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Zelios Kenobi climbs up the mountain. He gets to the top seeing the remains of a broken temple. In the middle he sees a mask.

Zelios: This is the place.

The Mask: Ahhh Zelios Kenobi.

Zelios ignites both of his green and blue lightsabers.

Zelios: Who are you? Where are you? How do you know me?

The Mask: I’ve known you for a long time Zelios, Since the day you were born.

Zelios: But why?

He continues to look around.

The Mask: From the time of your birth I have been planting visions, memories inside your head. You have been groomed for this position for all your life. To free me from this cage and help bring order to the universe.

Zelios notices the mask which now has bright glowing purple eyes.

Zelios: No, I’ve come here to defeat you. To end this once and for all.

The Mask: That is not up to you.

Zelios prepares to strike down the mask when suddenly a purple wave of energy emits from the mask hitting Zelios causing him to crumble to the ground. He lays motionless for several moments until standing up.

The Mask: Can you hear me, my apprentice?

Zelios: Yes master.

Star wars Guardians of the force

Separate ways

Just then there is a large noise coming from above. Zelios and Finn run into the cockpit of the ship where Rey and Jacen sit in the seats. They look out the window staring in awe as the Millennium Falcon flies overhead sporting its blue and white paint job from their mission on Mustafar.

Rey: I can’t believe it.

Jacen: That chancellor guy did it.

Rey: Poe?

Jacen: Yeah, him.

Rey rolls her eyes. Zelios laughs. The Falcon begins to descend swiftly until smoothly landing on the rocky surface. The crew walks up to the Falcon nervously when the ramp suddenly lowers.

Aayla: I got a bad feeling about this.

Steam emits from the ramp concealing the person walking out.

Ben: I don’t remember my father adding those.

Rey: Artoo probably made some adjustments.

The steam clears away revealing Poe Dameron, Zori Bliss, and BB-8.

Poe: You guys miss us?

BB-8: Whirrr trill dee dee.

Rey smiles.

Rey: Not at all.

Rey hugs Poe, laughing as they do. The scene shifts aboard the Millennium Falcon as Rey, Finn, and BB-8 sit around a dejarik table playing holochess.

 Rey: Your move.

Finn presses a button on the side of the table. A small figure moves across the board taking out another figure. Finn smiles.

Finn: What!

Rey moves a figure across the board which takes out one of Finns figures who sits at the end of the board.

Finn: You can't do that?

Rey: I just did.

BB-8: Trill dee dee.

Finn: Oh really?

BB-8: Doo Doo wirr.

Finn: Lets see about that.

Finn gets out from the couch and picks up BB-8 who squirms and rolls around in his arms. Finn begins to carry him to the table.

BB-8: Boo bee.

BB-8 shocks Finn with his small arm.

Finn: Oww!

Finn lets go of BB-8 as he drops onto the couch right before the Dejarik table.

BB-8: Trill dee dee.

Rey swipes her hand across the board making it reset. Moments later the figures reappear all in their original places.

Rey: Your move.

BB-8: Doo doo wirr.

On the other side of the ship Poe and Zori sit inside the Millennium Falcon’s kitchen. Poe opens a pantry and takes out several different containers.

Poe: You know this kitchen was originally a wedding gift from Han.

Zori: Really?

Poe: Leia used to cook all the time, I don’t know how she had so much time. She used to make these things called Bantha blasts; they were amazing. I only hope I can get the recipe right.

Poe stares at a holopad displaying rows of information. He opens several containers and puts their contents into a large bowl. A mixture of different colored powders spray throughout the bowl. He adds water to the mixture and then puts it into a small oven.

Poe: She taught me everything I know. Cooking, fighting, even flying. I wouldn't be here today without her.

Zori: I didn't know you two were close.

Poe looks in a nearby room at Ben and Aayla staring at a holopad.

Poe: When Ben joined the First Order, Leia took me under her wing, she treated me almost as her son.

Poe watches the oven slowly bake the mixture. He takes the mixture out of the oven which has hardened into a blue ball of dough. He removes it from the bowl and is ready to cut it with a knife.

Ben: Need some help?

Using the force he lifts the ball into the air. The knife floats from Poe’s hand and cuts the dough into many smaller sized chunks which then drop onto a cutting board.

Poe: Thank you.

Ben: Don’t mention it.

Ben takes one off from the board plucking it into his mouth. He chews on it for a bit when suddenly his eyes light up.

Ben: I-it’s amazing. It reminds me of the way my mom used to make them.

Poe smiles at Zori.

Zori: Poe Dameron, Chancellor of the galaxy, ace pilot, and a cook. I gotta see for myself.

Zori takes off her helmet revealing a middle aged woman with brown hair and brown eyes. She plucks one into her mouth.

