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MoneySmart 2024年7月AEON信用卡推廣優惠 獎賞換領計劃
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MoneySmart 2024年7月AEON信用卡推廣優惠 獎賞換領計劃



優惠詳請:成功申請指定信用卡,可獲額外3,000 SmartPoints



  1. 指定的合資格產品包括:AEON CARD WAKUWAKU(統稱「合資格產品」)。
  2. 有效推廣期由2024年7月1日至2024年7月31日止(包括首尾兩天)(統稱「推廣期」)。
  3. 此推廣由MoneySmart Hong Kong Pte Ltd 舉辦(統稱「推廣」),並向所有持有有效中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」)永久性居民身份證的香港永久居民(「永久居民」)或持有有效香港居民身份證的香港非永久居民(「非永久居民」)開放。
  4. 所有在推廣期之前或之後提交的申請,或經MoneySmart以外的任何方式提交的申請,將不符合本次推廣的資格。任何關於遺失及/或延遲提交的查詢均不予受理。
  5. 每個成功的申請經信貸提供者核實後,並滿足以下規定的條件(統稱「成功申請」),方可根據預先選擇的禮品(表1),獲得MoneySmart的獨家禮品(統稱「禮品」)。

  1. 合資格客戶須遵循以下列出的所有步驟才能被視為成功申請。

a.        於推廣期內透過推廣網站「推廣網站」)填寫並提交提定的合資格產品申請。

b.   經由MoneySmart指定連結申請指定信用卡之前,須先

i.        關閉廣告攔截功能 (AdBlock或其他類似功能)

ii.   清除瀏覽器的快取和Cookie

iii.  不要使用「無痕模式」

iv.  關閉防止跨網站追蹤的設定(Safari用家)或 關閉不追蹤功能(Chrome 用家)

v.   在按下MoneySmart指定連結後盡快完成指定信用卡申請,不要中途打開其他網頁






  • 3,000 SmartPoints

c.        填寫MoneySmart換領獎賞表格(,並確保填寫正確之(1)聯繫方式和(2)有效的申請參考編號。

i.        必須提交換領獎賞表格以作核實之用。

ii.   申請人必須提交完整及準確的換領獎賞表格,否則將失去獲得禮品資格。

iii.  申請人於換領獎賞表格填寫之姓名及電郵地址必須與申請合資格產品之姓名及電郵地址相同。

iv.  申請人只可就同一申請提交一份換領獎賞表格,在換領獎賞表格截止提交前,申請人可登入更改個人資料。換領獎賞表格截止提交後,將不再受理任何信息的更改。

v.   禮品金額和類型是根據申請人申請合資格產品及申請時的推廣為準。請確保申請人選擇的禮物是合符申請人的申請資格所獲得的禮物。MoneySmart保留最終決定權並對所有申請人具約束力。

d.   經所屬的機構成功批核是次推廣活動之指定合資格產品

I.    批核結果必須是無爭議。

ii.   合資格客戶需在2024年8月31日23: 59 (GMT+8)前提交換領獎賞表格(必須於系統內先登入MoneySmart Dashboard)。

iii.  信貸提供者的條款及細則同樣適用於是次的活動,並由信貸提供者保留最終決定權。

iv.  所有被Aeon審核為通過MoneySmart的指定鏈接進行合資格產品的客戶,將收到MoneySmart的電子郵件確認。

  1. MoneySmart 2024年7月限定信用卡推薦獎勵計劃 :

合資格推薦人申請並成功獲批指定信用卡後,每推薦一位親友經MoneySmart申請並成功獲批指定信用卡,可獲額外1000 SmartPoints (等值HK$100)。

「推薦人」須曾於2023年6月1日至2024年5月31日 或 推廣期(2024年7月1日至2024年7月31日)期間透過MoneySmart的指定鏈接成功申請信用卡,並獲批MoneySmart獨家獎賞。


信用卡名單如下:AEON CARD WAKUWAKU、DBS Black World Mastercard、DBS Eminent Visa Platinum Card、DBS Eminent Visa Signature Card、EarnMORE 銀聯鑽石卡、WeWa 銀聯鑽石卡、渣打Smart卡、渣打國泰Mastercard ®、渣打國泰Mastercard - 優先理財,及渣打國泰Mastercard - 優先私人理財。

a) 受薦人需在推薦獎賞換領表格填上推薦人已登記的電郵以作核實,否則推薦人會失去換領獎賞資格。

b) 推薦人數無上限

  1. 如果對申請結果有任何爭議,MoneySmart將保留最終的權利。


  1. 即使提交多於一份成功申請,每位合資格的客戶將只會獲贈獎賞乙份。
  2. 合資格客戶可於換領獎賞表格截止提交前,更換先前選擇的禮品。一旦換領獎賞表格截止提交後,任何對禮品選擇的改變均不予受理。
  3. 即使提交多於一份成功申請,每位合資格的客戶將只會獲贈獎賞乙份。
  4.  合資格客戶將可以在填寫 MoneySmart 換領獎賞表格時選擇禮物(如適用)(請參閱第 6b 條);其後將不再受理任何更改禮品選擇。
  5.  機構提供的迎新禮遇獲得資格:


  1. 合資格的客戶需確保填寫正確資料。 MoneySmart 將不會負責因為客戶填寫錯誤資料而導致任何禮品兌換的延誤或遺漏。當中包括:

a.        申請人提交不完整的換領獎賞表格將被取消獲獎資格。申請人提交錯誤或含欺詐信息的換領獎賞表格也將被取消獲獎資格。

b.   MoneySmart不會為因互聯網連接問題或其他原因而未收到的任何換領獎賞表格負責。

c.        在申請人收到確認電郵前,換領獎賞表格將不會被視為成功提交。MoneySmart有機會要求申請人提供此電子郵件的副本以核實他們的申請。

d.   收到換領獎賞表格確認電郵並不等同於申請人的申請獲批,也不能用以確認申請人的獲獎條件。獲獎資格由相關的機構決定並將保留最終決定權。

  1.   申請者可登入MoneySmart Dashboard查看換領資格及獎賞換領進度。如合資格申請者,將會額外收到電郵通知。如不合資格領獎,恕不另行經電郵通知。申請人可登入MoneySmart帳戶到「我的換領獎賞紀錄 」查看申請狀態。
  2.  合資格並在推廣期成功申請的用戶,會於推廣期完結後4個月內收到獎賞(因應實際供貨安排,日子有機會更改)收到獎賞。
  3. MoneySmart保留更改禮品的最終權利。如果禮品需延遲送出,MoneySmart將通知收件人並作出必要安排以發送禮品。如果MoneySmart發現該申請是透過其他渠道提交,或在推廣期限之外完成的,和/或涉嫌欺詐,違反推廣目的,或不符合推廣條款及細則,則MoneySmart保留拒絕任何兌換禮品的權利。如有爭議,MoneySmart保留最終決定權。如果我們懷疑申請人參與任何形式的非法活動或欺詐,我們將保留向警方或有關當局報告及追究權利。
  4.  如有任何關於本次優惠的查詢,請於2024年11月30日或之前聯絡MoneySmart逾期查詢恕不受理 (限期前提出查詢,正在跟進中的個案除外)。
  5. 所有合資格及成功申請指定信用卡的客戶將於推廣期後4個月內收到獎賞。時間表如下:







階段 A



階段 B






  1. 一旦您參與是次推廣,本活動條款將適用於您。MoneySmart保留隨時修改推廣條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。
  2. 申請合資格產品並參與MoneySmart是次推廣的資格是由相關的機構作審核:
  1. 申請人了解並同意,所有金融產品(包括但不限於信用卡、保險和貸款)的申請均由該機構自行決定,並保留最終決定權; MoneySmart 不保證任何合資格產品的審核狀況。
  2.  獲批的合資格產品須經MoneySmart連結申請,MoneySmart將會與該機構核實。

  1. MoneySmart對與此推廣活動有關的推廣事項保留最終決定權,並對所有申請人俱有約束力,包括確定申請人或申請是否符合這些獲獎的條件。

  1. 如果申請人被發現或合理懷疑參與任何形式的欺詐行為(包括但不限於虛假身份、篡改圖像、故意發送垃圾郵件或操控任何 MoneySmart 的流程或網站),MoneySmart 將保留取消任何申請人的資格並扣留或沒收全部或部分禮品的權利。

  1. 是次推廣不會作任何豁免,包括但不限於延長換領獎賞期限、更改條款或重發禮品等豁免要求一律不會受理。
  2. 除特別說明之情況,所有已獲批之獎賞不能兌現或更改為其他禮品。
  3. 申請者明白及接納獎賞由MoneySmart提供,信貸提供者毋須對該額外禮遇負上任何責任。如有任何爭議,將交由MoneySmart 與申請者解決。


  1. 如合資格的客戶在優惠期完結四個月後仍未收到MoneySmart發出的電郵,請電郵至
  2. 此推廣活動由 MoneySmart 提供,有關推廣活動的所有查詢請直接聯繫MoneySmart。 有關合資格產品的所有查詢,包括但不限於申請狀態和合資格產品本身,請直接聯繫相關合資格產品機構。

MoneySmart 政策和使用條款



MoneySmart July 2024 AEON Credit Cards Rewards Redemption Programme


Terms & Condition



For the purpose of this Promotion:


  1. Designated “Eligible Product(s)” include: AEON CARD WAKUWAKU


  1. The “Qualifying Period” will be from 1 July 2024 to 31 July 2024 (both dates inclusive).


  1. This promotion (“Promotion”) is conducted by MoneySmart Hong Kong Pte Ltd and is open to all Hong Kong permanent residents (“Permanent Residents”) holding a valid Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“Hong Kong”) Permanent Resident Identity Card or non-permanent residents of Hong Kong (“Non-Permanent Residents”) holding a valid Hong Kong Identity Card.


  1. All applications applied before and/or after the Qualifying Period, or submitted through any means other than MoneySmart’s designated link, will not be eligible for this Promotion. Any correspondence on missing and/or delayed submissions shall not be entertained.


  1. Each “Successful Application” will receive the MoneySmart’s Exclusive Gift (“Gift”), based on the pre-selected Gifts (Table 1) and fulfilled the conditions as specified below:

  1. Eligible Customers must follow all the steps listed below in order to have a Successful Application:

a.         Complete and submit an application for the selected credit card product on the promotion website (“Promotion Website”)

b.         Before applying for selected credit card product through the link designated by MoneySmart, you must first

                                 i.             disable the ad blocking function (AdBlock or other similar function);

                                ii.             clear your browser's cache and cookies;

                               iii.             do not use "No Trace Mode;

                              iv.             disable the setting to prevent cross-site tracking (for Safari users) or disable the “Do Not Track” feature (for Chrome users); and

                               v.             Complete the Eligible Product application as soon as possible after clicking on the MoneySmart’s link and do not open other pages in the middle of the application process.


Table 1: Eligible Product and Gift

Eligible Product Provider

Eligible Product



  • 3,000 SmartPoints


c.         Complete the MoneySmart Redemption Form ( (“Redemption Form”)  and ensure that customers submit the (1) Contact Details and (2) a valid Unique Reference Number (URN)

                                 i.     Redemption Form must be submitted.

                                ii.    Customers who do not complete the Redemption Form fully, and accurately will not be eligible for the Gift.

                               iii.  The full name and email address should be the same as the application form.

                              iv. Customers can only submit one Redemption Form for the same application. If customers need to change any information, they can login and edit the form in the system. No further changes to the details in the Redemption Form will be entertained after the Redemption Form has been closed.

