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USSMA Member Code of Conduct
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US Skimo - Code of Conduct

The Mission of USA Skimo is to promote and grow the sport of ski mountaineering racing in the United States. USA Skimo sanctions and governs competitive ski mountaineering racing in the US and promotes and fosters recreational ski mountaineering through access, resources, education and community.  It also endeavors to enable United States athletes to achieve competitive excellence in the sport of ski mountaineering.

USA Skimo grants the privilege of membership to individuals and groups committed to the same mission. The privilege of membership may, therefore, be withdrawn or denied by USA Skimo at any time when determined that a member’s conduct is inconsistent with the mission of the organization or the best interest of the sport and those who participate.

All members pledge to abide by the following Code of Conduct:

Failure to comply with any of the above provisions may lead to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action may include:

USA Skimo is committed to principles of fairness, due process and equal opportunity. Members are entitled to be treated fairly and in compliance with USA Skimo’s Bylaws, policies and procedures. Members are entitled to notice and an opportunity for a hearing before being prevented from participating in protected competition as that term is defined by the USA Skimo Bylaws. Information on the processes for grievances, suspensions and appeals is available at USA

If a USA Skimo member receives a disciplinary penalty or otherwise has a grievance related to this Code of Conduct, the member has the right to file a written request with the Board of Directors and CEO of USA Skimo within thirty (30) day of the action giving rise to the members claimed grievance, to seek a review of the action in question pursuant to USA Skimo Bylaws and Grievance Procedures.

USA Skimo National Team Code of Ethics for International Racing:

The USA Skimo National Team and Staff are bound by this code of ethics. This details the ethical principles of USA Skimo, based on the core values and the standards to which the members shall be held. The Code is applicable to the following persons:  

USA Skimo National Team Staff

USA Skimo National Team Members

Each of the above persons being referred to hereinafter shall be to as a ‘Party’.  


Each Party must, both in the carrying out of its duties at any international races as well as on a day-to-day basis, comply with the principles of: