Student Handbook
3591 Leestown Road
Lexington, KY 40511
859-422-3990, phone
859-422-9927, fax
Mission: To grow ALL students into leaders who serve and advocate for the future of agriculture.
Together, students discover their passion and unlock their potential through:
Agriculture, and
Run with the PACK: be
Courageous, and
Table of Contents
Academics 3
★ FCPS Instructional Calendar 3
★ Day Rotation Schedule 3
★ Bell Schedule 3
★ Canvas 3
★ Instructional Fees 3
★ Grading 4
★ Institutes and Programs 4
Behavior 5
★ Arrival and Dismissal 5
★ Attendance 5
★ Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment 6
★ Dress Code 6
★ Food and Drink 7
★ Hall Passes 7
★ Lost or Stolen Items 8
★ Medication 8
★ Personal Electronic Devices 8
★ Safety 8
★ School Phone Use 9
★ Visitors 9
Culture 10
★ Building and Campus Hours 10
★ Communication 10
★ Experiential Learning/Field Trips 10
★ Faculty and Staff Directory 10
★ Volunteering 10
★ Wellness 10
★ Student Organizations 11
Students will attend classes on Blue Days (Mondays, Wednesdays, and alternating Fridays) and Gold Days (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and alternating Fridays). On announced days, we will have Trace Days to explore student organization opportunities, participate in school-wide assemblies and service projects, and celebrate together.
Students eat breakfast and lunch at their sending high schools/programs.
8:45 - 9:00 a.m. | Student Arrival | Morning Session |
9:00 - 10:00 a.m. | 1st Period |
10:00 - 10:05 a.m. | Passing Time |
10:05 - 11:05 a.m. | 2nd Period |
12:25 - 12:40 p.m. | Student Arrival | Afternoon Session |
12:40 - 1:40 p.m. | 3rd Period |
1:40 - 1:45 p.m. | Passing Time |
1:45 - 2:45 p.m. | 4th Period |
- We charge a flat fee of $25; this fee covers all LTAC classes. You may pay with cash or check (made payable to Locust Trace AgriScience Center) by contacting the Attendance Specialist or by credit card through MySchoolBucks. Please note: other FFA/Jr. MANRRS events, trips, etc., may have associated fees. To have free or reduced fees, please make sure to complete fee waiver paperwork at your sending high school/program. We never want financing to create a barrier for a student, so please contact us, if your family needs support.
- 10% Employability (tracked via eOS)
- 0% Practice (class work, homework, etc.)
- 80% Performance (projects, quizzes, tests, etc.)
- 10% Final (final exams and projects at the end of each semester)
- Check course Canvas sites for missed instruction, assignments, and assessments. Contact individual teachers for information about completing make-up work. Missing assignments and/or assessments will result in zeros (0s) in the grade book until completed.
- Progress Reports available via the Infinite Campus Portal site/app every four weeks--watch your email and message center in the Infinite Campus Portal for notifications.
- Reassessment
- Students may complete reassessments on any Performance assignments or assessments until finals week begins each semester. Individual teachers will set and share deadlines for reassessments.
- 4 = A
- 3 = B
- 2 = C
- 0.1 and below = F
- Note: dual credit classes will follow the grading scale of the partner college/university.
- We encourage all students to earn Postsecondary Readiness via Career and Technical Education End-of-Program assessments, industry certifications, internships/TRACK apprenticeships, and completion of Career and Technical Education dual credit courses. You can find information on the Kentucky Department of Education website. Watch for information about eligibility throughout the school year.
All students attending LTAC must follow the FCPS Student Code of Conduct found here in multiple languages. You also can view a video here to help explain the FCPS Student Code of Conduct.
- FCPS provides school bus transportation to and from LTAC and sending high schools/programs. Go here to view bus numbers. Students also can check the digital signage in the Front Foyer for updated information.
- When students arrive, they report to the Assembly or Library Media Center until the first bell. Students may not enter the main campus building until 8:45 a.m. for the morning session and 12:25 p.m. for the afternoon session, unless accompanying a faculty or staff member or a bus arrives early. Students must exit the main campus building upon dismissal unless staying with a faculty or staff member under that faculty or staff member’s supervision.
- Family members wishing to transport their students should pull into the lower parking lot then around to the upper parking lot for students to exit onto the sidewalk and enter the main building. At dismissal, students will report to the Library Media Center to await the dismissal announcement. Family members should pull into the lower parking lot and wait or pull around to the upper parking lot into the bus loop/front circle to collect students after the buses have cleared.