                               v. The Gift’s amount and type are based on the Qualifying Period of the Eligible Product customers have applied for. Customers shall ensure they have the entitlement of the selected Gift. MoneySmart reserves the right to make changes at our absolute discretion.


d.         Have the Eligible Product application approved by AEON

                                 i.             The approval must be final and unconditional.

                                ii.             Eligible Customers have until 31 August 2024 23:59 (GMT +8) to submit their Redemption Form).

                               iii.   All clauses within the terms and conditions stated by the credit provider will hold and are binding for this campaign without doubt or dispute.

                              iv.  All customers who are determined by AEON that the Eligible Product application has been made through MoneySmart’s designated link, will receive an email confirmation from MoneySmart Hong Kong.

  1. MoneySmart July 2024 Exclusive Credit Card Referral Bonus:

Eligible Referrers who successfully apply for the designated credit card and have their applications approved will receive an additional 1,000 SmartPoints (equivalent to HK$100) for each referred friend who successfully applies for the designated credit card through MoneySmart and has their application approved.

"Referrer" must have successfully applied for any credit card via MoneySmart's designated link between 1 June, 2023 and 31 May, 2024 or during the Promotion Period (1 July to 31 July)  and entitled to the MoneySmart Exclusive Rewards

"Referee" is defined as a customer who successfully applied for any Eligible Product under this Promotion via MoneySmart’s designated link and has the application approved, and the MoneySmart Redemption Form provides the correct registered email address of the Referrer used to register the MoneySmart account

Eligible credit cards are listed below: AEON CARD WAKUWAKU, DBS Black World Mastercard, DBS Eminent Visa Platinum Card, DBS Eminent Visa Signature Card, EarnMORE UnionPay Diamond Card, WeWa UnionPay Diamond Card, Standard Chartered Smart Card, Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard, Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard - Priority Banking,  and Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard - Priority Private.

a) Referees must complete the MoneySmart Redemption Form and provide the correct registered email address of the Referrer used to register the MoneySmart account for verification purposes. Otherwise, the referrer would lose their eligibility for the referral reward.

b) There is no limit on the number of referees.

  1. In the event of any dispute on the attribution of the application source, MoneySmart reserves the final right.


  1. As long as the campaign Redemption Form is open, Eligible Customers will have the option to switch their choice of incentive. Once the Redemption Form is closed, the decision is final and any changes in the selection of rewards will strictly not be entertained.


  1. An Eligible Customer will only be entitled to receive one (1) Gift, regardless of the number of Eligible Cards you may have successfully applied for.

  1. An Eligible Customer will only be entitled to receive one Gift, regardless of the number of Eligible credit card product you may have successfully applied for.
  2. Eligible Customers will get the choice of gift (if applicable) they chose when filling up the MoneySmart Redemption Form (refer to clause 6b); after which changes in the selection of rewards will strictly not be entertained.Eligibility for the welcome offer by the Eligible Product provider:
  3. Applicants can also enjoy the welcome offer provided by AEON. For offer details, please refer to the offer terms and conditions in the AEON website. The welcome offer (if applicable) will not be fulfilled together with any existing Business-As-Usual Gifts.
  4. Eligible Customers shall be solely responsible to share the correct details with MoneySmart. MoneySmart shall not be responsible for any defaults/failure in gift redemption due to incorrect information(s) shared by customers. In this regard:
  1. Customers who submit incomplete Redemption Forms will not be eligible for any rewards. Customers who submit Redemption Forms containing invalid or fraudulent information will also be disqualified from MoneySmart rewards.

b.         MoneySmart is not responsible for any information not received due to internet connectivity issues or otherwise.

c.         Redemption Forms will not be confirmed as submitted until customers receive an email confirmation. MoneySmart may from time to time request customers to provide a copy of this email to verify their applications.

d.         Redemption Form submissions confirmation do not equate to your application approval, nor does it confirm your eligibility conditions. These are all decided by the relevant party and the relevant party ’s decision is final and binding.

