands on cooking classes, a vegetable garden, where children participate in planting and understanding where a tomato comes from.

For a monthly fee, children are provided breakfast, lunch, and two nutritious snacks each


Monthly menus are available outside the school office and are also posted on our website. Our menus reflect standards of the USDA. Children are encouraged to try new foods, but no child is forced to eat any food. Children who are not on the meal plan must bring a well-balanced meal from home containing all the required components (See attached guidelines required by the state of Georgia). Sweets and fast food are not acceptable. If you miss your child’s breakfast or lunch schedule, please provide them a meal before dropping them off. If your child’s class is finishing

their meal when you enter school, you will be asked to sit with them in the fellowship hall until he/she is done, after which you can escort them back to the classroom. Parents are asked to see that children do not bring food, gum, or candy to school. Fast food or snacks from home should be eaten in the car or in common areas of the building under supervision of the parent and out of sight of other children. While we do not have control over what a child eats before coming to school, we encourage parents to avoid pre-sweetened cereals, frosted toaster pastries, doughnuts, etc. Research supports our observation that children are better behaved and learn best when given simple, natural breakfast foods such as we serve.


Food allergies should be noted on your child’s health form. *Please note that if your child has a severe food allergy that requires the use of an epipen, they will not be eligible for our meal plan. Please speak directly to your child’s teacher about specific foods to be provided. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate children with food sensitivities, but there will be limits to what can be done in a large group setting.


Should you be sponsoring a class party, please avoid foods that are known choking

Hazards to children:

Hot dogs (unless cut into small pieces, such as quarters lengthwise before being sliced)

Whole grapes, whole cherry tomatoes

Hard candies, jelly beans, and nuts


Raw carrots, celery, green beans, or any hard vegetable

Seeds (such as pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds)

Large chunks of any food such as meat or potatoes

Large chunks of peanut butter — always use the creamy kind, and spread it thinly onto a

cracker or toast.

C:\Users\Chef\Downloads\photo (2).JPG

Chef Roger's Biography

Rogerio Martins originally hails from the city of Sao Paulo, the gourmet capital of Brazil. Like New York, it is well known as a city of immigrants where you can discover a wide variety of cuisine, and, of course, the very best of South American and Brazilian fare. It was in this cosmopolitan city that Rogerio developed his passion for Latin flavors. As the son of restaurateurs, Jose and Maria Martins, he grew up in a family business that began his intimacy with the kitchen from the age of thirteen. He took his passion to a professional level by attending classes in his home town, where he learned to add refinement to Brazilian cuisine. He then traveled throughout the Caribbean and Latin America to develop his unique approach to traditional cooking by layering his understanding and influence of international flavors and techniques. Rogerio has brought his skill and experience to America, where over the past years he has quickly immerged as a rising talent.  After spending only a few months as sous chef, Rogerio was quickly promoted to Executive Chef, in Midtown-Atlanta at the award winning Mitra Restaurant. He was then moved to the executive position at the award winning fine dining restaurant, Sia's, in Johns Creek-GA. His creative, yet simplistic dishes embody the essence of his mature and developed finesse in the kitchen. Rogerio was invited to be among the 50 best chefs (2008 and 2009) for the SOS Taste of the Nation Atlanta, a fund-raising event to help feed kids in the USA. He then decided to share his passion and knowledge and he joined with chefs on several other fundraising events such as March of Dimes, Special Olympics, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Taste of Hope – a Brain Tumor Foundation, among others.  Upon the closing of Sia’s, Rogerio decided to venture in to having his own concept. Thus born, Tasca Latin Bistro. Tasca had quickly become known on the Johns Creek scene as an up and coming restaurant. Rogerio has been interviewed for Flavors magazine and won an award for ‘Best Dessert’ at ‘Taste of Johns Creek’. He has also catered a smashing event for our state’s governor, Nathan Deal. Now Chef Rogerio has joined us at PRLP where his goal is to add flavor and a balanced menu for our kids. Chef Roger, as he is called by the kids, wants to reach a level of 90% organic and local food on our meal plan and teach our kids that healthy food can be tasty and will make them grow strong and healthy.


The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, or national or ethnic origin. All children admitted to the school have access to the same rights, privileges, programs and activities. Children with special needs will be evaluated and accepted on an individual basis according to our ability to provide quality care. Children are accepted in order of application with priority given to applicants in the following order: 1) PRLC members, 2) siblings of current students, 3) siblings of graduate students, and 4) all other applicants. Staffing and classroom assignments are subject to change based on enrollment.


