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Make a Tutoring or Writing Appointment in Online Services
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How to Book an Appointment with Tutoring Services or the Writing Centre

Booking An Appointment

Checking and Canceling Appointments

Attending Your Appointment

Questions or Technical Difficulties

Booking An Appointment

  1. Go to Online Services and click on Tutoring or Writing Help in the Resources dropdown menu. You will need to sign in with your CUE email address and password.

  2. This is what you will see when you log in using your CUE email address and password:

    Click the “Book An Appointment” button.

  3. Choose the type of appointment you want (Tutoring or Writing Centre), whether you want to meet in person or online, the course you want help with, and when you want to meet.

    Appointments need to be booked at least 24 hours ahead of time, so you will not see options earlier than that. You can book up to two weeks in advance.

If you want to meet in person, you can also choose where you want to meet your tutor. You do not have to stay here for your session – it’s just a place for you to find each other, then you can go somewhere else if you’d like. All in-person Writing Centre appointments will be in the Student Success Centre, so you will not be able to choose a location for them.

  1. When you click the submit button, you will see a message summarizing your appointment details.

    Check that everything is correct, then click save to book the appointment.
  2. An email will be sent automatically to your CUE email address with details about your
    appointment. If you booked an online appointment, it will contain a link to a Google Meet session.

Checking and Canceling Your Appointments

  1. Go to Online Services and click on Tutoring or Writing Help in the Resources drop-down menu. You will need to sign in with your CUE email address and password.

  2. On the landing page, all appointments you’ve booked already are organized by course. Click any course to see your sessions.

  1. The date, time, duration, service department (Tutoring Service or Writing Centre), and tutor will be listed for each appointment. For in-person appointments, you will see where you wanted to meet your tutor. For online appointments, you’ll see a link to your session.  

    If you need to cancel an appointment, click the blue button (if your appointment is less than a day away, the blue button won’t appear because you need to cancel at least 24 hours in advance).

Attending Your Appointment

  1. If you have an online appointment, click the link in your confirmation email or in your appointment summary in Online Services.
  2. If you have an in-person appointment, meet in the location you indicated when you booked.

    If you have any other information you want to share with your tutor or writing advisor beforehand, you can use the email address in your confirmation email. Your tutor or writing advisor may contact you through your CUE account before your appointment, too, so be sure to check your email* the day of your appointment.

    *You should be checking your CUE account at least once a day but, if you don’t, you could
    have your emails automatically forwarded to another account so you don’t miss anything urgent.

Questions or Technical Difficulties

  1. If you have any questions about the booking tool, contact 

  1. If you run into problems right before an appointment, contact your tutor or Writing Centre advisor using the email address included in your confirmation message. Let them know you’re trying to join them. If it’s something they could help you with (e.g., a problem with the link for an online appointment), give them some details about what’s going on.