  1. Customers can log in MoneySmart Dashboard to check the eligibility and fulfillment status. If customers are eligible for the Gift, customers will receive extra email notification. Please note that only eligible customers will be notified by MoneySmart via email. Customers could log into MoneySmart Dashboard to check application status.
  2. MoneySmart reserves the final right to change the Gifts given. In the case of delays in the delivery of the Gifts, MoneySmart will notify the customers via and make the necessary arrangements to deliver the Gifts.
  3. MoneySmart reserves the right to reject any Gift redemption if the application is found to be made via other channels, or completed outside of the Qualifying Period, and/or fraudulent, against the spirit of the promotion, or non-compliant with the Promotion Terms and Conditions. In the event of disputes, MoneySmart’s decision shall be final. Where we suspect a customer is participating in any form of unlawful activity or fraud, we reserve the right to report such activity or suspicions to the police or relevant authorities.
  4. For any enquiry regarding this Promotion, customers are to contact MoneySmart on or before 30 November 2024, overdue inquiry will not be addressed. (Ongoing cases which were enquired before the deadline are excluded.)
  5. An Eligible Customer whose application is approved within the Promotion Period will receive the MoneySmart Exclusive offer within 4 months after the end of Promotion. Please refer to our fulfillment timeline as below.


Fulfilment Stage:


End of Campaign


Opening Period of the Claim Form

1-Jul-2024 till 31-Aug-2024

Stage A

Awaiting Report from Card issuer

1-Aug-2024 till 30-Sep-2024

Stage B

Processing of Eligible Customers

1st week of  Oct-2024

Start of Gift Delivery by Supplier

Between 3rd week of Oct-2024 to 4th week of Nov-2024


  1. By participating in this Promotion, each participant agrees to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. MoneySmart reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of the Promotion at any time, without prior notice.
  2. Where eligibility for MoneySmart Promotion rewards are conditional on Eligible Product approval by the financial product issue:         
  1. Customers acknowledge and agree that approval on applications for all financial products (including but not limited to credit cards, insurance, and loans) are made at each Eligible Product provider’s discretion. Their decisions are final; MoneySmart does not guarantee the approval of any Credit Card and Loan products.
  2. The Eligible Product must have been applied for via MoneySmart’s designated link. MoneySmart shall consult with its product issuing part.
  1. MoneySmart’s decision on the promotion details relating to this Promotion is final and binding on all participants, including determining whether a claimant or claim is eligible under these terms.


  1. MoneySmart reserves the right to (at its own discretion) disqualify  any customer in getting any top-up incentives and withhold or confiscate in full or part, any MoneySmart rewards if the customer is found to be, or reasonably suspected of participating in any form of fraudulent practices (including but not limited to false identities, doctoring images, wilful spamming or manipulation of any MoneySmart’s processes, or website).


  1. Where rewards are pertinent to credit card products: the participant has to make an application for a principal card, in order to be eligible for rewards (i.e. supplementary card applications do not qualify for additional rewards).


  1. Requests for exceptions on voucher conditions (if applicable) (including but not limited to extending validity dates, amending conditions, or reissuing vouchers) cannot be entertained; no exceptions are possible.


  1. Unless otherwise stated, all rewards assigned for the Eligible Product approval are not strictly exchangeable for cash or other gifts / rewards.
Contact Us Information
  1. If the Eligible Customer fails to receive an email from MoneySmart after 4 months from the end of the promotion period,  kindly reach out to us at


  1. This Promotion is offered by MoneySmart and all queries about the Promotion should be directed to MoneySmart. All queries regarding the Eligible Product, including but not limited to application status and the Eligible Product themselves should be directed to relevant Eligible Product provider.


MoneySmart Policy and Terms of Use

By submitting an application via MoneySmart, Eligible Customers agree to the Terms and Conditions of this Promotion, you will also agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of

Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the English version shall prevail.