PRLP is a private school that aims to provide a positive, enriching preschool environment

to all its enrollees. A decision to dismiss a child will come only after all options to meet

the child’s needs have been explored. Every measure will be taken to help the child in

question, and the Director together with the School Committee will assess each dismissal

not only with regard to the individual child’s needs but also the needs of all the children


Parents who exhibit behavior that is disruptive to the learning environment, is degrading to another child, parent/guardian/teacher, or does not promote a positive, Christian environment for all, will be asked to find alternate care for their child. Tuition will not be reimbursed. PRLP reserves the right to refuse continued enrollment at their sole discretion.

In certain circumstances PRLP at its sole discretion may deem it necessary to disenroll a family. Such a decision would be based upon PRLP’s decision that it is unable to meet the expectations of this family and a continuing relationship may prove to be detrimental to both families, staff, and ultimately children. Once such a decision is made, a family would be notified and tuition deposit and one calendar month tuition may be refunded. While such a decision is rare, sometimes PRLP may deem it necessary for the continuing health and vitality of our service to our school community.


Minor accidents sometimes occur. Parents will be notified of minor scrapes, bumps and bites on an Incident Report Form filled out by the teacher and reviewed by the director. Parents will be called immediately for more serious incidents.


If a child becomes sick at school (vomiting, diarrhea, or elevated temperature), one or both parents will be notified to pick up the child from the school as soon as possible. In the event parents cannot be contacted, those listed on your emergency pick-up form will be called. Pick-up arrangements and pick-up of child must be made immediately. For this reason, it is imperative that emergency numbers are current and up-to-date. Please advise all persons designated to pick up your sick child that they will be expected to pick up the child immediately when notified of a child’s illness.

Every child, whether sent home from school or kept out due to illness, cannot return to school until he/she has been symptom-free (including fever) for 24 hours (without the use of Tylenol, etc.). They must have a doctor’s written permission to return before the 24-hour period is over.

Requirements for specific illnesses are posted on the Communicable Disease Chart on the

main information board.


We are required by law to report to the child’s resident county Department of Family and Children’s Services in the event of any suspected cases of child abuse, whether physical,

emotional and/or sexual.


Each class (M-W-F, T-Th) has a room parent who helps organize class parties and special

events that happen during the year, as well as helping to support the classroom teachers in any way possible.




A current immunization record provided by the parent and signed by the child’s physician or health department must be submitted prior to the child’s first day in the school. Each year parents update their child’s medical status on the Registration form. It is the parent’s responsibility to update the file should the health records change during the year.


If a parent plans to be away from work, a phone number must be provided, so that the preschool can contact one parent, or designated person, at all times.

Parents are required by law to let us know if their child has a medical condition, allergy,

handicap, or other special needs and if he/she is under a doctor’s care for any such condition. This information will enable us to continue appropriate care and education at PRLP.


We are not required by law to administer medicine but do so to accommodate parents. We

will make every effort to administer medicine properly; however, parents will indemnify, release, defend and hold PRLP harmless from and against any and all loss, liability, expenses, claims, and demands, including eventual death at any time, occurring as a direct or indirect result of, or in any manner connected with, the administration of medication.

Medication of any kind must be accompanied by a completed Medication Authorization Form which may be obtained from the school office. Give both the medication and Medication Authorization Form directly to the office. Also, notify the classroom teacher of medication needs so that she will be aware. If your child needs medicine more than twice daily or at another time, please consider keeping them home until they are well.



There will not be any medication kept at school for use “as needed.” This includes teething medicine or gel, Tylenol, or cough syrup. All medications must be in the original labeled containers, and your child’s name must be clearly visible. Medications may not be shared by siblings. Unless medication is for a chronic condition, or by a prior arrangement, it will not be given for longer than two weeks. It may be helpful to ask your pharmacist to put the prescription medication in two labeled containers, one for home and one for school.

State regulations require that medicines be 1) in their original prescription container or over-the-counter container; 2) clearly labeled with the identity of the medicine and a prescription number and/or written dosage instructions; 3) labeled so the child’s name appears on the container itself.


If your child has been diagnosed as having a communicable disease, please notify the school immediately as we are required by state law to notify the parents of other children in the school. We reserve the right to ask that children who have had a communicable disease bring a release statement from their doctor before returning to the school. Requirements for communicable diseases are posted on the Communicable Disease Chart found here. PRLP follows CDC guidelines for all illnesses.

According to Georgia state law, children who are ill cannot remain in the school. Being ill


Severe coughs or sore throats

Undetermined rash or spots

Temperature of 100 degrees or more

Severe headaches

Diarrhea or vomiting

Green/discolored mucus from nose, mouth or eyes

 Red, glassy, eye(s) with a discharge

If a child should become ill during the day, the parent will be called to pick up the child from the school as soon as possible.

Every child, whether sent home from school or kept out due to illness, cannot return to school until he/she has been symptom-free (including fever) for 24 hours (without the use of Tylenol, etc.). They must have a doctor’s written permission to return before the 24-hour period is over.


