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MGPT 2024 Season Rules and Information
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Welcome to the Mizuno Golf Pairs Tour

We are delighted to be presenting our 2024 season.

Please take special care to note and comply with our Safe Play Policy which is updated for 2024.  This has been incorporated into our Rules.

We run a competitive series of professionally hosted golf competitions at some of the finest courses in the UK and beyond.

Our aim at MGPT is to run inclusive, friendly, competitive golf events where once you have played, not only will you return, but you will bring your friends.

We always provide great value and every event in 2024 will come with the following

✅ Live Scoring with Golf Genius for that Competitive Edge

✅ Golf Professional Hosted - not just a day on the course

✅ c£2,000 Prizes - distributed to at least top 5 pairs

✅ Full Mizuno kit out for Hole in One (designated hole)

We release our schedule on, and our plan is to keep introducing new courses - all following the “top 100” theme.

We are sponsored by Mizuno and Stewart Golf - if anyone is looking to purchase any of their superb quality goods, we can help please just get in touch -

Ross and Sam

Directors - Mizuno Golf Pairs Tour



Competitors must complete the registration form sent via email as soon as possible, any amendments must be reported to as soon as possible.

All competitors must sign in at the registration desk one hour before their tee time and be on the  first tee  ten minutes before their tee time.

If you do not make it on time you will miss your slot, and you’ll have to wait until the next available slot or catch up with your playing partners.

Unfortunately due to the strict processes we have on registration, we are not always able to move things around on the day.

Competition sign in involves checking you in, introducing you to partners, and checking we have the correct people signed into the Golf Genius System.

Goodies and Prizes

For Premium Events

Balls will be handed out at the hole in one hole.  

For Economy Events

You will have a chance to win Mizuno Balls if you hit the green on the hole in one hole

Prizes will be sent out after the event either by email for vouchers or by post.  There will be no prizes handed out on the day or any prize giving to avoid any gatherings.

Live Scoring

One member of every pair should ensure they have downloaded the Golf genius app on their phone. Ideally both will have it for ease purposes and notifications.

Live scoring formally replaces the marking of cards in our events, however only one member of a four-ball is required to update the system on behalf of both pairs.

A physical card which will be provided,  must be maintained by the pair who are not managing the live scoring on behalf of both pairs.

The Card should be checked against the system, photographed, and sent to on completion of the round, ensuring that both team names are clearly identifiable.

Live Scoring takes precedence under our competition rules so please ensure that both teams check the scores entered against these cards at the end of the round.  Please ask one of our team for assistance in checking should you require.  Please only one person should handle the card, and no signing is required.

Handicap Certificates

All handicaps will be checked online. Please have a certificate or Golf App available on your phone to show the team.  You may wish to have a certificate on your phone available in case of issues as WHS is not always perfect.


All prize winners will have handicaps checked before prizes are issued.  To be eligible to win WHS competition as per our website golfers must have played 6 formal competition rounds in the preceding 12 months.

Golf Format

The event is played as a four-ball better ball format off 85% of your official handicap using stableford scoring under the rules of golf, and following WHS guidance.

As in any stroke play competition scoring putts must be holed, there is no such thing as a gimme in stroke play competition where you are playing against a field.

Equally if you can not score you MUST pick up.  You must not putt or play any strokes when you cannot score more points than your partner.

We decide on tee choice based on course difficulty, weather and size of field.  We aim to make a challenging course without over penalizing.

Ladies play off their own card and will have adjustments made for Standard Scratch.


Any changes to your handicap between registration and the day must be updated by your group leader.



There are prizes for a minimum the top five pairs. Also Nearest the Pin and Longest Drive prizes..

Charity  Hole

We will have a dedicated Charity hole at each event. Where we have an optional charity donation on this hole for the chance to win lots of great prizes,, the member of staff on the day will explain this to you!

Friendly Competitive Golf

Our ethos at MGPT revolves around serious golf played in a friendly fun spirit.

We apply all rules of golf rigorously, but we are not playing for money and want everyone to have fun, so please bear this in mind - we are all here to have fun both on and off the course.

2s Pot

We are running a twos pot at the event - if you wish to enter the cost is £5.00 per person which will be taken at the registration desk via contactless payment.   Prizes which are MGPT vouchers, are a direct split of the total amount taken divided by the number of twos. These will be emailed after the event.

Par 3 Competition

We are offering a chance to win a Golf Pairs Voucher, voucher amount dependent on event type and will be for the top 3 in the leaderboard.  To enter, this is £10 per pair which will be taken at the registration desk via contactless payment.

1.Winning better ball score at all Par 3s wins overall. If equal, it will go to count back.

2.Count Back is calculated by missing out the first par 3 and adding together the rest, missing out the first 2 par 3s and counting the rest, and so on.  Winner at each count back round wins.  If there are any pairs still equal, move to twos.

3 .Count the total number (better ball only) of twos at the par 3s. The team with the most better ball 2s wins. If equal, move to total better ball score.