- Morning session drop-off begins at 8:45 a.m., and pick-up begins at 11:05 a.m.
- Afternoon session drop-off begins at 12:25 p.m., and pick-up begins at 2:45 p.m.
- If a student needs to drive to and from LTAC, the student and the student’s parent/guardian must contact the Attendance Specialist to request a parking pass. The Attendance Specialist will work with the Assistant Principal to approve requests. Initial parking passes cost $25, payable by cash or check; replacement parking passes cost $5. At any time, an Administrator may revoke driving privileges based on observed wreckless or distracted driving, tardiness, or additional disciplinary concerns. Students may NOT carpool, unless the Attendance Specialist has received written permission from all students’ parents/guardians prior to carpooling. Students should pull into the lower parking lot to park and enter the main building. At dismissal, students will report to the Library Media Center to await the dismissal announcement. Students will then walk to their vehicles and leave campus.
- Attending school each day remains vital to success in a skills-based, hands-on Career and Technical Education program like LTAC. The best way to succeed as a wolf? Show up to the PACK every day! Students must submit absence notes to the Attendance Specialist in the Front Office at LTAC in accordance with the FCPS Student Code of Conduct. Please submit notes to both LTAC and a student’s sending high school/program to ensure absences get excused at both locations.
- Excessive absences will result in family contact and possibly disciplinary consequences, including, but not limited to, removal from LTAC or the student not returning the next school year.
- Early Dismissals and Late Arrivals
- Anyone picking up a student for early dismissal must enter the Front Office, present valid photo identification, and appear in the Infinite Campus Portal as eligible to pick-up the student.
- Any student arriving late--after 9:00 a.m. for the Morning Session and after 12:40 p.m. for the Afternoon Session--must have a written excuse (from the sending high school/program or a parent/guardian) or will receive a tardy. Excessive tardiness will result in family contact and possibly disciplinary consequences, including, but not limited to, removal from LTAC or the student not returning the next school year. Late buses from sending high schools/programs do not count toward tardies.
- If a student misses the bus to LTAC, the student should immediately report to the area designated by the sending high school/program’s Administrators. If a student misses the bus from LTAC, the student should immediately report to the Front Office. The Attendance Specialists and Administrators at LTAC and the sending high school/program will attempt to arrange transportation and will contact family members as needed. Repeated missing of the bus will result in disciplinary consequences, including, but not limited to, removal from LTAC or the student not returning the next school year.
Bullying, Discrimination, and Harassment
- All students who attend LTAC should feel welcome, included, and valued–all students belong at LTAC regardless of background or preferences.
- Students may report any bullying, discrimination, or harassment to any LTAC faculty or staff member.
- Students also may make anonymous reports via the STOP Tipline.
- clothing covering undergarments
- opaque clothing covering private areas
- safe, comfortable footwear, especially closed-toe, waterproof shoes when working outdoors
- head coverings to honor cultural and religious traditions, hats, or other headwear, as long as they do not intentionally obscure the student’s identity
- clothing conducive to a safe, positive learning environment where everyone feels included
- houseshoes
- sunglasses unless outdoors, instructed to do so for safety, or with a medical professional’s order on file with Administrators
- clothing or accessories promoting alcohol, tobacco, drugs, sexual innuendos, vulgarity, profanity, violence, gangs, or weapons
- clothing or accessories depicting language or images harassing or discriminatory to someone based on age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political affiliation, ability, or any other protected group
- Faculty and staff reserve the right to require students to wear or NOT wear specific garments, headwear, footwear, eyewear, and other accessories per industry standards and expectations for the classroom, lab, and/or workplace.
- Students may utilize school lockers and other storage spaces in classrooms and facilities to store appropriate garments, headwear, footwear, eyewear, and other accessories, changing in the student restrooms or restrooms in the Front Office upon arrival for their session.
- Administrators reserve the right to pursue disciplinary consequences for dress deemed inappropriate for school and/or in violation of this dress code and the one referenced in the FCPS Student Code of Conduct.
- Students may have and consume food and drink on campus. We encourage students to use refillable water bottles to prevent the spread of illness and promote sustainability. Faculty and staff members reserve the right to ask students to dispose of or store any food or drink during instructional time as to create a safe environment conducive to learning. If students fail to clean up after themselves, we will prohibit food and drink on campus aside from water.
- Prior to each session starting each day, we will offer food and drinks for purchase at a minimal cost in the Library Media Center (Snack Shack and Starbooks). Proceeds from these sales directly benefit students via events, materials, etc.