The opportunities for a child’s growth are maximized when the home and the school share

common goals and attitudes. Therefore, parent communication and involvement are critical

parts of our program as we work with you to create environments which allow the full development of your child’s unique potential.

Communication is not a one-way street. Rather, we understand it as a collaborative process, promoting expanded awareness and greater understanding of the child. A working partnership with active involvement and frequent communication demonstrates our shared commitment to serve the needs of the child.

Visits to the school by parents are welcome. We do ask that if you wish to visit your child’s classroom you make prior arrangements with the Director. In many instances it is less disruptive to the classroom routine if the view windows installed in the door of each classroom are utilized.

Some of the avenues of communication we utilize include:

Daily Reports

Daily reports in the younger classes include the details on how your child ate, slept

and what they learned. Potty Training/ Diaper Changing information will also be


Weekly Classroom Newsletter

All classes release a weekly newsletter. Every Friday you will receive the details of the week’s events and what to look forward to the following week.

Lesson Plans

Each classroom has a monthly lesson plan/overview posted outside their door.

Center Newsletters

PRLP produces a weekly newsletter that is e-mailed to parents.

Parent Information Board

This bulletin board in the hall outside the office contains current information about the school.


Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled twice each year, once in October and once in February. These are occasions for parents and teachers to share information and insights about the child. If an additional conference is desired, please notify the Director and a meeting will be set up at a time when the teacher is available to be away from the classroom.


Some parents may be in business relationships wherein marketing to school families would be advantageous. However, the use of marketing procedures involving electronic media whereby

email addresses or other proprietary information is used is strictly prohibited. At the discretion of the Director of Staff and Curriculum, marketing materials may be left on a designated table.


We have an open door policy whereby parents may speak freely with any member of management at any time. This is an appropriate forum for expressing concerns or criticism and for giving feedback. Such a forum allows for a healthy disposition of issues in a confidential setting without injury to collateral parties. Therefore, it is not appropriate to utilize social media in formal association or collusion with other families for the express purpose of garnering support for such grievances. Failure to abide with healthy protocols for giving feedback at our school may result in dismissal and/or disenrollment from the program at the sole discretion of PRLP and its management.


A parent volunteer group is active for the sole purpose of fund-raising for the purchase of specific classroom or playground enhancements and organizing teacher appreciation events. This organization is not for the purpose of advocacy of policies, missional purpose, tuition rates, personnel matters or the expression of grievances.


During the year, we have various programs and events for the entire family. We encourage parent/family involvement and ask for parents to donate items for a couple of events per school year. Please see the school calendar for dates and events.


There will be a $3,000 procurement fee if a parent hires a Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool faculty member away from the preschool during your child’s enrollment period or within twelve months of withdrawal from Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool. We do not recommend babysitters or take responsibility for staff who baby-sit for our families. If you arrange with a staff member for off-premises care of your child, the staff member undertakes such service on her own behalf and not as a staff member of PRLP. We do not offer any assurance of the fitness of our staff member for performing these services and none should be implied or inferred under any circumstances. If parents choose to engage any staff for any and all outside services, parents effectively agree to hold PRLP and its assigns harmless from any and all liability claims.


The invalidity of any one or more of the words, phrases, sentences, clauses, sections, provisions or paragraphs contained in this document shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining portion of the document or any part thereof. Failure to enforce any one of the above policies does not effectively create a new contract nor does failure to enforce any part negate the whole of the above policies. This is a working document subject to review and revision. Changes or revisions may be periodically issued with generally a 60-day notice of revision before the effective date. When citing any policy or procedure, please make certain that the Parent Handbook you refer to is the latest edition.


If PRLP recognizes that a child MIGHT be a possible candidate for special education services, a meeting will be scheduled between the child’s teacher and their parent. In most cases, parents will express concern that their child is having difficulty and discuss this issue with their child’s teacher in advance of such a meeting. This discussion might lead to a formal evaluation that may confirm that the child is eligible for special education services. PRLP works closely with both the parent and the therapist so that the child can get the most positive outcome possible. All available resources are shared with parents requesting such services.


The following are the only PRLP staff members who will have access to your child’s records (including assessments).  



I acknowledge that I have received and have read the Peachtree Road Lutheran Preschool Parent Handbook that covers many important school policies:

Please initial beside each item below

Registration and Enrollment, page 3 ______

Refunds, page 4 ______

Payment Agreement, page 5 ______

Absences, page 6 ______

Cell Phone Policy, page 6 ______

Inclement Weather, page 7 ______

Holidays and School Closing, page 8 ______

Release of Children, page 9 ______

Disenrollment, page 12 ______

Health and Safety, page 13 ______




__________________________________ ______________________________

Signature                                                                  Printed Name


_________________________________ ______________________________

Student(s) Name                                                              Date