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Year 9 Unit 3- Did Britain meet the demands of another world war?  

Learning Journey


Key people

Lesson Focus




This unit will ask you to question whether the British government was ready for another World War.  

You will delve into a select few of the events during this time examining the Home Front and key offensives such as Dunkirk. You will analyse how Bristol was affected by World War Two and decide whether there truly was a “Blitz Spirit”?

1st September 1939

Germany invades Poland

September 3rd 1939

Britain and France declare war on Germany (start of WW2)

September 1939

Evacuation begins in Britain

January 1940

Rationing introduced across Britain

May-June 1940

Dunkirk evacuated

July 1940

The Battle of Britain and the Blitz begins

7th December 1941  

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.

6th June 1944

D-Day and the Normandy invasion.

7th May 1945

Germany surrenders

Adolf Hitler

Leader of the Nazi Party and Fuhrer of Germany from 1933-45

Winston Churchill

British Prime Minister from 1940-45

Neville Chamberlain

British Prime Minister from 1937-40

Franklin D


An American statesman and political leader who served as the 32nd president of the United States from 1933 until his death in 1945

Herman Goering

Commander of the Luftwaffe during WW2.

Why did another war break out?

How much did the government do to protect the people on the Home Front?

Dunkirk: Disaster or success?

Was there really a “Blitz Spirit”?

How badly affected was Bristol in the Blitz?

How significant was the role of women during WWII?

How far were the D Day landings the end of war?

Key concepts

Extend Questions:


Fictional reading


Countries which fought on the British side (including USA, Britain, France and Russia (1941-1945))


Right wing political view associated with not allowing opposition and total control


Member of the fascist German political party, which came to power in 1933


Countries which fought on the German side (including Italy, Germany, Japan and Russia (1939-41))

Was Britain prepared for another World War?

Can appeasement ever be good?

Is Blitz Spirit a myth?

How badly was our local our local area affected by war?

Was D Day a triumph?

D Day dog by Tom Palmer

When the Stars Went On by Anne de Waal

A Blitz Bus by Gelen Blackwell

When the sky falls by Phil Earle

We are wolves by Katrina Nannestad