For each term below, write the definition in your own words. You may not use the definition provided in the powerpoint.

(Hint: Think about how you would explain the definition if your friend asked you what it meant.)

Next, draw a picture, find a picture on google, or create a symbol for what each term means to you.


Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:


Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:


Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:


Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:


Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:

Berlin Conference  

Definition in your own words:

Illustration, Picture, or Symbol:


Imagine you are the Governor of an African Colony or Protectorate. Pick 4 of your vocabulary words to use in a letter to the King of France: