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“Reload” Transition Phase (3 weeks)
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“Reload” Transition Phase (3 weeks)

Week 1

Monday (7/25/22)

Strength Focus: Pull

A1) Chest Supported Row 4x8 w/2sec. Pause

A2) Suitcase Carry 4x30m



9 Deadlifts (275/195)

12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Tuesday (7/26/22)

Aerobic Capacity - Nasal Priority

6 Rounds - Assault Bike

2:00 - ON

1:00 - Rest  

*Intention: Nasal Breathing - Pushing the consistency & intensity on each 2:00 interval*

-Warm up with breath work - Coaches choice


Strength & Power

A1) Bulgarian Split Squat 3x6 w/1sec. Pause (Primer. BW or light weight)

A2) Back Squat 4x8

B1) Chin Over Bar Iso Hold 3x:15-:20 (Supinated grip)

B2) Hollow Body Hold 3x:20


Olympic Weightlifting Focused

4 on the 2:30*

3 Hang Power Clean Below Knee

3 Front Squat

3 Split Jerk

*MECHANICS - CONSISTENCY - INTENSITY - Build each set with this in mind.

B1) DB Curls 3x12 (Use a light weight and focus on the squeeze at the top)

B2) Single Arm Band Tricep Pull Downs 3x20


Gymnastics Focused (Practice RELATIVE INTENSITY)


300m Run

15 Handstand Push Ups

10 Pull Ups

Week 2

Monday (7/25/22)

Strength Focus: Pull

4 Sets (ascend from last week)

A1) Chest Supported Row 4x6 w/2sec. Pause

A2) Mixed Rack Suitcase Carry (1 in front rack, 1 suitcase) 4x30m (


For time (10 Min Cap)


Alternating Single Arm DB Snatch (HEAVY - 65/45 type of feels)


Wall Balls (20/14)

Tuesday (7/26/22)

Aerobic Capacity - Nasal Priority

Partner Workout - For Max Calories

6 Rounds - Ski/Row

90sec Ski or Row for Cals

90sec Row or Ski for Cals

90sec Rest

x6 Sets (27 total minutes here)

Rd. 1/2 - G3 (Nasal in, Nasal out)

Rd. ¾ - G4 (Nasal in, Mouth out)

Rd. ⅚ - G5 (Mouth in, Mouth out)

3 Minute running clock: Partner 1 hits 90sec on the Ski while Partner 2 hits 90sec on the Row then switch

*Intention: Nasal Breathing - Pushing the consistency & intensity on each 3:00 interval*

-Warm up with breath work - Coaches choice


Strength & Power

4 Sets (ascend from last week)

A1) Bulgarian Split Squat 4x8 @30X1 Pause (Primer. BW or light weight)

A2) Back Squat 4x6

4 Sets

B1) Feet Elevated Body Row x 6-8 reps @ 3111 (

B2) 10sec Hollow Hold, 5-8 Hollow Rocks, 10sec Hollow Hold


Olympic Weightlifting Focused

Every 2:30 x 6 sets (15 Mins)

1 Clean Pull + 2 Low Hang Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk

(Loads should be similar or slightly higher than last week’s complex)

*MECHANICS - CONSISTENCY - INTENSITY - Build each set with this in mind

B1) DB Zottman Curls 3x10 (

B2) Incline Bench Close Grip DB Bench Press (tricep focused) 3x15 (


Gymnastics Focused (Practice)

AMRAP 25 Minutes

4 Wall Walks

300m/250m Row

12 Toes to Bar or Toes to Rings or V Ups

300m/250m Ski

48 Double Unders or 30 Parallette Lateral Hurdle Hops

Week 3

Monday (8/8/22)

Strength Focus: Pull

5 Sets:

6 KB/DB Renegade Rows (each side) (from plank)

12 KB/DB Passthroughs (unbroken) (from plank)


For time (8-Min Cap)


DB/KB Thrusters

Burpees to 6” target

Tuesday (7/26/22)

Aerobic Capacity - Nasal Priority

For time:

Row 1,000m

20 D-Ball Ground-to-over-Shoulder (100/70)

Row 1,000m

20 D-Ball Ground-to-over-Shoulder

Row 1,000m

(30-min cap)

*Intention: Nasal Breathing - Pushing the consistency & intensity throughout*

-Warm up with breath work - Coaches choice


Strength & Power

4 Sets (ascend from Week 2)

A1) Bulgarian Split Squat 4x10 3-sec descent + pause at bottom (Primer. BW or light weight)

A2) Back Squat 4x4 (4+ on last set) (build from Week 2)

4 Sets

B1) 8 Z-Press

B2) 8 Hanging Straight Leg Raise

B3) :30 L-Sit


Olympic Weightlifting Focused

Every 2:30 x 6 sets (15 Mins)

1 Power Clean + 1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk

(Loads should be higher than last week’s complex)

*MECHANICS - CONSISTENCY - INTENSITY - Build each set with this in mind

3 Sets

B1) 12 DB Hammer Curls

B2) 20-30 Banded Triceps Pressdowns


Gymnastics Focused (Practice)


Odd: 1 Strict Pull-up + 1 Kipping Pull-up + 1 Chest-to-bar + 1 Toes-to-Bar + 1 Bar Muscle-up

Even: 40 seconds Skipping Rope (not jumping, not double unders, use it as running skill practice)