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Alliance Synagogue SICA Policies
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

SICA Policies

Published Nov 19, 2020, Revised Nov 2022

This document is published online.

Policies can be voted and updated by the Trustees as needed.

Table of Contents

Synagogue Congregational Procedure and Policy

Halakah in Alliance Synagogue

Kashrut in Alliance Synagogue


Shabbat and Yom Tov



Public events

Private events


Shul Access

SICA Trustee Procedure




Purchases and Expenses

Table of Variables in SICA Bylaws which refer to SICA Policy, subject to annual review

Synagogue Congregational Procedure and Policy

Halakah in Alliance Synagogue

Trustees will enforce and attendees will do their best to uphold halakhah and traditional observance in Alliance Synagogue.

Kashrut in Alliance Synagogue


Shabbat and Yom Tov


Alliance Synagogue is an inclusive and open congregation. Based on Jewish law and tradition, certain ritual honors are reserved for individuals who are Jewish. These include:

Alliance Synagogue is committed to finding roles which honor every person who wants to participate.


All events held in the synagogue will reflect the core values of the congregation: Judaism, Zionism and Israel, particularly as connected with agriculture. All events should be respectful of the decorum appropriate for a house of worship.

Alliance Community Reboot (ACRe) works to host services and events in partnership with the shul. These events will be considered Alliance Synagogue events for insurance and all other purposes.

Public events

Private events


No animals are allowed in the sanctuary, except for certified service dogs.

Shul Access

Alliance Synagogue Trustees receive keys, alarm and mechanical lock codes to access the shul building. Keys should not be lent out or duplicated without board approval. Alarm codes are personalized for individual use and should not be shared. Mechanical lock codes should not be disclosed to anyone without collective discretion.

The Trustees, at their collective discretion, may provide unsupervised access and may set up new alarm panel user accounts for trustworthy community members.

Community members who invite guests or groups to join them for events must request permission and complete a Waiver of Liability form at least one week before the planned gathering. Some events may warrant Event Insurance, to be determined by the Trustees.

SICA Trustee Procedure


Respecting the privacy of its donors, participants, volunteers and trustees is a basic value of Shawrith Israel Congregation of Alliance. Personal and financial information, particularly information about donations or payments to SICA or Alliance Synagogue, is confidential and should not be disclosed or discussed with anyone without express permission or authorization from the Board. Trustees shall use confidential information solely for the purpose of performing services as a board member for SICA. This policy is not intended to prevent disclosure where disclosure is required by law.

Board members and employees must exercise good judgment and care at all times to avoid unauthorized or improper disclosures of confidential information. At the end of a board member’s term in office, he or she shall return, at the request of SICA, all documents, papers, and other materials, regardless of medium, that may contain or be derived from confidential information in his or her possession.



Purchases and Expenses

Table of Variables in SICA Bylaws which refer to SICA Policy, subject to annual review




Date of Enactment

5 - Congregation Membership

3. Membership fee

No Fee

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

1. Notice for annual meeting, minimum number of days prior to meeting

10 days

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

2. Number of members required to call special meeting

10 members

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

3. Notice required before special meeting

Not less than 10, nor more than 30 days prior

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

4. Quorum for transaction of business

10 members

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

4. Rescheduling an adjourned congregational meeting timeframe

No less than 14, no more than 30 days from the date thereof

November 29, 2019

6 - Congregational Meetings

4. Notice of rescheduled adjourned meeting timeframe

10 days notice

November 29, 2019

Drafted and edited by Malya Levin and William Levin

2023-10-14 Added this document is published and available online following this link. William Levin

2022-11-02revised by Malya Levin and William Levin, updated to reflect SICA Trustee notes from Summer 2022 SICA Trustee Meeting as well as changes to bylaws enacted summer 2022. Most significant is the addition of a table of timeframes, numbers of members and prices for congregation related bylaws which now defer to policy.

2022-08-09 edited by William Levin to revise language about keys, alarm and mechanical lock codes to reflect conditions of the new alarm system and liability waiver.