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MAS.838 / 16.88 Syllabus Fall 2023
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Prototyping our Sci-Fi Space Future:

Designing & Deploying Projects for Zero Gravity Flights

Syllabus for Graduate Course MAS.838 / 16.88

Instructors: Ariel Ekblaw, Cody Paige, Joe Paradiso, Jeff Hoffman

Class period and room: Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm, E14-514B

Recitations: TBD [optional/as required, see below]

12 units [2 hrs class time; 1 hr recitation time; 9 hrs out of class homework]

Course website:


Course Description: 

Welcome to the MIT Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) course on project development, prototyping, and deployment readiness for parabolic flights,culminating with an annually chartered research flight. Admitted student teams will be offered project deployment slots on the MIT SEI’s Spring 2024 parabolic flight. This course will cover three main topic areas:

Weekly sessions will rotate between providing direct preparatory steps for the parabolic flight, building skills towards project development and testing, and providing background knowledge and relevant real-world examples via guest lectures. Recitations will be offered throughout the course, to support prototyping and project development outside of class hours. Students are expected to attend recitations, but can opt-out if they can demonstrate prior mastery of the skill in question. Short problem sets will be assigned, associated with the Mechanical Design, Sensing & Electrical Design, and Manufacturing lecture content. Limited readings will be required, with short reading responses and project page documentation submitted via the PubPub course website.

By the end of the class, we expect student projects to be ready to pass an internal Critical Design Review (CDR) with an accompanying, mature prototype. Students will be expected to use the intervening time over IAP and early spring semester to finalize a flight-ready model and submit final paperwork to the parabolic flight provider, with SEI guidance.

This class is not intended to teach the fundamentals of mechanical design, embedded programming & circuits, and rapid prototyping from scratch. On most topics, we will assume prior knowledge. If you are new to these skills, we recommend taking How to Make (Almost) Anything in parallel.

Admission to the Course: 

Admission to the course will be done by a “project team” consisting of one or more members. Interested graduate students apply via an online webform (link below) and share details on their proposed concept and team members. Depending on interest level and the number of applicants, we may have to cap team size to 3 or 4 people per project, actually admitted into the class. We do NOT require that all members of a team take the class, just a minimum of one representative for the project.

Admitted teams will be invited to take the class together and the associated single, coordinated project will be granted a tentative “project deployment slot” and one tentative “flyer slot” for a member of the project team to accompany and carry-out the research on the Spring 2024 flight (see definitions below). This means that several students may take the class together to work on a collaborative project, but we can only reserve one flyer seat per project. We will not choose who the ultimate flyer/operator is out of the team members -- this is up to the team and their advisors.

Final determination of confirmed project deployment slots and confirmed flyer slots will be decided upon completion of a rigorous, novel prototype and thorough documentation that can demonstrate nearly-complete readiness to fly by the CDR at the end of the class. Course instructors will make the final determination on what flies. We do not intend to admit more projects into the class than we have space for in the flight, so the course is therefore not a competition between teams. The reserved slots are there, but must be earned by high quality project completion.

Due to the physical constraints of the parabolic flight, we will only be able to admit a small total number of projects (and the final count depends on the physical dimensions of each proposed entry). Please see the course website for full details on admission criteria. The application will be open through Friday, September 15th, with final selections announced by Sept 18th, in preparation for the 2nd full class on September 19th. We strongly suggest applying as early as possible to give more time for review of your application, and because slots will be filled on a rolling basis. All applicants should attend the first class on September 12th.

Interested in deploying a research project, with no need to personally accompany it? Great! These types of projects are easier to admit into the class, as they don’t require an additional reserved “flyer” spot, which are in short supply. Projects applying in this category should be primarily passive (e.g. physiological sensors worn by participants or similar), and not require extensive efforts from other onboard flyers.

Not sure if you want to apply but are still interested and want to learn more? Please fill out this form so we can share the link to our first class:

How to apply:

Fill out this webform (linked via course website as well):


Project team: Consists of one or more collaborators on the same project.

Project deployment slot: A reserved opportunity to deploy a single research experiment or project on the parabolic flight. Presumes a certain amount of floor layout space for hardware, room to operate, and floating space in the cabin.

Flyer slot: A reserved opportunity for one human to accompany and carry-out a research experiment or project on the parabolic flight as an operator.

Selection criteria:

Course Requirements & Evaluation:


Grade Percentage

Attendance, class participation, recitations


Reading responses, project pages, and problem sets


Mid-term Preliminary Design Review (PDR) + early prototype hardware review


Final project

  • Project prototype for zero gravity flight must be nearly complete and team must pass a final internal review (CDR)
  • Project will be graded on novelty of the concept, execution & demonstrated operation, and thoroughness of technical paperwork completion in advance of Spring 2024 deployment


Caveats on Joining the Class and Spring 2024 Flight:

Course Schedule:

A recitation will follow most lectures. Students can be exempted from attending recitation if they submit, by the night prior, a past assignment or portfolio project that shows mastery of that week’s topic. The recitation will provide an introduction to the skill that will be covered in the following week (paired with a problem set).

The schedule is based on previous years, and may change to accommodate the many guest lecturers coming to speak to the class. An updated syllabus will be distributed after any major changes.




Reading + Recitation Topic

Sep 12th 

- Overview: review of syllabus, admission procedure, course expectations.

- Parabolic flight basics (flight trajectories, parabola microgravity quality, airplane equipment and international venue options, etc.)