4.Overall a better ball score will be used to determine the winner.  If equal, count back.

5.If all above are equal, then standard count back.  Back 9, Back 6, Back 3, Back 2 and Back 1.  The winner on count back wins.

6 If all the above are equal, then it's a tie and 2 places on finals day will be awarded.

Glistian Grand Finals Day Draw

We are offering a chance to qualify for a complimentary Glistian Grand Finals Day. To enter, this is £10 per pair which will be taken at the registration desk via contactless payment. Everyone who enters will be added into the Glistian Grand Finals Day Draw.

The first time you enter you will receive 1 ticket into the draw, the second event that you enter, you will receive an additional 2 tickets, the third event where you enter you will be given an additional 3 tickets and so on. This rewards our golfers who play more events with us and enter the draw more times.

The draw will be done at the end of the year and the finals day will take place in May 2025.


Through the season, everyone will have an opportunity to be entered to the overall Order of Merit. This is a series of cross season leaderboards where points will be awarded after each event to those who join the OOM, and points will be awarded for bookings and participation.

All this information will be tracked after every booking and event and maintained throughout the season so you’ll know who is performing best. OOM scores are awarded by individual but when it comes to awarding leaderboard places, regular partners will be classed as one winner.  Those who play with multiple partners will be at liberty to choose their partner on finals day.

Leaderboard 1

Best Three Scores Count - based on WHS handicap index - the top 3 OOM points will be used to determine the winners of this leaderboard.

Leaderboard 2

Best Six Scores Count - based on WHS handicap index - the top 5 OOM points will be used to determine the winners of this leaderboard.

Leaderboard 3

Best Overall Score Counts - Full Season OOM - every score counts

Leaderboard 4

Gross OOM - the top 3 Gross OOM points will be used to determine the winners of this leaderboard.

Leaderboard 5

Gross OOM - the top 6 Gross OOM points- every score counts

Leaderboard 6

Participation - Those who have PLAYED the most events qualify for this leaderboard

Leaderboard 7

Bookings - Those who have BOOKED the most events qualify for this leaderboard

Leaderboard 8

Members Event Winners - We are running a series of small members only events through the season - the winners of which will qualify for regional finals

Leaderboard 9

Organizers Discretion - online advocates, long term supporters, group bookers, unlucky losers in events, we will decide when we look at the season as a whole who deserves the last places at our regional finals.

Finals Day Spaces for the Grand OOM Final in 2025 are filled via our 2024 Order of Merit - which will involve every golfer in 2024.

These leaderboards are listed in order. The requisite number of golfers will be selected from Leaderboard 1 and then Leaderboard 2 ending in Leaderboard 8.

Regular partners who play together will not both be awarded finals day places since this is a pairs competition and we expect that partners will wish to play together.

People who play as single golfers or with multiple partners will be awarded one space, and they can choose who they wish to invite to the finals day.



Participants will compete in better ball pairs stroke play competition off 85% handicap.  Play will be governed by R&A rules of golf, any local course rules and these competition rules.  For the avoidance of doubt a competitor must hole out to score - there are no gimmes in stroke play.

Model Rule Removed

From May 1st 2024 we have removed our "No Provisional" ruling from our events, this is so we can conform with England Golf rules and more importantly post scores from our Fourball better-ball events to handicap records.

Previously lost balls were dropped at the start of the fairway for a 2 shot penalty. Now you must take a provisional if you think your ball could be lost and the previously drop option is no longer valid.

Starting Time

Competitors will play as 4 balls with the better stableford score from each pair counting on each hole.  Tee times have been advised by email and are available at - competitors should be aware that registration takes place one hour before the tee time.

If you miss the starting time you can catch up with your group, or you can wait until the next available tee time, which may not be until the end of the day.  There will be no tee time adjustments on the day for any reason due to our new rules.

Failure to Attend

No refunds are provided for anyone failing to attend for whatever reason, in accordance with our terms listed on

Keeping a Scorecard

Score Cards must be maintained by one team, checked and photographed, and sent to with both team names clearly indicated.



All equipment used during the event must be R&A conforming. It is the player’s responsibility to determine conformity. Any player using non-conforming equipment will be subject to disqualification. Electronic Measuring Devices will be allowed during play, as long they measure distance only, the must not factor slope. This does not apply to mobile phones although some of our clubs will not permit them.



It is the player’s responsibility to accurately update Golf Genius with their playing handicap before the start of play.  This handicap will be used for the duration of the competition. Handicaps will be checked, and any discrepancy found will result in the golfer in question being ineligible to win any prizes.


Caddies are permitted but must be advised to the Event Manager and Starter.

Golf Carts

We permit the use of golf carts for medical reasons only.  We accept self certification.  Please arrange directly with the club.


In the event of a tie, standard countback rules will apply.


Spectators are permitted.