- Students shall ask permission from a faculty or staff member for a hall pass to go to the restroom, water fountain, or other area of the building or campus. Students will use their identification badges to sign-out via eOS on an area’s Chromebook.
- Students have five minutes between classes, so they should use the restroom, etc., during that time, as possible.
- Excessive use or requests of hall passes may result in disciplinary consequences.
- The school does NOT maintain responsibility for lost or stolen items. Students may make reports to the FCPS Law Enforcement Officer regarding perceived stolen property.
- If a student leaves something on campus or on a bus, the student should check the lost and found located in the Front Office and managed by the Attendance Specialist.
- Faculty and staff have completed the FCPS Medication Administration Training. Students needing to take medication while on campus must have a parent/guardian provide it to the nurse or Attendance Specialist for storage in the Nurse’s Station, following all guidance from the part-time Nurse. The Attendance Specialist or other faculty and staff member will administer the medication privately in the Nurse’s Station.
Personal Electronic Devices
- Unless a faculty or staff member has authorized use of a personal electronic device for instructional purposes, students should keep devices off or on silent mode and stored in personal belongings. Faculty and staff also may use storage or charging stations for devices.
- 1st Offense: faculty or staff members will remind the student of the expectation to store personal electronic devices.
- 2nd Offense: faculty or staff members shall collect the device until the end of the class period.
- 3rd Offense: faculty or staff members shall radio for an Administrator to collect the personal electronic device. The Administrator will make family contact and store the device until a parent/guardian can collect the device from campus.
- Repeated offenses will result in additional disciplinary consequences.
- Faculty and staff members may permit students to use headphones when doing so will not interfere with the student and others’ safety and ability to learn.
- Safety remains of the utmost importance for Career and Technical Education and agricultural education. Any student found violating safety rules, procedures, and precautions established by faculty and staff will face immediate disciplinary consequences and potentially immediate dismissal from the program depending upon the severity of the infraction. Upon acceptance of admittance, all students and their families completed an Acknowledgement of Risk and Release of Liability form.
- Students may use building phones to contact parents/guardians. After requesting a hall pass and receiving faculty or staff member permission, students may report to the Front Office to make private phone calls as needed.
- Scheduled visitors should report to the Front Office to sign-in via the Raptor system and receive a visitor’s badge.
- Unscheduled visitors may not enter and may not disrupt instructional time.
Building and Campus Hours
- 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
- Students, families, and community members will NOT have access to the buildings and campus on the weekends or school holidays and breaks unless indicated for a special event.
- Faculty and staff should respond to messages from students and families, including voice mails and emails, within two (2) business days.
Experiential Learning/Field Trips
- Please watch your email and the school newsletter, “Wolf Tracks,” for information about upcoming experiential learning/field trips. Trip sponsors will share information about trips and require written parent/guardian permission for students to attend. We appreciate your promptness in returning permission slips. Please note medication needs on permission slips.
- We care about the physical health of each member of the LTAC faculty, staff, and student body. Any students presenting symptoms of illness shall report to the Front Office to make home contact then remain in the Nurse’s Station until checked out from school and/or transported.
- Additionally, the Front Office has two, private restrooms available for student use (with one in the Nurse’s Station) for the health and wellness of our students.
- We care about the mental health and overall wellbeing of each member of the LTAC faculty, staff, and student body. Students or families concerned about their wellbeing should contact the Counselor. We have many school and community resources to help; please never hesitate to reach out to a trusted adult.
- All students belong to FFA, and all Agriculture Instructors serve as FFA Advisors.
- In accordance with the three-circle model of agricultural education (See the below image.), students must participate in classroom/lab activities and our FFA Chapter and launch and continue a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) to reap the full benefits of attending LTAC.
- Students will use AET to log activities related to SAEs and FFA.
- Students also will serve our FFA Chapter and school by participating in Committees, including the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Committee (Jr. MANRRS). All students belong to our junior chapter of Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS). All Agriculture Instructors serve as Jr. MANRRS advisors, and we promote equitable access to students for participation in school activities.
- We encourage student involvement in additional organizations, like our Pablo Picasso Chapter of the Hispanic Honors Society, Junior Conservation Board, and Book Club.
- Family members may support FFA by joining the Fayette County FFA Alumni.
- Watch email/Infinite Campus portal messages; school announcements; the school website; social media accounts; and the school newsletter, “Wolf Tracks,” for information about events, fundraisers, contests, and leadership opportunities for students.