- Student Introductions

Ariel Ekblaw, Director, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Cody Paige, Incoming Director, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Joe Paradiso, PI for Responsive Environments group, MIT Media Lab

Jeff Hoffman, Co-Director, Human Systems Lab, MIT AeroAstro


Syllabus; admission criteria on course website; The Physical Behavior of Objects when Gravity is Missing; Weightlessness


Meet & Greet for teams; opportunity for collaboration/team forming

Sean Auffinger, Mission Integrator, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Sep 19th 

- Effects of reduced gravity on humans

- Payload User’s Guide (PUG) overview

- Admitted student/project introductions, Q&A

Jeff Hoffman

Sean Auffinger

Cody Paige


- Parabolic flight provider’s “Payload User Guide

Recitation: None

Sep 26th 

- Admitted student/project introductions, Q&A

- Brainstorming activity

- Spacecraft Attitude Control

Cody Paige

Joe Paradiso


- Karmali Parabolic Flight Dynamics paper

Oct 3rd

- Mechanical design engineering for the space environment

- Mechanical design, structural calculations, factor of safety limits for parabolic flights (including previous PIP examples)

- PubPub pages, PDR Prep

Forrest Meyen, Co-founder and CSO at Lunar Outpost

Sean Auffinger

Paige, Hoffman




Aesthetics of Verticality

The Reasons for a Symposium

In Free Fall

Mediated Perception Towards an Experience of Extreme Environments


CAD 3D modeling

(OnShape). Sean Auffinger

Oct 10th

Student Holiday - No Class

Optional Readings:

The Effect of Altered Gravity States

Psychedelics can have the Same Overview Effect

Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth

We are all Aliens

Planetarium chapter of the Geostories, Another Architecture for the Environment book

Oct 17th

- Bioastronautics, examples from previous flight research missions

- Sensing, actuation, and circuit design for zero gravity projects

- Best practices for safety, fault analysis, redundancy, and recovery

-PDR Prep

- CAD pset due (Oct 16, 11:59pm)

Dava Newman, Director, MIT MEdia Lab

Jamie Milliken, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Paige, Hoffman


Nanopore Sequencing

Recitation: None

Oct 24th

Media Lab Member’s Week - No Class


- In-class PDRs: 13 presentations, 10 mins each (with overflow, depending on availability)


Ekblaw, Paige, Paradiso, Hoffman, Auffinger,


PDR Assignment Description

ZERO-G Paperwork

Recitation: None

Nov 7th

- Current state of the space industry

- overflow PDRs

S. Sita Sonty, Chief Executive Officer, Space Tango - Bio


New Models for Democratic Engagement

Recitation: None

Nov 14th 

- Panel of previous student flyers

- Partial gravity performance, BioSuit, special guest

Somu, Rachel, Alvin, Ferrous, Sean Auffinger, Cody Paige

Dava Newman, Cady Coleman


Electronics Kit BOM


Electronics Prototyping/Embedded Programming

Nov 21st

-Examples from previous flights; fine arts to performance art, mixed-media, and interaction design; from historical examples to contemporary

- Cynthia Levinson

- CDR Prep

Xin Liu, Arts Curator, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Cynthia Levinson

Course Instructors


3D Scanning and Printing

CNC Machining

Recitation: None

Nov 28th 

- TESSERAE and Aurelia

- Spaceflight Analogs

- Office Hours, CDR, PIP Questions

Ariel Ekblaw

Aleksandra Stankovic, Director, Human Performance Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

Course instructors


Machine Shop overview

Remote Manufacturing


Office Hours

Dec 5th

- In class CDRs - Day one

Dec 8 - Last day for orders or reimbursements


Course instructors

Readings: None

Recitation: Mission Patch Creation, Sana Sharma



- In class CDRs - Day two


Course instructors

Readings: None

Recitation: None

Dec 12 3:30- 6:30pm

Veteran Flyers Panel & Reception

Note: outside of class time!


Course instructors, TBD Dava Newman, Nicholas de Monchaux

TBD Ret. Astronauts

Demo Day

Dec 17th

Final PIPs due



- Musical instruments in space

- Painting in space

-Biological experiments in microgravity

-Life Detection Instrumentation, Venus mission study, microgravity experiment prep

- Designing for 10,000 years. Long Duration Development and Robustness.

- Manufacturing as an Art and Design Practice

- Discussion of examples from ML 2019 flight; fine arts to performance art, mixed-media, and interaction design; from historical examples to contemporary

- Next steps for working with SEI (Suborbital, ISS, Lunar deployments)

- Nicholas de Monchaux lecture: Fashioning Apollo

- Mission Patch Creation

- Design pset

TBD Cady Coleman, Ret. NASA Astronaut

TBD Sana Sharma, SEI Staff Designer

TBD Sunanda Sharma

TBD Chris Carr, Assistant Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Tech

TBD Danny Hillis, Inventor & Cofounder, Applied Invention

TBD Che-Wei Wang,

Founder, CWandT

machine shop, art & design practice,

TBD Xin Liu, Arts Curator, MIT Space Exploration Initiative

Ariel Ekblaw

TBD Nicholas de Monchaux, MIT Professor and Head of Architecture

TBD Sana Sharma, SEI Designer


Design Approaches and Aesthetics of Zero-G, Sands Fish, SEI Staff Designer

Embedded Programming, Circuit Design, Sensing. Patrick Chwalek, Responsive Environments group, MIT Media Lab

Completing the PIP, Previous PIP examples - Sean Auffinger

MAS.838 / 16.88 | Fall 2023