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Club Info & Norms - The Trauma Therapist Club
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Hey there, welcome to The Trauma Therapist Club – where the cool therapists hang out! We're not your average crew; we're a bunch of inclusivity enthusiasts, curiosity champions, and bold trailblazers in the therapy game. Picture us as your go-to pals for sharing fresh techniques, diving deep into professional development, and having each other's backs in the wild world of therapy. Because we are solo practitioners or independent contractors, we make our own schedule and do things our way; fluidly!

What makes us tick? It's all about that sweet trio: connectedness, community, and personal growth. This club is always ready to explore, learn, and grow together. We hope you’ll join us for this adventure – we're the coolest therapist club in town!


Our History: 

In the heart of Pittsburgh and virtually spanning the states, this club was founded by Brittany from Hautz Counseling in the fall of 2020. Starting as a dynamic virtual Book Club weathering the storm of the pandemic, we blazed through 8 books in our first year, setting the stage for a collaborative haven.

Here, everyone's a star—actively shaping our norms, choosing books, and deciding the how and when of our meetings. In 2022, we voted for a more leisurely reading pace, spicing things up with virtual meetups and even some in-person networking events. Come 2023, we cranked up the pro vibes with intimate "Q&As" featuring Trauma Specialists, diving deep into the modalities we were reading all about.

Our Year Ahead:

Drumroll, please! The votes are in, and guess what? We're officially a monthly rendezvous squad again! Get ready for the ultimate blend of literary magic, mind-expanding Q&As with Specialists, and fresh, hands-on community events—all masterfully co-hosted by the vibrant stars of our Club.

Oh yes, that’s right! Our club is growing, and Brittany is doing a happy dance because she's pumped to enlist the support of talented members. We're turning planning and organizing into a team sport because, let's be real, learning is way more fun when we're in it together. So, buckle up for a healthy dose of connection, where we learn, grow, and shine as The Trauma Therapist Club!

New for 2024:

To tighten our bonds and keep the good vibes flowing, we're diving into the world of private communication. Drumroll, please! Introducing our super-secure WhatsApp chat—your VIP pass to staying connected between our fabulous meetings.

Why the fuss? Well, this chat is like our secret garden—a place to check in, gain around peer support, swap referrals, build genuine connections, and brainstorm new ideas. Club Members also get exclusive discounts to the events with fees; the Q&As and in-person events that we curate and host! You must participate in the chat in order to be considered a “Club Member” and gain access to our private referral directory.

In addition to our free Book Club Meetings, Members also host free, members only virtual coffee chats, and share any other resources and opportunities to connect with one another between our monthly meetings in unique ways!

Our Group Norms - All Attendees Must Read before Attending a Meeting:

Active Listening and Empathy:

At our gatherings, we're all ears! We practice active listening like it's our superpower - because it is. Interruptions are so last season, and we're mindful of our time and content to keep the shared space flowing smoothly. When we express ourselves, we sprinkle in empathy like confetti. It's all about hearing new perspectives and challenging with kindness and curiosity. Plus, our language is like a rainbow—inclusive and respectful of all the diverse backgrounds and identities in our community.


Picture this: a trust-filled sanctuary. What's shared in our space stays in our space, whether it's about a therapist or a client. We're guardians of confidentiality, and when we need peer support on a case, we lean into our ethics, following those guidelines with precision and care.

Open-Mindedness and Non-Judgment:

Our atmosphere is a judgment-free zone where we hope expressing yourself is as natural as breathing. We celebrate diverse approaches to therapy like a potluck of therapeutic goodness. Challenge accepted? Sure, but it comes wrapped in kindness and curiosity.

Participation and Engagement:

Welcome to a community of connection! Sharing is our love language, and we encourage everyone to bring their unique flavor to the discussion. Responsibility is our middle name—ensuring that everyone gets their moment in the spotlight. We believe each member is a uniquely talented therapist with a one-of-a-kind perspective.

Timely and Prepared:

Virtual meetings? We're pros. Mics muted, private space secured, and internet connection roaring like a lion. We're punctual partygoers, and showing up on time is our way of saying, "I'm here you!" And if life throws a curveball, we send a quick email love note to the host at least 48 hours in advance. Because in our club, punctuality and communication are the VIP passes to every event.

Ready to Sign up for a free Book Club Meeting, and/or officially join the Trauma Therapist Club?

Click here to register!

Our Fav Local Bookstores:

Local Bookstores


The Tiny Bookstore

City Books

White Whale

Penguin Bookstore