Zori: Mother Fondor that is good.

Poe laughs.

The scene switches to inside the cockpit of the Falcon. Jacen and Zelios sit in the chairs as DZ-23 sits in the middle. Jacen rests his feet up against the dashboard eating Bantha blasts.

Jacen: So how you been holding up?

Zelios: Alright, I can’t wait to get back home. Has anything changed?

Jacen: Not much. That Poe Dameron guy is the new Chancellor or something.

Zelios laughs.

Jacen: Zel, what do you remember when you were under control of the mask.

Zelios: Not much, when he first spoke to me through my mind my memory started to get a little hazy and once he fully took over, well… I don’t remember anything.

Zelios: How long have I been gone anyway?

Jacen: Five years.

Zelios: Wow. I got a lot of catching up to do.

DZ-23: Whirr trill dee dee.

Zelios: You can fill me in Dee Zee.

The two look out into the star filled void at the numerous asteroids covered in life and vegetation.

Zelios: I don’t understand it.

Jacen: What do you mean?

Zelios: You destroyed the mask right? But somehow he is still out there.

Jacen: How do you know?

Zelios: Ever since I’ve been having visions of the mask, He calls himself the Beyond.

Jacen: What did he say?

Zelios: He- He said that he wanted the mask to be destroyed.

Jacen: Does this mean that he could still be out there?

Zelios: I don’t know Jace. He could be anywhere at this moment. Hell, he could be on this ship.

Jacen: Do you think that he was trying to get to our galaxy?

Zelios: I don’t know. But we should still be alert. We have to find him before he causes any chaos to our galaxy.

The scene shifts to the entire crew sitting around the dejarik table speaking to each other. BB-8 quickly rolls in beeping excitedly.

BB-8: Arrrr dee dee.

Poe: Already?

Poe stands up and runs into the cockpit of the Falcon. Through the viewport he sees Starlight station in all of its glory. Rey follows behind Poe and walks into the cockpit.

Rey: Were home.

Poe: This is Poe Dameron of the Galactic Alliance requesting permission to land. Access code 4338.

Alliance Officer Adam (over coms): Welcome Chancellor we’ve been expecting you. You may land in docking bay 2187.

Poe: Thank you.

BB-8: Trill boo bee.

Poe: It’s about time.

The Millennium Falcon lands inside Starlight station. As the crew gets out of the ship they are greeted by multiple Officers and R2-D2. An Officer steps forward bearing a dark green jacket.

Kax Xiono: Hello Chancellor.

Poe Dameron: Hello Kaz. How’s this place been while I've been gone?

Kaz Xiono: We took down another spice operation in the midrim but that’s about it. Other than that we have been testing some new starfighter variants.

Poe Dameron: That’s good to hear.

Rey walks up to R2-D2. She brushes her hand over his metallic dome like head.

Rey: Hey Artoo.

R2-D2: Whirr blee blee.

Rey: Oh I bet. Have you talked to Threepio lately?

R2-D2: Woooo.

Rey: That’s good. How’s Anna doing?

R2-D2: Whirr cheep cheep.

Rey: Don’t worry Artoo. Maybe we’ll come back for life. You’ll get to see Anna, Threepio, and maybe Chewie too!

R2-D2 rolls around excitedly. Poe watches them bond from afar.

Poe: Kaz, I need you to order a meeting in an hour. Can you do that?

Kaz Xiono: Right away Chancellor.

The Scene shifts to our team of heroes walking into a large chamber similar to the senate building on Coruscant. They scan the room looking at the endless number of senators each in their own pods. In the center is Poe alongside Zori Bliss and BB-8.

Poe: As you may know, I was on a short leave of absence.

The chatter amongst the different senators begins to quiet before coming to a stop. Poe points to Zelios and the others who all sit in one pod.

Poe: My friend Zelios over there unknowingly stumbled upon a new sort of galaxy, unlike anything we have seen before.

A storm of noise begins to erupt as many senators yell in disbelief.

Poe: I know I know. New technology, new discoveries, a new future. But there are also people like me and you who live in that galaxy as well.

More noise erupts between the senators.

Poe: A long time ago a force user, unlike any jedi or sith, caused a shattered veil of the force creating a wound of some sort called the anti force. This cataclysm caused the creation of something we like to call the unknown regions. Sadly all life was destroyed in their galaxy as a result and was replaced by new forms of life which have a strong connection to the antiforce.

Tuok We: And what do we know of this anti force?

Poe: Actu-

Zelios: The antiforce feeds off of our force like a parasite. Beings in that galaxy may only survive and thrive in places where pockets of force energy still live. If these beings have nothing to feed off of… Then they will slowly die.