Inclement Weather

Bad weather is not of itself a good reason for discontinuing play. However, a player may discontinue play if he/she believes there is danger from lightning.  The delaying or cancellation of a round will be determined by the host facility.  In the event of a round cancellation, the event team will update the field on how the competition will proceed. No refunds will be made if the tournament is canceled or shortened due to weather, nature or similar act.  We will work with the host facility to obtain permits to play the course on another occasion.

Dress Code and Player Conduct

Collared shirt/mock necks are required on each golf course.  Typically jeans, denims, jogging outfits or sweat pants are not permitted on any golf courses, and most of the courses we play permit golf wear in the clubhouse.  Please check the key event info sheet for dress rules.

Swearing, vulgar language, club throwing, alcohol abuse, lack of etiquette may result in disqualification.

Rules Committee

In the event of any dispute related to the rules - the Rules Committee (Event Manager, Event Support and Ambassador present on the day) will make a final decision.  Any disputes on the course should be addressed by playing 2 balls, and the Rules Committee will make the decision as to which applies in the club house.


Pace of Play

Ensuring a good pace of play is important to everyone’s enjoyment of  the competition.

Please note that we are playing a four ball competition on normally long tough courses - enjoy your day and do not expect 3 hour rounds - courses vary between 4 and 5 hours for their stipulated round.  However this pace should be steady without undue delays.


Competition Pace of Play Rules

Picking up when not scoring

This is a stableford better ball competition and must be played as such.

Keeping an individual score is not permitted - once your partner has holed out, you should not be playing if you can’t score more points that your partner already has.

Ready Golf

Ready Golf will be adopted in full.  This includes hitting a tee shot if the person with the honour is delayed in being ready to play, playing a shot before helping someone look for a ball and adopting continuous putting when possible.

No-one can be asked to replay a shot played out of turn, nor will any penalty be applied.

Keeping up with the group in front

We allow playing through.  If you lose a ball please call the group behind through immediately.  If you lose a hole on the group in front, you should let the group behind through who may be able to keep up.

If you are more than 15 minutes behind the group in front you are considered out of position against the field.

If this is the case, regardless of the reason or whether you are being chased, YOU ALONE are out of position and YOU ALONE are causing the whole course to back up.

The marshalls will give you a formal warning of this fact and you will be given to the end of the next hole to regain the tee time interval position.

If you have not regained this position by the target set - all players in the group will be issued with a formal warning and issued a further target.

If a group who has been issued a warning and given a target fails to hit that target, both teams in the group will be deducted 2 stableford points from their overall score.  And if it happens again, a further 2 points will be deducted and so on.

The marshall’s  decision as it relates to the penalty may be referred to the committee for final decision in the clubhouse.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty Under Rule 14.7a.

Safe Play Policy

Our Safe Play Policy is implemented in 2022 and must be referred to as you reference these rules.

These are implemented to ensure safety of competitors.

World Handicapping System

Mizuno Golf Pairs Tour Handicap Committee has fully adopted WHS from 2nd November 2020 along with all CONGU affiliated golf clubs. We are adopting the official rules in their entirety, which as a prospective authorized affiliate of CONGU and the Golf Unions we are required to do.

Course Handicap = Handicap Index x Slope / 113

Playing Handicap = (Course Handicap X85%) + (Difference in Course Rating Less Par)

Competition Handicap = Playing Handicap

*Mixed Tees continue to play from their own Par and SI

To calculate your competition handicap take your handicap index, multiply by the slope rating and divide by 113 to get your course handicap.  Adjust for mixed competitions if required (stableford adjusted by comparing course rating with par, matchplay adjusted by subtracting bigger from smaller course ratings) and take 90% for better ball.

Handicap Index - you will get this from your club or on HDID.  It replaces your old handicap and is based on the average of the best 8 of your previous 20 rounds since 2018, or fewer than 8 if you have played less than 20 rounds.  It’s a number between -8.0 and 54.0

Course Handicap is your handicap for playing the course and tees in question - calculated by multiplying your handicap index by the slope rating divided by 113.  It’s rounded to a whole number.

Slope Rating - Specific to the course and tee - set by the club - a number between 55 and 155.  This is NOT the course difficulty, but the relative difficulty for a bogey golfer versus a scratch golfer.  Scratch golfers are completely unaffected by slope - it’s not a difficulty rating at all.

Playing Handicap - this is your handicap with adjustments on course rating taken into account.

Stableford Four Ball - you play from your own card, but first you take 85% of your course handicap, then you take course rating and subtract par for each course and compare.  If one number is higher than the other then this number is added or subtracted from the relevant card.

Competition Handicap - this is the handicap you will use for the competition. For stableford this is the same as your playing handicap.

Exceptional Scoring - Handicap indexes can be updated at our discretion, home clubs will be informed and asked to adjust handicaps. Please see the exceptional scores policy for more detailed information.

In better ball events golfers scoring individually  40+ points must submit the card to your clubs handicap secretary as general play.