A Twi'lek Senator speaks up.

Char’an: So what!

A frail old woman stands from her pod.

Mina Amidala: So we help them.

All of the senators turn to her as she commands a great amount of attention and respect throughout the chamber.

Mina Amidala: We do not know what we are up against but if you are right there are people there who could use our help.

The senators begin to speak to one another whispering as they do.

Mina Amidala: I have lived for a long time. Seen the rise and fall of many different factions… The Republic, the Empire, the New Republic, the First Order, and know the Galactic Alliance. Throughout all those years I've seen small rebellions try to take on these big galactic powers with the thought that they were the only star left in the galaxy, that no one else would come to help. We need to come together just as we finally did at the Battle of Coruscant. We don’t know what we are getting into by helping these new people but it is worth taking a chance. It’s what Leia would have wanted… It’s what Padme would have wanted.

The crowd cheers and claps at Mina’s speech. She sits back down humbly. The scene shifts to a hallway just outside the hangar. Rey and Ben are walking past several people when they bump into Mina Amidala.

Rey: You know Poe said that they may start their relief miss- Oh I’m sorry senator!

Mina Amidala: Oh dear, it’s alright I should have watched where I am going.

Ben steps forward.

Ben: You gave an inspiring speech today senator. You hold so much power in the chamber.

Mina Amidala: Thank you. Just following in my aunt Padme’s footsteps I thought that-

Ben: Padme, You mean Padme Amidala?

Mina Amidala: Why yes of course. Have you heard of her?

Ben: She was our grandmother.

Mina gasps in shock. She smiles embracing Ben in a large hug. Ben squirmed helplessly.

Mina Amidala: Awe. You must be Leia’s son. I've heard so much about you.

Mina Amidala: And Jaina Solo, I could recognize those eyes from across the galaxy. I thought we had lost you!

Mina embraces Rey in a hug. Rey smiles. She releases her from the hug.

Mina: I am so sorry kids but I have to get back to another meeting, Maybe one day we can sit down and talk. I can tell you of all the crazy adventures I went on with your mother Leia.

Rey laughs.

Rey: I can’t wait.

Jacen and Zelios are in a hotel-like room hastily packing their backpacks. Zelios now has a nice dark brown and black set of robes. Finn walks into the room surprised at what is going on.

Finn: What are you guys doing?

Zelios hesitates.

Zelios: We are going to find the mask.

Finn: What! I thought we destroyed him?

Zelios: I’ve been having visions recently, visions of the mask. I’m not sure but I think he is still out there.

Finn: Well we can help you. I’ll go tell the others right now.

Jacen: Finn, Zelios is finally back and we just need to figure things out on our own. We have been through a lot lately.

Finn: I understand.

Jacen: When we can figure everything out we’ll come back. But until then.

Jacen forces a smile concealing his deep sadness.

Finn: Hey, may the force be with you.

Zelios smiles.

Zelios: Always.

The two walk out of the room leaving Finn alone. Jacen suddenly walks back in.

Jacen: Hey Finn.

Finn: Yeah?

Jacen: You may need this.

Jacen reaches down his bag and takes out Luke Skywalker's green lightsaber.

Finn: Jacen… I don't know what to say.

Jacen: Don’t mention it.

Finn looks at the lightsaber letting its immense power flow through him.

Jacen: Tell the others we said bye.

Finn embraces Jacen in a hug.

Finn: I will.

The scene switches to Rey, Finn, Ben, and Aayla looking out from a window into the barren space. They watch as an Alliance shuttle flies past and jumps into hyperspace.

Aayla: I love you.

Aayla kisses Ben on the cheek.

Ben: I love you too.

Finn looks down at Luke's lightsaber in his hands. From his pocket he takes out the remaining shards of his old lightsaber and smiles.

End of season 4

A mountain overlooks the Ebon Hawk as our team of heroes slowly make their way to the old ship. Suddenly a figure begins to materialize, a man with the body of space itself. The body begins the flicker and static as if it is struggling to keep its form.

The Beyond: For thousands of years I've been trapped in that mask until now.

He looks to the broken shards of the mask.

The Beyond: Yet I am too weak to hold this form for long.

A smile creeps upon his void like face.

The Beyond: I shall travel to the new galaxy. There I will achieve immortality, a power beyond measure.

The Beyond begins to laugh cackling so loud that it begins to echo throughout the planet. He stops laughing only for him to flicker once more before vanishing away into oblivion. Yet his voice still remains.

The Beyond: Finally. I have returned.


Written by: 

Marco Brnardic (the_senate.squad)

David King (fascinating_films)

Edited by:

Ellis Pickering (ellis___pickering04)

Creative Consultants:

Richard Ched (Kavon52398)

A Sith Squad creation